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二十国集团创新增长蓝图 (中英对照)

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来源/新华网英文版 | @CATTI考试资料与资讯整理

二十国集团创新增长蓝图 G20 Blueprint on Innovative Growth


I. Our Objective


The global economy is at an important juncture. We are determined to show leadership and act in a spirit of partnership and inclusiveness to address new challenges and opportunities. We are committed to using all available policy tools - fiscal, monetary and structural - to foster confidence and strengthen growth. Moreover, we need to seize the historic opportunities presented by technological breakthroughs for global economic growth. We resolve to raise mid-to-long term growth potential through a commitment to innovative growth. This concept encompasses actions in support of innovation, the New Industrial Revolution and the digital economy. We also stress the important role played by structural reforms in this context. These actions can raise productivity, create jobs and unleash new economic potential, especially supported by macroeconomic actions. The Blueprint on Innovative Growth represents an important contribution from G20 to support strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth and complements the efforts that G20 countries are already making in their Comprehensive Growth Strategies.


II. Our Overall Approach


To ensure innovative growth, we endorse the following overall approach. We will demonstrate leadership and partnership, vision and ambition, and enhance the cooperation among members as well as between the public and private sectors, to advance innovative growth and address common challenges. In line with relevant existing multilateral treaties and agreements to which we are parties, including the TRIPs Agreement, we reaffirm the importance of adequate and effective intellectual property protection and enforcement for innovation, and support greater openness and the promotion of voluntary knowledge diffusion and technology transfer on mutually agreed terms and conditions. We further

来源/新华网英文版 | @CATTI考试资料与资讯整理

underline the importance of more open trade and investment regimes. We highlight the importance of inclusiveness to eradicate extreme poverty, reduce inequality and social exclusion and to bridge the digital divide. We encourage the creation of innovation ecosystems that catalyze creativity and support the combination of creative ideas with entrepreneurship, science and technology for innovative growth and job creation. We aspire to synergy in the discussion across work streams within the G20 and with international organizations and initiatives outside the G20. We will bear in mind the importance of flexibility given the variety of concerns and priorities of members in our work.


III. Our Actions

(一)创新 1. Innovation


Innovation refers to the embodiment of an idea in a technology, product, or process that is new and creates value. An innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process which derives from creative ideas, technological progress, a new marketing method or a new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations. Innovation covers a wide range of domains with science and technology innovation as the core. Innovation is one of the key driving forces for global sustainable development, playing a fundamental role in promoting economic growth, supporting job creation, entrepreneurship and structural reform, enhancing productivity and competitiveness, providing better services for our citizens and addressing global challenges.


To further advance innovation and assist member countries to create innovative ecosystems, we adopt the G20 2016 Innovation Action Plan which outlines the guiding principles and actions for encouraging innovation. We are committed to encouraging the adoption of pro-innovation strategies, policies and measures and supporting investment in STI, creating an online G20 Community of Practice for innovation policy and a 2016 G20 Innovation Report prepared by the OECD, stimulating close dialogue with innovation partners and stakeholders, while encouraging discussion on open science and finding innovative solutions to global challenges.


2. New Industrial Revolution

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The New Industrial Revolution (NIR) presents new opportunities for industry, particularly manufacturing and manufacturing-related service industries, to transform production processes and business models and enhance mid-to-long term economic growth. Significant advances are being made in many emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, additive manufacturing, new materials, augmented reality, nanotechnology and biotechnology. These technological developments are enabling smart manufacturing, customization, collaborative production and other new production modes and business models. However, there are also challenges for enterprises, workers, consumers, governments and other stakeholders in this new environment. We will make best efforts to identify these challenges and opportunities in developed and developing countries to minimize social costs and take full advantage of the opportunities presented by the NIR.


To promote the development of NIR and as a major source of economic growth, we adopt the G20 New Industrial Revolution Action Plan which outlines the guiding principle and actions for advancing the NIR agenda. We are committed to pursuing further work to strengthen communication and cooperation on the NIR and relevant research, facilitating ways for SMEs to benefit from the NIR, addressing necessary employment and workforce skills challenges, enhancing cooperation on standards, deepening exchanges and cooperation on new industrial infrastructure, ensuring intellectual property rights protection in line with relevant existing multilateral treaties and agreements to which we are parties, including the TRIPs Agreement, and supporting industrialization in developing countries. We therefore request the OECD, jointly with the UNCTAD and the UNIDO, to prepare a report that provides an overview of opportunities and challenges brought about by NIR and to report back by the end of 2016.

(三)数字经济 3. Digital Economy


二十国集团创新增长蓝图 (中英对照)


