摘要:在湖北省水稻主要种植区设置3个田间原位监测点,采用径流池收集地表径流的方法,研究水稻田地表径流产生和氮磷养分流失的规律。结果表明,2010年,全省稻田平均产生地表径流8次,产流量平均为304.5 mm,产流系数为34.7%,径流主要发生在4~8月降雨比较集中的时段;施肥后全省稻田年平均总氮的流失量为4.90~10.67 kg/hm2,总磷流失量为0.63~1.44 kg/hm2;径流水中总氮平均浓度为1.83~3.83 mg/l,总磷浓度为0.16~0.49 mg/l;可溶态氮是地表径流氮素流失的主要形态,约占总氮的70.2%~86.7%,其中尤以硝态氮的流失量最大,占总氮的51.8%~69.5%,铵态氮流失量较小,约占总氮的7.4%~34.9%;磷素的流失以颗粒态磷为主,占总磷的60.4%~87.7%;肥料氮、磷养分流失量平均分别为当季施肥量的0.46%和0.37%。施肥和径流量是影响地表径流氮、磷流失的主要因素,施肥导致氮、磷养分流失量增加,径流产生量大的时段,其氮、磷的流失量也增加。
关键词:氮磷养分流失;地表径流;稻田;养分形态;湖北省 abstract: experimental plots in situ were conducted in the main rice planting regions of hubei province in 2010, the runof
f water in each plot was collected and tested, to investigate the regular pattern of the surface runoff events and the nitrogen and phosphorus losses of the rice field. the results showed that the surface runoff events usually occurred in raining season from april to august. on average, 8 times of runoff events occurred in a year, the annual amount of runoff was 304.5 mm and the runoff generation coefficient was 34.7%; the annual amount of nitrogen losses from rice field was 4.90~10.67 kg/hm2, the phosphorus losses was 0.63~1.44 kg/hm2. the mean concentration of nitrogen losses was 1.83~3.83 mg/l and 0.16~0.49 mg/l for the phosphorus. the dissolve nitrogen accounted for 70.2%~86.7% o
f the nitrogen losses, that was the main way of nitrogen losses, of which the nitrate nitrogen had a percentage of 51.8%~69.5%, and only 7.4%~34.9% for the ammonium nitrogen losses. the particle phosphorus was the predominant losing phosphorus form, which accounted for 60.4%~87.7% of the phosphorus losses. the coefficients of nitrogen and phosphorus losing from runoff was respectively 0.46% and 0.37% of a growing season. it was found that fertilizer and runoff discharge were the two main factors influencing nitrogen and phosphorus losses, the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus losses were improved by fertilization, and also increased with the increasing of runoff amount.
key words: nitrogen and phosphorus losses; surface runoff; rice filed; nutrient form; hubei province
湖北省是我国的第三大水稻生产大省,2000年以来,全省水稻播种面积181万~216万hm2,占粮食作物播种面积的50%以上[1]。全省水稻田主要分布在沿长江、汉江的平原以及河谷地带,水稻种植区降雨丰富,水网密集,是我国重要的粮食生产基地,农业集约化程度高。近年来随着农业生产的快速发展,化肥农药的大量使用,许多湖泊产生了富营养化问题[2],使这些区域成为长江流域生态环境最脆弱、水环境质量受到严重胁迫的地区。通过在全省水稻主要种植区设置田间原位监测点,采用径流池收集地表径流的方式,研究全省水稻田地表径流产生特点及氮、磷养分流失的形态和规律,旨在为全省以及长江中下游流域农田面源污染的控制和综合治理提供科学依据。 1 材料与方法
1.1 田间监测试验地点概况
汉平原水稻产区,地点在湖北省潜江市高场管理区高场分场。3个区域均属亚热带季风气候,降雨主要集中在春夏季(3~8月),且年际差异较大。各监测点主要气候条件和土壤(0-20 cm)的基本农化性状见表1。 1.2 田间监测试验设计
每个监测点设置两个处理:对照(ck)和农民习惯施肥(fp)。ck处理不施任何肥料,fp处理肥料的施用量、施用方法和施用时期完全遵照当地农民生产习惯。fp处理各监测点施肥量见表2,具体施肥情况为:f1点,早稻基施复合肥(n、p2o5、k2o 含量分别为27%、16%、9%,简称27-16-9,下同)750 kg/hm2,追施尿素15 kg/hm2和碳酸氢铵225 kg/hm2;晚稻基施复合肥(22-9-14)300 kg/hm2,追施碳酸氢铵225 kg/hm2。f2点,早稻基施复合肥(15-15-15)450 kg/hm2,追施尿素90 kg/hm2;晚稻基施复合肥(15-15-15)750 kg/hm2,追施尿素150 kg/hm2。f3点,中稻基施复合肥(15-15-15)1 110 kg/hm2和氯化钾(45% k2o)330 kg/hm2,追施尿素225 kg/hm2。3个监测点的基肥均在水稻移栽前一天撒施,施肥后耙平移栽,追肥则在返青分蘖期撒施。
每个试验区每处理3次重复,共计6个小区,小区面积30 m2,每个小区建一个径流池,用来收集小区径流水。