建立数学模型,选择优化方法,利用计算机去处理、分析of operational research cases, so as to cultivate the ability of students to establish the 数据和解决实际问题的能力。 mathematical model, select optimal method and use the computer to analyze data. This course is about management theory and method 本课程系统讲述生产与运作管理的理论与方法,内容包括生产与运作管理概述、生产战of production and operations, the content of this course includes the summary of production and operation management, production strategic new product development and Written examination 略管理、新产品开发与选择、management, 生产与运作管理(王辉) production and 生产设施选址与布置、计划与selection, production facility location and layout, plan and control, supply chain management, 3 operation management 控制、供应链管理、先进生产管理方式。是工业工程专业、and the way of advanced production management. It 工商管理专业和信息管理与信息系统专业的重要专业课程。 is the important professional course in majors of industrial engineering, business management, information management and information systems professional. 本课程主要介绍会计的基本会计学(李林芳) Accounting Principles This course mainly introduces the basic concept Written examination 3 概念、基本理论和基本方法。and the theories and methods of accounting. 通过学习本课程,使学生了解Learning this course enables students to 会计信息的收集、整理、分类、understand the whole process of accounting 汇总和披露的全过程,使学生对会计这一学科有一个初步的了解和认识,明确做好会计工作对于加强企业经济管理的重要性,以使他们在未来的经济管理工作中更好地发挥会计的作用。 管理英语是经管系各专业的一门学科基础课。本课程主要针对管理学领域中的专业知管理英语(王辉) Management English Management English is a basic course for each professional subject. Aiming at Professional knowledge in the field of management, the teaching Written content includes business communication, business examination 等安排教学内容,从听说、词汇、语法、阅读、写作等多方面提升管理英文应用能力。 应用统计学(张秀杰) Applied Statistics address, etc. Students can improve English application ability such as speaking, vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing and so on. This course is the professional basic course for Written information, including collection, sorting, classifying, summarizing and disclosure, so that students can have a preliminary understanding of this course and realize the importance of accounting for strengthening economic management. 2 识,以及商务沟通、商务演讲3 本课程是管理类、经济类专业学生的一门专业基础课程。在现代经济管理、生产管理中处于非常重要的地位。本课程主要讲述统计数据的搜集、加工整理以及在经济学、管理学中常用的统计分析方法。通过本课程的教学,使学生掌握统计学的基本理论知识和统计指标的计算方法,相关的统计分析技能,培养学生运用所学知the management and economy students. The course is in a very important position in modern economic management and production management field. This course focuses on the methods of statistical data collection, processing and statistical analysis methods commonly used in economics and management field. Through the course, students will master the basic theory of statistical knowledge, the calculation method of statistical indicators and statistical analysis of related skills. This examination 识进行定量分析问题的能力。 course will also train students' ability to use knowledge for quantitative analysis of the problem. 《企业战略管理》课程宗旨是向经济管理类专业的本科生企业战略管理(石振香) Strategic Management of Enterprise Strategy Management teaches undergraduate major the basic theories and methods Written of strategic analysis and decision-making. examination Through the study of this curriculum: Students will improve the strategic management level and 2 Enterprises 传授战略分析和决策的基本理论和方法,提高学生的战略管理水平和实际操作能力。通过本课程的学习,使学生能够掌握企业战略管理的基本理论、基本方法和基本技能;使学生能够具有一定的战略思维能力,培养学生的战略实施艺术;为学生今后走入企业或社会从事研究和制定战略决策奠定基础。本课程一直保持practical ability. Students can master the basic theories, methods and basic skills so that they will be able to do strategic thinking. This course has been maintained to track the cutting-edge knowledge and focus on the principles of strategic analysis. The course focuses on case study, and cases studied in this course are typical, representative and constantly updated. This 着对学科前沿的追踪与探索,curriculum system includes matching outline, 注重战略的原理性分析;涵盖了战略管理的基本理论和方法,按“战略分析—战略选择—战略实施”逻辑展开;本课 程注重案例教学,其案例具有典型性、代表性并不断更新。本课程体系包括相互衔接和配套的大纲、教材、教案、课件和题库,配备了参考文献目teaching materials, lesson plans, courseware and questions, with references and supplementary reading lists directory. 录及辅助阅读书目。 This course is for management undergraduate 本课程是为管理学科本科生course, which is a core course required by 开设的学科基础课,也是教育management science and Engineering Teaching 部管理科学与工程专业教学Guidance Committee of Ministry of education and 指导委员会规定的管理科学Management Information 管理信息系统(杨欣) System 内容是研究运用计算机技术technology to solve the problem of information 解决企事业管理中信息的收management of enterprises and institutions, and 集、加工处理、存储、传递等the collection, processing, storage, transmission 系统问题的主干学科基础课。 of the information. 本课程帮助学生树立财务管理的基本理念,了解企业财务Financial Management 财务管理(李林芳) Principles 管理的基本框架,掌握基本的This course introduces the basic concept, framework and the decision-making method of financial management. It lays a solid foundation for professional course in the future. This course Written examination management science and engineering. The main Written examination 3 与工程专业的核心课程。主要content is to study the application of computer 2 财务管理决策方法,为以后的专业课学习奠定坚实的基础。mainly includes: the time value of money, risk 需要掌握财务管理的货币时premium, financing decision, investment decision,