间价值、风险报酬等基本理念,了解企业的筹资决策、投资决策、流动资金管理、销售预测及利润预测管等基本内容。 current funds management, sales forecasting, profit forecasting , etc. Database technology is an important branch of 数据库技术是计算机科学的computer science, is the symbol technology of the 一个重要分支,是信息时代的information age, and is the basis of structuring 标志性技术,是构造信息系统the information system. We teach the basic 的基础。数据库原理课讲授数principle of database technology in the lessons of 据库技术的基本原理,主要介数据库原理与应用(张秀杰) Database principles and the database principle, and mainly introduce the Written examination 3 applications 绍数据库系统的基本概念、数basic concept of database system, database design 据库设计理论和数据库基本theory and basic operation of database. This is a 操作,是计算机类专业的一门main specialized basic course of computer 主干专业基础课,也是信息管specialty, and is a required course for 理与信息系统专业的一门必information management and information systems 修课。 major. This course is for management undergraduate 本课程是为管理学科本科生course. From the relevant subject knowledge at 开设的学科基础课。借鉴国内home and abroad, combined with China's current 外相关学科知识,结合我国目national conditions, it is a comprehensive system 前国情,系统全面地学习技术to study the theory and practice, technical and 经济的理论、方法与实践。内economic method. Contents include: the basic Technological 技术经济学(杨欣) Economics A 容包括:经济性评价基本要Written elements of economic evaluation, the time value of 素、资金的时间价值、经济性money, the method of economic evaluation, 评价方法、不确定性评价法、uncertainty evaluation, feasibility study on 建设项目可行性研究、设备的construction project, equipment technical and 技术经济分析、价值工程、项economic analysis, value engineering, project 目可持续发展评价及技术创evaluation of sustainable development and 新。 technology innovation. 本课程阐述了人力资源管理Human Resource 人力资源管理(石振Management 香) 例分析人力资源管理中的实际问题,提高学生分析和解决promote student’s ability of problem analyzing and solving. After learning this course, students 的基本理论、基本知识及管理This course explains the basic theory, knowledge and skills and techniques of human resource Written management, and combines with case study to examination examination 3 2 的基本技巧与技术,并结合案问题的能力。通过学习,学生应掌握人力资源管理的基本概念及其流派,人力资源管理模式的比较,劳动组织,企业中的个人行为,激励因素,职工的招聘和配备,职工的培训should grasp the basic concepts and genres of human resource management; know the difference between different approaches of human resource management; grasp the knowledge of organization; know individual behaviors in enterprises; and grasp the incentive factors as well as the method 和开发,劳动工资,职工福利,of employee’s recruiting and arrangement, 管理人员报酬,工会和劳资集体谈判等。 training and development. Besides, students should also grasp the knowledge of employee’s benefit and compensation, manager’s payment, labor union, negotiation between employers and employees, etc. 本教程通过一定的理论教学和实际操作训练使学生能掌Information Resource 信息检索(刘文斌) Search and Application 握和熟悉Internet环境、网This course introduces the basic concepts, the methods of connecting into network, the elements of literature information, the ways of information classification, the main service and tool software of internet, the basal principle network and computer information search, the search methods of Written examination 络信息 资源的检索原理和检索技能,学习如何从Internet上获取有价值的信息,将存于世界各处的数字化信息集于桌前。主要内容有:掌握Internet的基本概念、网络接入方法;了解文献信息的基本知识,信息分类方法;熟练掌握Internet的主要服务及相关工具软件的使用;了解网络与计算机信息检索的基本原理;掌握Internet上搜索引擎的检索方法;掌握Internet上中文网络数据库的检索方法;了解国外常用文摘型网络数据库和全文型络数据库数据库的检索方法;了解图书期刊和特种文献的查找技巧。 本课程主要介绍国际贸易的国际贸易(刘文斌) International Trade search engines and Chinese network database in internet, how to search in tabloid and article network database and the search ways of books, journal and special literature. The main contents in this course include: firstly Written the basic knowledge of international trade which examination introduce international division, world markets, 2 发展和世界市场的形成;二次大战后的国际贸易和世界市场;对外贸易在国民经济中的地位和作用;马克思主义的国际分工理论;西方经济学家的国际贸易学说;马克思的国际价值理论;世界市场价格;对外贸易政策;关税与非关税壁垒;出口促进与出口管制;国际资本移动;跨国公司;关贸总协定与世界贸易组织;国际经济一体化;发达国家间的贸易关系;发展中国家与国际经济新秩序。 本课程较全面系统地介绍了and international market prices; secondly the traditional and contemporary theories of international trade and the theories of trade protection; thirdly the policies of international trade such as tariff and non-tariff’s barriers, the methods of promoting export; and finally the system and features of today’s international trade which mainly focus on the international trade agreement and treaty, WTO and so on. This course introduces systematically correlation 人员招聘和录用的相关理论、theories, theoretical approaches and skills on 招聘与人才测评(刘文斌) Recruitment and 方法、过程和技巧,并结合人Recruitment and Employment, and also tells us what is Talent Assessment and how to do it which plays such an important role in HRM. This course aims at making students understand the theories and Written examination 2 Employment 才测评在人力资源管理尤其是选拔中的重要性讲授了人才测评的理论基础、如何开展