Enlightenment from WHO Pharmacovigilance in Construction of Chinese Materia Medica Pharmac
Enlightenment from WHO Pharmacovigilance in
Construction of Chinese Materia Medica
Pharmacovigilance System
【期刊名称】《世界中西医结合杂志(英文)》 【年(卷),期】2018(000)003
【摘要】With the widespread concern about the safety of Chinese materia medica, China urgently needs to build a Chinese materia medica pharmacovigilance system that conforms to the national development policy and has the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). A good job of pharmacovigilance of Chinese materia medica not only helps Chinese pharmaceutical companies to control their risks, but also guides them to use drugs safely and rationally. And it is also of great significance to the national drug regulatory work. Based on the monitoring of herbal safety in WHO pharmacovigilance system,
pharmacovigilance system was explored in order to provide a valuable reference for the risk control of Chinese pharmaceutical companies, the clinical use of Chinese materia medica, and the national drug regulatory work.
【总页数】8页(40-47) 【关键词】
Enlightenment from WHO Pharmacovigilance in Construction of Chinese Materia Medica Pharmac