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drink , go, stay , make , look , have, pass, carry ,

come, watch, plant, fly , study, brush, do, teach

加s(一般情况) 加es(以s,x,ch,sh,o结尾) ____________________________ ____________________________



去y加ies(以辅音字母+y结尾) ____________________________



特殊变化 I Sam we he it they my mother she Tom and Jerry the girls that boy my dog you your friend his sisters our English teacher Austin and I her families

IV. 用括号内适当的动词填空。

1. He often ________(have/ has) dinner at home. 2. Daniel and Tommy _______(is/ are) in Class One.

3. We _______(don’t watch/ doesn’t watch) TV every evening. 4. Nick _______(don’t go/ doesn’t go) to the zoo every Sunday. 5. ______ (Do/ Does) they ________ (like/ likes) the World Cup? 6. The girl _______(teaches/ teach) us English on Sundays. 7. She and I ________(takes/ take) a walk together every evening. 8. There ________(is/ are) some water in the bottle. 9. Mike _______(like/ likes) cooking. 10. Liu Tao _______(does/ do) not like PE.

11. You always _______(do/ does) your homework well.

12. The student often _______(watch/ watches) TV in the evening. 13. I (get/gets) up at half past six every morning. 14. Kitty (like/ likes) sweets very much.

15.My mother (get/ gets) up at six every morning. 16. You can (touch / touching) the smooth stones. 17. My friends often (go/ goes) to school by bus. 18. I don’t want to (play/ playing) with Mike. 19.Stella (go/ goes) to school on foot every day. 20. Does John (like/ likes) dancing? 21. The girls usually ___________ ( sing) after class.

22. My father (have) breakfast at 7:30 every morning. 23. _________Helen____________(wash )clothes? Yes ,she does. 24. My sisters often (play) hide and seek in the park.



