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人教英语必修三抢分教程能力提升:nit 5 Canada-“The Tre North”ection 2 含答案

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Unit 5 Canada-“The True North”

Section Ⅱ Learning about Language & Using Language



1.He said that the journey would take________(大约) seven hours. 2.Turning left, you’ll see a________(宽广的) river. 3.Can you________(证实) what has happened?

4.The beach is within walking________(距离) of my house. 5.They will go to a________(市中心的) store to buy something.

6.Her words________(给……留下深刻印象) themselves on my memory. 7.They were________(满意的) at what their son had done. 8.The company has a long________(传统) of fine service. 9.They live in a________(富有的) village in Chicago. 10.The article covered different kinds of____________(主题).

答案 1.approximately 2.broad 3.confirm 4.distance 5.downtown 6.impressed 7.pleased 8.tradition 9.wealthy 10.topics


rather than; settle down; catch sight of; be surrounded by; go through; have a gift for; be bordered on; compare...with; manage to; take measures to

1.We should help him____________he should help us. 2.We must________________reduce crime in the area. 3.I must____________and do my homework. 4.The country has______________too many wars.

5.The little girl________________music and promises to be a musician. 6.If you__________her work________his, you’ll find hers is much better. 7.The house____________________high walls.

8.Our garden____________________one side by a stream.

9.Though we left home very late, we____________catch the last bus.

10.Finally he________________the young man’s light overcoat in the distance. 答案 1.rather than 2.take measures to 3.settle down 4.gone through 5.has a gift for 6.compare;with 7.is surrounded by 8.is bordered on 9.managed to 10.caught sight of


1.The children________________(被吓坏) the terrifying stories. 2.We saw lights________________(在远处).

3.In recent decades, China is________________(变成最富有之一) countries in the world.

4.I________________(印象深刻) her performance.

5.________________(是传统) women shouldn’t eat with important guests here. 答案 1.were terrified by 2.in the distance 3.becoming one of the most wealthy 4.was impressed by/with 5.It is a tradition that


假定你是李华,寒假你去了加拿大第三大城市温哥华(Vancouver)旅行。请以“A Trip to Vancouver”为题,写一篇游记,内容包括以下几点:



3.公园众多,其中,中山公园给你的印象最深,它是为了纪念孙中山先生而建的; 4.温哥华之行令你回味无穷,你希望以后再次去那里旅游。 注意:1.词数80个左右;

2.文章开头已给出,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 核心要点提示:

①surrounded by many high mountains and next to the Pacific Ocean ②is very suitable for people to live in ③it was built in memory of Sun Zhongshan

A Trip to Vancouver

Canada has many beautiful and large cities, such as Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, among which Vancouver ranks the third and impresses me greatly with its natural beauty.

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 答案

A Trip to Vancouver

Canada has many beautiful and large cities, such as Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, among which Vancouver ranks the third and impresses me greatly with its natural beauty.

Vancouver is a young city with a history just over 100 years, surrounded by many high mountains and next to the Pacific Ocean.

The city has a very pleasant climate and is very suitable for people to live in.What’s more, it is considered as one of the most beautiful cities in the world.During my trip, I visited many parks, among which Zhongshan Park impressed me most, for it was built in memory

of Sun Zhongshan.

I’ll always remember the beauty of Vancouver.I hope that I can go there again one day.

[限时训练] [限时30分钟]


When I was a college student,I did a lot of traveling abroad.That was because a professor__1__me to do so.She said,“Now is the time for you to travel around the world, __2__your knowledge through actual experiences and have fun!”I__3__her. Since I started to work for a__4__company, however, I have done most of my traveling through the Internet.By using the Internet, I have seen the__5__of many cities on my computer screen.And I have really made business__6__, too.With the help of the Internet, I have also got__7__about food in different countries. Therefore, I was beginning to feel that actual trips were__8__necessary when I happened to read a famous chef’s(厨师) comment on the Internet.He said,“It is very difficult to have real Italian food in a foreign country, because we enjoy food and the__9__around us at the same time.So why don’t you fly over to Italy and enjoy real Italian__10__?” Those words reminded me of my__11__advice.As information technology__12__, you might be able to do without making some real trips.But this also means that you will miss the various__13__you can get from traveling. Today there are people who__14__direct communication with others and spend much of their time on the Internet.It is not surprising to see a group of people__15__not with each other but into their micro-phones.It seems as if such people are__16__by an invisible wall.They seem to be losing out on a good chance to__17__and talk with other people.I do not think that they are taking good advantage of information technology.We should use information technology as a tool to make our daily__18__more fruitful.However, we should never let it__19__our time for face-to-face communication.Let’s make use of information technology more__20__, and have great fun in experiencing the actual world.

[语篇解读] 作者的经历告诉大家:让我们更加明智地利用信息科技,在体验现实世界中享受真正的乐趣。

1.A.promised B.allowed C.hurried D.encouraged

解析 我出国旅行的原因为一位教授鼓励我这么做。encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人干某事。

答案 D

2.A.build up B.use C.practice D.exchange

解析 老师的话:现在到你环游世界,通过实际经历来增长知识,玩得高兴的时候了!build up使增长,增大,符合语境。

答案 A

3.A.agreed with B.learned from C.followed D.obeyed

解析 由语境可知,我同意了老师的观点。agree with sb.同意某人的观点。 答案 A

4.A.computer B.food C.clothing D.machine

解析 由下文信息about food in different countries可知,我在一家食品公司工作。 答案 B 5.A.life B.rivers C.sights D.houses

解析 在网上,我看到了许多不同城市的景色。 答案 C

6.A.plans B.bargain C.progress D.trips

解析 当然,我也会因公出差旅行。 答案 D

7.A.information B.taste C.cooks D.feelings

解析 在网络的帮助下,我能够获得不同国家有关食品的信息。 答案 A

8.A.even more B.no longer C.much D.actually

解析 习惯了网络,我开始觉得真正的旅行不再有必要了。no longer不再。 答案 B

9.A.people B.drink

C.atmosphere D.environment

解析 这位厨师的话:在别的国家很难有真正的意大利菜,因为我们享受食物,与此同时,我们也享受周围的氛围。atmosphere气氛,氛围。

答案 C

10.A.shoes B.dishes C.customers D.situations

解析 为什么不飞到意大利来品尝真正的意大利菜呢? 答案 B

11.A.friends’ B.parents’ C.professor’s D.boss’

解析 这些话使我想起了教授的建议。文章刚开始就提到教授鼓励我环球旅行。 答案 C

12.A.produces B.advertises C.forms D.advances

解析 随着科技的进步……,advance此处为动词,意为“进步”。 答案 D

13.A.news B.pleasures C.troubles D.places

解析 随着科技的进步,有些事情不用亲自旅行也能办到,但你却失去了旅行的真正乐趣。

答案 B

14.A.avoid B.keep C.lose D.enjoy

解析 现在,有些人避免跟别人直接交流,而把时间花在网络上。avoid避免。 答案 A

15.A.meeting B.talking C.communicating D.traveling

解析 现在看到一群人不互相交谈而是戴着耳机,一点也不让人奇怪。 答案 B

16.A.stopped B.met C.surrounded D.hurt

解析 这些人周围好像环绕着一堵看不见的墙。be surrounded by被……环绕。 答案 C

17.A.look at B.employ C.travel D.meet

解析 他们失去了跟别人相见并交谈的机会。

人教英语必修三抢分教程能力提升:nit 5 Canada-“The Tre North”ection 2 含答案


