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School of Education Broaden your knowledge^ Doctoral Studies in Education.

The Uni versit y of Leicester is well known i nt er nat i onal 1 y for excellence in research, If you are an experienced and qualified Education practitioner (nnrnial- ly with a relevant Master's degree), you can join one of our highly regarded Doctoral prograimries, either the con/entional PhD or the professional Doctor of Education (BdD) from Septeirber 2006 for three years full-tine in Leicester or up to five years part-time? Fcr information about the EdD Prograiroe on overseas sites, please contact us at the address below. The EdD programme requires students to couplete preparatory courses (25, 000 wards of assessed work at Doctoral 1 evel) on Research Methodology and the literature related to their thesis topics before undertaking their thesis of 55』000 words. On the conventional Doctoral pro grannie (PhD) students conduct research on an original topic of their choice to achieve a thesis of SOj 000 words. I 卡 you* re ready to broaden your hori zons and your knowledge, pt ease apply to: The Doc tor■日丨 Studies Office, School of Education, Uni ver si ty of Leicester, UK

Em目i I : doctors I. studi es@leicester ac. uk

wvw. letcester. ac. uk/se

University of

Questions 51 — 54: Complete the table according to the passages with no more than three words in each blank. University Major Level Duration Umversity of Westminster 51. 52. ■ Doctor two years part-timE 54* part-tijne full-time or five years University of Leices ter Questions 55 — 56: Answer the following questions briefly. 55. What is the main purpose of “ Open Evenings ” at the University of Westminster?

学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。 阿卜日法拉兹

页眉内容阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。 How many words does the thesis of an EdD programme have to contain?


学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。 培根


页眉内容阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。 培根

Monday OGG ft A D 10


FM &3.90.2 MHz News on the hour icxcept 7.00am)

Summaries 6.30amh 7.00, 7,30

Weather forecast

6.55am(1 7 55 and 8.55 Travel news 6 45am. 7 15(1 745. 8.15 E出5 4」5pm, 4.45P 5.15 5.55

29th January 7.Q0p

Hubert Gregg


Thanks for the Memcxy, and

adds a few pursanal


FVodxerGraham Fess


WORLD QF DANCE Dance Band Days

Alan Del! spotlights the Tanous dance band of the 30s and

40$ that were being Obilt a I over lhe country Many Hundreds nf musicians were empkjycd to pla> stflct tempo ^ersl3ns cf tunes cftre day 2: Tno Monsoigrtotr C tb

and at 8.00 Big Band Era

Froducer RQ/ OakshOl


Big Band Special The

BBC Big Band ocnducted by Barry Forg?e. trrtwfuced by Sheila Tracy.

PraduoerRjbin Sodglcy

9X0pm Lyttleton Humphrey

with The ReM 出

JH77 on record..

ProdLcer Terry Ca^r


WORLD QF DANCE Do You Come Here Often?

The second of stx programmes remembering tha define ballroom ?ra, Induding a profit of Tilo

Puerte. Presented by Rose mane Ford.

ProOtcer Ray Har/ay


FM 90 2-92 4 Mhz

N^WS 1.00 pm. 12.3097} Summaries 7 00aob 8*g 5.00pmt '6.00, 7.00

6.55am Weather

On Air

prRSfin'ftd Ibis ARftk by Piera Burton-Page ?衲 usis news, weaker and arts news, incijdmg:

7.00 Stanley Conc&no fn A. Op 2 Nc 5

Parley of Instruments/ Roy Gooamar

735 Haydn Symphony

No16inB^i Aus:ro-Hjrgarran Haycn Oxhostra/Adam Fi合如r 8.00 Brahma Th^rrtG w;th

^riaitons (arrfram String Sferlfif. On 18) Alfred Br^rdel (piano} 6.45 B?9thov9n

Overttre I eonnns 屁 彳 NBC SGTo&canm /Records

9.00am Composer of the Week

Monteverdi and the

Poots: Guarini Mcrteverdi's settings of poems by Guanini perficrmoc by Lho Contort of Musicite. Records Producer S 阳 nd BfOhvn



Questions 57 — 60: Read the extract from the Radio Times carefully. Answer the questions or complete the sentence.

57. What does “ News on the hour ” mean?

58. What time is the first weather forecast?

59. The last news summary on Radio 3 is at ______ .

60. Who produces the programme on Radio 2 at 8.30 pm?


What would your teacher think if you walked int o class and said, “ Hey buddy, what's up? ” He

would probably think you were impolite for speaking too casually. A better greeting might be,

“ Good morning, sir. ” This is one example showing how English usage depends on a particular

敬语)in the language itself, unlike

relationship. As you can see, English has no honorifics (

Korean and Japanese. Instead, English speakers show respect by speaking politely and formally. This is particularly true when you are making requests. Imagine you are at dinner with an Americ an host family. A basic rule to keep in mind is always to use when you ask for something.

“ Pass me the salt ” is considered a rude command!

“ please ” and “ thank you ”

“ Pass me the

“ would you ” o

salt, please ” is fairly polite. To ask even more politely, English speakers use

“ could you ” at the beginning of requests: “ Would you please pass me the salt? ”

Another way to show respect in English is through the use of titles. In formal situations you should call a person Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Certain professions have titles as well. For example, doctors are called Dr. instead of Mr., Mrs., or Ms. A person who holds a PhD is also called

“ doctor ” . Judges also have a special title, officer should be addressed as

“ Officer ”.

“ Your Honour ” , in the courtroom. Finally, a police

(64) Even though the English language does not have honorifics in the language form, it is ____________________

important to show respect in certain situations. With close frie nds you can use sla ng and casual language. However, you should take care to

学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。 阿卜日法拉兹

页眉内容阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。 培根

speak differently to older people, or those who you don't know very well. (65) Also when you're not sure which level of formality to use, you should be more formal than not formal enough, just as you would in Korean or Japanese.

Questions 61 ——63: Answer the questions or complete the sentence.

61. What is the passage mainly talking about?

62. There are two ways for English speakers to show respect in oral communication. What are they?

63. When you talk to a police officer who is going to give you a ticket for speeding, you should call him or her “ ______________ ” .

Questions 64 ——65: Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.





It is probable that until two hundred years ago, (66) _______ had never been seen by any human eyes. The (67) _______ people who are known to have seen it were hunters on ships in 1819. Two years (68) ________ , one of them managed to land there even (69) _______ conditions prevented him from exploring very far. Larger scientific expeditions (

later came to the Antarctic to find out more. By the end of the nineteenth century they had (70) _______ in mapping the coast of the continent, in spite of the fact (71) _______ Antarctica is almost entirely covered by a thick sheet of (72) _______ which in places stretches ( 延伸)far beyond the edge of the land onto the (73) __________ .


学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。 阿卜日法拉兹



