【期刊名称】《微计算机信息》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)017
【摘要】“Mechanical Drawing” is one of the very practical mechanical engineering foundation course, it is mainly students of spatial imagination, drawing ability and interpret blueprints. Traditional teaching method is time consuming, laborious, and graphics to show the process is static and can’t be visualized, so that students feel esoteric, thus resulting in fear of hardship, loss of interest in learning. A brief description of how to use modern teaching methods to effectively improve teaching effectiveness“Mechanical Drawing”course to improve students' spatial thinking skills, so that they can master drawing skills.%《机械制图》是机械专业中实践性很强的基础课程之一,它主要是培养学生的空间想象能力、绘图和读图能力。传统的教学方法费时、费力,展现的过程和图形都是静态的,无法将其直观化,让学生感到深奥难懂,以致产生畏难情绪,失去学习的兴趣。简要叙述如何运用现代化教学手段切实提高《机械制图》课程的教学效果,提高学生的空间思维能力,让他们能够熟练掌握绘图技巧。
【关键词】机械制图;多媒体技术;学习兴趣;教学效果 【作者】郭秀艳