申请(专利)号: KR20180168198
专利号: KR102131056B1 主分类号: B64C25/32
申请权利人: ????????
? ?????
公开国代码: KR 优先权国家: KR
摘 要:
The landing unit for drone landing includes a support unit and a coupling unit. The support unit has an inner frame extending with a first curvature, spaced apart from the inner frame by a
predetermined distance, and connecting with an outer frame extending with a second curvature, between the inner frame and the outer frame, and the inner and outer sides. A plurality of center frames extending in a direction
intersecting the extending direction of the frames, connecting the lower sides of the inner and outer frames to each other, the lower end contacting the ground when landing, and the opposite sides of the lower end, the inner and outer sides The upper ends of the frames are connected to each other and include an upper end
申请日: %Y-%m-%d 公开公告日: %Y-%m-%d
分类号: B64C25/32;
B64C25/06; F16B2/22 发明设计人: ???;
???; ???; ???; ???; ???; ??? 申请国代码: KR
优先权: 20181224 KR
摘 要 附 图:
coupled with the coupling unit. The coupling unit includes a body portion, a first extension portion in which a pair extends in one direction from the body portion, and a first coupling space formed in the center of the pair of first extension portions, to engage with the upper end. The first coupling portion is formed, and a second extension portion in which a pair extends in a direction crossing the first extension portion from the body portion, and is formed wider than the first coupling space in the center of the pair of second extension portions. The second coupling space includes a second coupling portion that is coupled to the drone. 主权项:
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权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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