题 目 研磨抛光液对CMP研磨抛光工艺的影响
7>2013年 4 月
Grinding and polishing liquid's influence on the CMP polishing process
Abstract:Semiconductor science occupies an extremely important position in modern science and technology. It is widely used in various fields of national economy, its development promotes the progress of human society and the improvement of material and cultural life, by the rise of the semiconductor industry is more and more brought to the attention of the countries, since the 20th century has been a rapid development. This paper mainly adopts literature research and survey method, literature through search the Internet and books, and practice in factory is engaged in the semiconductor industry, won a huge mass of data. In this paper, we study relevant knowledge of the semiconductor industry, the development history of semiconductor industry at home and abroad at present and discuss the development and application of semiconductor
industry. With increasingly sophisticated semiconductor technology, Wafer size from 6 inches 150 mm, 8 inches 200 mm, 12 inches 300 mm, and even the future of 18 inches 450 mm and so more and more big ,in the field of the semiconductor chemical mechanical polishing CMP plays a more important role in the future, in this paper, based on the analysis of the CMP process, and preliminary understanding and analysis of the CMP polishing fluid is important role in the process of semiconductor chips, summarized the composition and chemical properties of the polishing fluid oxidant, abrasive and pH value, etc. and physical properties velocity, viscosity, and temperature on the polishing effect. This article is on the basis of predecessors' research, in-depth understanding, I hope it play a positive role to the semiconductor industry development.
Keywords: semiconductor, chemical mechanical polishing, polishing liquid
目录 前言 1
第一章 半导体技术的简介 3 1.1半导体的概述 3 1.1.1 半导体的概述 3 1.1.2 半导体的制作流程 4
1.2半导体产业的发展现状 7 第二章 半导体化学机械抛光CMP 10 2.1半导体CMP的发展历史 10 2.2半导体CMP工艺技术 11 2.3半导体CMP 优点与缺点 2.3.1 半导体CMP 优点
2.3.2 半导体CMP的缺点 14
第三章 研磨抛光液对抛光效果的影响 15 3.1半导体CMP抛光液的介绍 15 3.2研磨抛光液对抛光效果的影响 17
3.2.1抛光液的化学性能及对抛光效果的影响 17 3.3.2抛光液的物理性能及对抛光效果的影响 19 总结与体会 致谢 23 参考文献 24 前言
二战后,贝尔实验室的科学家们致力于研究固态硅和锗半导体晶体。领导这项研究的科学家感到需要替换真空管,且可以用固态半导体材料代替真空管。1947年12月16日诞生了固态晶体管,发明者是威廉?肖克利,约翰?巴丁和沃尔特?布拉顿。晶体管的名字取自“跨导”和“变阻器”两词,提供了与真空管同样的电功能,但具有固态的显著优点:尺寸小、无真空、可靠、重量轻、最小的发热以及低功耗。这一发现推动了以固体材料和技术为基础的现代半导体产业。现在,以硅为原料的电子组件产值,已经远远超过了以钢铁为原料的产值,这说明,人类的历史已经进入了一个新的时代,就是硅的时代。硅所代表的正是半导体组件,包括存储元件、微 处理机、逻辑组件、光电组件与侦测器等等在内,电视、电话、计算机、电冰箱、汽车,这些半导体组件无时无刻不在为我们服务。硅是地壳中最常见的元素,许多石头的主要成分都是二氧化硅,然而,经过数百道制程做出的集成电路,其价值可达上万美金;把石头变芯片的过程可谓点石成金,也是近代科学的奇迹!在日本,有人把半导体比喻为工业社会的稻米,是近代社会一日不可或缺的。科学的说法是,半导体材料是一类具有半导体性能、可用来制作晶体管、集成电路、电力电子器件、光电子器件的重要基础材料,支撑着通信、计算机、信息家电与网络技术等电子信息产业的发展。在国防上,惟有扎实的电子工业基础,才有强大的国防能力,1991年的波斯湾战争,美国把新一代电子武器发挥得淋漓尽致。从1970年以来,美国与日本间发生多次贸易摩擦,最后在许多项目上两国都选择了妥协,但在半导体方面,双方均不肯轻易让步,最后两国政府郑重签订了协议,足见对半导体产业的重视。当今,半导体产业已成为衡量一个国家经济发展、科技进步和国防实力的重要标志。