【期刊名称】《长江工程职业技术学院学报》 【年(卷),期】2012(029)003
【摘要】Jiang Wen's unique direction style is style of his works Devils on the Doorstep, The analysed, and the structure, narrative, shooting Sun Also Rises and In the Heat of the Sun are also analysed one by one, in order that remark on the director and contemporaneity of his individual works can be made. By summarizing the differences between Jiang Wen and China's fifth and sixth generation directors, and Chinese film ecological culture disclosed in their works, the uniqueness of Jiang Wens films in Chinese film history is reviewed.%对姜文个人独特的导演风格进行分析,并从其作品《鬼子来了》、《太阳照常升起》和《阳光灿烂的El子》的结构、叙事、拍摄手法等角度人手,逐一进行分析,以期在导演个人的作品序列和当代中国电影的发展脉络当中,对导演及其影片的时代性进行评论。还通过归纳姜文与中国第五六代导演的不同之处和作品中透露的中国电影生态文化,来评述姜文电影在中国电影史上的独特之处。 【总页数】3页(71-73)
【关键词】姜文;电影;时代性;野兽级;中国第五六代导演;中国电影生态文化 【作者】樊菊艳
【作者单位】长江日报集团武汉商报社,武汉430015 【正文语种】中文