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The Application of Phonics to English Vocabulary Teaching

in Primary Schools

Abstract:Phonics is an English teaching method that combines the pronunciation, spelling and reading together, which builds the corresponding relationship between letter and morphology. This kind of teaching method is good for helping students to construct the relationship between morphology and spelling. In addition, it is also beneficial for students to memorize the pronunciation, spelling and the meaning of words naturally at the same time. The Phonics, which is fit for the characteristics of children’s cognition and simplifies the miscellaneous spelling rules. Meanwhile, the Phonics, can enhance student’s to remember words correctly and quickly, and also improve the achievement of their English learning. In this study, the author takes the students in Heng Kou School as experimental subject and they are in grade 4. The experiment consists of three parts: pre-test,the practice of Phonics teaching, post-test. The analysis in the pro-testshowed that the experimental group had significantly improved student achievement in English. Therefore, it isconcluded Phonics teaching is effective for primary school.

Key Words: Phonics; vocabulary teaching; English teaching in primary school


摘要: 自然拼读法是通过建立字母组合与词形之间的对应关系,是一种将发音、拼写及阅读相互结合的英语教学法。这种学习方法有助于帮助学生建立字形与发音之间的联系,自然的将单词的发音、拼写以及词义同时记住。它符合儿童认知特点的方式,简化了繁琐难记的拼读规则,能较快的提高学生识记单词的准确性以及拼写单词的速度,逐步增强他们英语学习的成就感。在本研究中,作者以恒口小学四年级为实验对象。实验过程包括三部分:前测,自然拼读法教学实践,后测。通过对前后侧的分析得知,实验组的学生英语成绩有了明显提高。因此,本次研究得出如下结论:自然拼读法对小学英语教学是有效的。


1. Introduction

The spelling and memorizing of vocabulary are the basic steps of English learning, which have direct influence on further English study in the future. Therefore, the spelling and memorizing of vocabulary are always regarded as the significant steps of primary-school English teaching. Till now, in most of the primary school English teaching, teachers still adopt the traditional methods to teach vocabulary. That is, firstly lead students to read the pronunciation of vocabulary once, and then students read after teachers in union for several times, and lastly memorize words through rote learning and copy mechanically after class. Under the influence of the traditional vocabulary teaching methods, it is difficult for students to memorize words and it’s easy to forget them. The reason is that, for the traditional vocabulary teaching methods, the pronunciations and forms of words are separated, leading to students knowing how to write down the words but not being able to pronounce them. As time passes by, students lack interest in actively learning English and finally fall behind others. We should pay attention to this phenomenon.

Vocabulary is one of the important parts of language. As Wilknins said, “if there’s no grammar, most things cannot be explained; if there’s no vocabulary, nothing can be explained.” For the English learners, to master the vocabulary of English is an important aspect of improving English. Primary school study is the initial period of English learning, which mainly trains students’ learning and speaking ability. Most students are interested in this learning, singing and dancing in the class. However, when it comes to the vocabulary becoming their learning tasks, they start to be afraid of learning English because for them memorizing words is quite boring. It is of great importance how to stimulate students’ interest in learning vocabulary and build up the confidence in learning English by teaching and learning English wit wisdom, combing imitation with learning words, combing learning Chinese with learning English, and combing speaking; listening with reading and writing, and this is the aims of this paper.

2. Background Information of Phonics

2.1 Concepts of Phonics

The Phonics approach dates to 1700’s. Back then, children were taught to read through their memorization of twenty-six-letter alphabet. Since many books hadn’t been written, their primary textbook was the Bible.

Phonics Teaching Method refers to the method when coming across a word, we can pronounce the word according to the pronunciation rules of English letters in words. Namely, it is to learn gradually through “letter pronunciation, letter groups’ pronunciation, words, basic sentences and then phrases”, which makes students master phonics teaching method. The aim is to train students’ correct sense of English and help them make good foundation for English learning. In the kindergartens of countries with English as the native language, children begin to receive phonics teaching method from three years old.

2.2 Studies Abroad and at Home.

2.2.1 Related Study of Phonics Abroad

Abroad: in America, the phonics teaching has been adopted for hundreds years, which is the compulsive courses that local children in America and Canada take. The proper phonics teaching method is regarded as the most effective and direct method for teaching mother tongue. Moreover, phonics teaching method is students’ compulsive course in foreign countries.

Blevins stated in “What is phonics” that the phonics teaching method includes the relationship of pronunciation and form, which teaches students the most general pronunciation-form relation, making students be able to read and spell words. The ability of read words is the key to successful reading.

In “Phonics handbook”, Lloyd suggested to divide English letters into seven groups, the advantage of which is that once learning the letters in the first group,

students can practice reading and spelling words. This is beneficial to distinguish letters with confusing pronunciations. (Lloyd 18).

Searfoss and Readence pointed out that the phonics teaching, context clues and structural analysis are three essential techniques of reading.

Stainthorp and Hughes presented the theory that Reading=Decoding times Comprehension, of which decoding is to transfer the written vocabulary to meaningful oral vocabulary. This is the technique application of phonics.

Adams held hierarchical view of the reading process. In order to understand the significance of articles, we must firstly understand the meaning of sentences; in order to understand meaning of sentences, we must analyze the components of sentences; in order to analyze the components of sentences, we must identify written vocabulary; in order to identify written vocabulary, we must handle letters forming the words. Therefore, phonics teaching method is the basic method of reading. (Adams 30).

Teaching method is the only successful technique to help students overcome reading difficulties.

2.2.2 Related Study of Phonics at Home

Scholars at home begin to try to bring in phonics teaching method and they have made related experimental research. For instance, Gaomin held the view that phonics teaching method unifies the pronunciations and spelling of English words, which can effectively improve the efficiency of students’ learning and memorizing words. In addition, she thought that phonics teaching has advantages as follows: effectively making use of positive transfer effect of pinyin; avoiding disturbance bought by learning international phonetic system; and promoting students development of language skills.

Wang Lu made study from the respective of children’s cognitive characteristics and psychological need of children in the learning process. She thought that phonics teaching mostly meets psychological needs of children, and mobilizes the intrinsic motivation of study subjects. In addition, phonics teaching fits in with children’s



