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Unit 1 易错知识点练习


1. - Do you know Tian'anmen Square?

- Sure. It is right Beijing. A. next to B. at the foot of C. in the centre of D. far away from

2. - How do you say 15,858? - .

A. Fifteen thousands, eight hundred and fifty-eight B. Fifteen thousand, eight hundreds and fifty eight. C. Fifteen thousand, eight hundred and fifty-eight D. Fifteen thousand and eight hundred and fifty-eight 3. Which floor do you this tall building? A. live

B. live on D. live on in

C. live in

4. - I forget to bring my English book.

- Never mind. I can mine you. A. share; with C. play; with

B. help; with

D. take; with

5. -Hello. May I speak to Simon, please? - A. Yes, I'm Simon. B. I'm Simon speaking C. No, you can't. D. This is Simon speaking.

6. He has sons and his son is twelve years old.

A. three; first C. three; one

B. third; one

D. third; first

7. Which number of the following is the largest? A. Ten thousand B. Fifty thousand C. Half a million D. Four hundred thousand 8. - ? - Yes. This is Kitty speaking. A. What's your name B. May I speak to Kitty C. Who are you D. Who calls you, Kitty

9. Please listen to the teacher carefully. Don't the window. A. look to

B. look into D. look after

C. look out of

10. Mary is very excited and her eyes are tears. A. full with C. full of

B. filled of

D. filled into

二、根据汉语注释或句意,在空格内写出各单词的正确形式: 1. __________ (梦) are not always bad for our health.

2. My sister enjoys walking along the __________ (海滩) when she is on holiday. 3. My hobby is _________(聊天) with my friends on floor cushions at the seaside. 4. Thank you for your __________ (邀请). It’s my pleasure.

5. “To be __________(有帮助的)” means “to be glad to help others.” 6. Even a child knows September is the ______ month of a year.(nine)

7. Three ______________(hundred)of the students are dancing at the square after supper.

8. My family live on the_________(five)floor of the tall building. 9. I’ve bought a present for my father’s_________(forty)birthday.

10. December is the_____(twelve) month of it. 三、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空

1. I climb a ladder_________________(get) into my room. 2. Where’s Jim? He _____________________(ski) in the snow.

3. I _______________(go) to the Summer Palace once a month when I was a boy. 4. It’s time for us__________________(have) dinner.

5. Mr. Wu___________(begin) to study English when he_________(be) 7 years old. 6. I hope it________________(not) rain) later.

7. She_________________(leave) for Hong Kong in 5 minutes.

8. We _________________(go) on a trip if it ______________(not rain) next week. 9. ____________ (visit) the home for the elderly shows your ____________(kind) to the old.

10. We were surprised at the news of his _______________(die). 四、根据要求完成下列各题

1. He has his own mobile phone.(改为否定句) _________________________________________________ 2. Nick is from Canada.(对画线部分提问)

_________________________________________________ 3. Jack stands behind me.(改为一般疑问句) _________________________________________________ 4. 你能叫Simon给我回个电话吗?

Can you ask Simon ______ _____ _____ _____? 5. 总有一天我能够买一辆汽车。 I can buy a car _____ _____. 五、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子

1. 安娜与她的妹妹共用一个房间。(词数不限) Anna her sister.

2. 那个女孩正从窗户看外面美丽的鲜花。(词数不限)

The girl the beautiful flowery from the window. 3. 王叔叔在他的小花园里种植花和蔬菜。(词数不限)



