雅思强化阅读 长难句解析讲义 郭凌风
Understanding IELTS Grammar ---Solution to Long & Complicated Sentences
? 长难句成因: “树形结构”: ? 修饰成分纷繁复杂 ? 主从句交织 ? 特殊句式
? Strategies for Long & Complicated Sentences:
1. 名词性从句 2. 定语从句 3. 状语从句 4. 多重复合句
1. 分隔结构 2. 倒装结构 3. 强调结构
4. 双重或者多重否定 5. 比较结构
1. 名词性从句 1.1 主语从句
? ? ?
Looking at the picture makes him experience a severe attack of nostalgia.
For her, a woman, to defy her husband’s order would be considered audacious at her time.
What bothers me about this point of view is that it implies that human beings, in some
雅思强化阅读 长难句解析讲义 郭凌风
deep sense, are not part of nature.
That he is in love with her is no longer a secret.
主语从句解读方法: ?
? 主语从句引导词:
(1)That he finished writing the composition in such a short timesurprised us all. (2)Whether we will go for an outing tomorrow remains unknown. (3)Who will be our monitor hasn't been decided yet. (4)Who the watch belongs to is unknown.
(5)Whom we must study for is a question of great importance. (6)What caused the accident remains unknown. (7)What we need is time.
(8)What we need are good doctors. (9)Whatever you did is right.
Example 1:
That the nineteenth– century French novelist Balzac could be financially wise in his fiction while losing all his money in his life was an irony which was duplicated in other matters.
Example 2:
That such radical adaptations can occur demands a view of the brain as dynamic and active rather than programmed and static.
Example 3:
However, it can not be denied that it was Smith who introduced such a target for later novelists.
Further Practice:
1. It is common knowledge that the full moon brings fair weather. 2. It is a surprise that you gave such an answer to the question.
3. It is certain that free medical care will be given to most people in our city. 4. It is probable that he has known everything.
雅思强化阅读 长难句解析讲义 郭凌风
5. It appeared that he had a taste for music. 6. It made us very happy that she was saved
7. It remains unknown when they are going to get married. 8. It is said that Li Hao has been to Europe.
9. It was amusing that a rabbit ran out of the empty box on the desk.
1.2. 宾语从句(object clause)
Example 1:
A survey of new stories in 1996 reveals that the anti-science tag has been attached to many other groups as well, from authorities who advocated the elimination of the last remaining stocks of smallpox virus to republicans who advocated decreased funding for basic research.
Example 2:
Yet new findings in neuroscience suggest that the brain retains its ability to reorganize itself in response to experience or injury throughout life: after the loss of sensory input from an amputated limb, for example, adults are able to learn new motor skills effectively.
Example 3:
Art historian Kenneth Clarke, for example, writing in 1973, could not accept that the Mona Lisa was famous for reasons other than its inner qualities.
Example 4:
The study on rats, kittens, and mice may, for instance, provide a physiological explanation for why infant animals employ in their play the same kinds of behavior that they will later use as adults.