香港大学金融专业研究生该怎么申请? 天涯问答 收藏 [问题] 港校研究生入学申请时间 因为要准备大陆研究生入学的考试(考试时间为XX年1月9日、10日),所以暂时不想把太多精力放在港校申请事项上香港大学研究生入学第一轮招生时间截止为12
看看吧 整个申请过程都是需要用英文完成的 他们入学有奖学金的(Mphil 和Phd) 另外
http://wwwhkuhk/gradsch/web/faq/apphtm 是香港大学研究生入学申请问题问答,你想知道的主要问题都基本 在了
所属子类:升学入学 我是浙江大学的本科生,想毕业后去香港读研听说香港的研究型硕士有奖学金可或是 说研究型硕士与授课式的有什么不同?谢谢~~ 强烈推荐你看一下\求学香港\网站上的\研究生
从你上述的网页中 postgraduate study 进入可以得到更多信息 另外
http://wwwhkuhk/gradsch/web/faq/apphtm 是香港大学研究生入学申请问题问答,你想知道的主要问题都基本 在了
香港大学和香港中文大学研究生需要托福还是雅思的成绩? 如果要申请奖学金的话需要什么条件?要什- 申请人姓名 - 汇款性质及目的:\香港大学内地本科生
雅思报名费多少 雅思报名费多少钱? Ielts报名费多少 网上报名,一个月一次到次。 报名地址: http://ieltsetesteducn/ 今年的是 XX/01/10 A close: XX/12/23 XX/01/17 A/G close: XX/01/04
为了这次考试,做了21天的剑桥雅思模拟题,当了21天的宅男,但还是考得晕头转向据说,雅思报考费在1250元的时候,是要自己带笔的。现在报考费涨到1450元了, 雅思报名电话:020-85586862,手机15989181573 详情: http://www020teambuycomcn/edu/ys09/?mm=0 广州环球雅思寒假培训特惠三重惊喜 艾思口语: 业余班口语课 · XX年8月22日雅思预测大汇总 · 陈子楠:如何用雅思敲开美国之门 · 可以根据自身水平直接报考,北京各级别的报名费见http://wwweolcn/jie_shao 香港大学——研究生院介绍及联系方式 太傻留学整理 XX年07月13日 我要说两句 一、研究生院介绍
The Graduate School was formally established by the Senate in June 1998 to replace the previous School of Research Studies. To strengthen its role in the
management of the research postgraduate (RPg) degrees i.e. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), the Graduate School sets guidelines for research postgraduate education, and deals with policy implementation on admission, academic programmes, progress monitoring, rules and regulations, and quality assurance.
二、研究生院的作用 The School's major roles are: to advise on quality assurance and the academic audit of graduate training and supervision; to participate in the formulation of policy on a wide range of issues affecting research students, including residential accommodation, postgraduate studentships, research support and other welfare;
to maintain a regular review mechanism and provide feedback for policy considerations; to monitor and review the admission process and the academic progress of research students; to determine the results of higher degree research candidatures on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners;
to organize courses on thesis writing and research skills and methods as part of the core programme for
4-year PhD and MPhil studies;
to provide supporting services for prospective research students, current research students and staff engaged in supervision;
to prepare and maintain a database on research postgraduate students;
to disseminate good practice and ensure that it is applied in the faculties/departments;
to prepare and maintain guidelines for students, and their supervisors, to ensure the effective and efficient conduct and completion of their candidature; to organize training workshops in research supervision for new supervisors of research students; to organize an induction programme for new research students to introduce them to the University and the wide range of support services provided for their benefit;
to organize seminars and lectures of general interest to postgraduate students; to disseminate information to students on scholarships and further study opportunities;
to keep up-to-date with international developments,
innovations and practices in graduate education, e.g. the University is an international associate member of the Council of Graduate Schools in North America. 三、联系 Address: Graduate School Room P403Graduate House
The University of Hong Kong Pokfulam Road Hong Kong Office Hours:
Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 13:00; 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 9:00 - 12:30
(原文来自:wWw.xiaOcAofANweN.coM 小 草 范 文 网:香港大学授课型金融硕士申请材料) Tel: (+852) 2857-3470
Fax: (+852) 2857-3543
Email: or 香港大学——经济与工商管理学院 研究式研究生 太傻留学整理
Department Research Areas
XX年07月13日 Departmental Requirements 1. GMAT or GRE score obtained within five years. (The GMAT and GRE codes for the MPhil/PhD and
我要说两句 Postgraduate Advisor