【期刊名称】《传感器与微系统》 【年(卷),期】2011(030)001
【摘要】Aiming at the traditional method of water information acquisition using artificial observation which is not suitable to use in harsh environments. The use of WSNs node design is proposed. The hardware design and communication protocols are analyzed, and the design of sensor nodes, Sink nodes and the management node are discussed. In the design of MAC layer protocol, time-sharing method is used to avoid multi-node data transmission conflict. The test results show that nodes consume low power but can transmit about 100 meters with the accuracy rate up to 99 %, which can meet the requirement of practical engineering very well.%针对传统的水信息获取方式多为人工观测、不适于恶劣的环境中使用这一问题,提出了使用无线传感器网络(WSNs)的节点设计思想.分析了系统的硬件设计方案和通信协议,并详细地讨论了传感器节点、汇聚节点、管理节点的设计方法,在 MAC 层协议设计上使用分时接收方法避免多节点发送数据时的冲突.实验测试结果表明:节点的功耗少,传输的距离约 100 m,数据的正确率高达 99 % 以上,很好地满足了实际工程需要.