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Section Ⅴ Writing——如何描写最喜欢的运动





2.主体——描述该项运动的运动规则,中间可适当加些议论。 3.结尾——该项运动的好处。 二、注意事项




4.人称:按照要求确定好写作时的人称,一般情况下常用第一人称或第三人称。 5.语言:运用生动形象、简洁明了的语言。 [亮点句式] ★开头部分

1.Of all the sports,I like...best. 2....is my favourite sport. 3.People all over the world like... 4.If you ask me which sport I like best... 5.Do you like sports?

6.Which sport do you like best?

7.Do you want to know which sport I like best? 8.How much do you know about...? ★陈述与主题相关的原因 1.I like...because...

2.The reason why I like...is that...

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3.My favourite player is...I like him/her because... ★陈述与主题相关的时间 1.When I was...years old...

2.At the age of...I showed great interest in... 3.I became interested in...when I was... 4.I first learned to...at the age of... ★陈述支持主题的相关内容 1.I often practice it... 2.Whenever I have time... ★结尾部分

1.I become more and more...by playing... 2.I hope in the future I can... 3.I really want to be...when I grow up.



最喜欢的运动 开始产生兴趣 现在练习情况 喜欢的原因 最喜欢的篮球明星 参考词汇:Jordan乔丹 [审题谋篇] 体裁 主题 爱好类说明文 最喜欢的运动 时态 人称 以一般现在时为主 以第一人称为主 篮球 九岁,父亲教我打篮球 校篮球队成员;放学后或周末打一小时 快乐;健康;交友 姚明;乔丹 第一段:说明自己最喜欢的运动 结构 第二段:说明喜欢篮球的过程及理由 第三段:说明最喜欢的篮球明星 [遣词造句] Ⅰ.对接单元词汇 1.magical adj. 2.nowadays adv. 3.athlete n. 4.physical adj.

有魔力的;让人着魔的 现今;现在 运动员;运动选手 身体的

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5.as well 6.compete with 7.take part in 8.on a regular basis Ⅱ.巧用单元句式、语法 (一)完成句子

也;又;还 和……比赛/竞争 参加;参与 定期地;经常


I first became interested in this magical sport at the age of nine. 2.那时父亲开始定期教我打篮球。

Then my father began to teach me how to play basketball on a regular basis. 3.现在我是校篮球队成员。

Nowadays I am a member of our school basketball team. 4.我经常放学后或周末打一小时篮球。

I often play basketball for about an hour after school or on weekends. 5.有时我们也参加篮球比赛,与来自其他学校的运动员比赛。

Sometimes we also take part in basketball games and compete with athletes from other schools.


I like basketball so much because it can not only bring me lots of happiness and physical health but also friendship.


My favourite basketball star is Yao Ming. 8.我最喜欢乔丹。 I like Jordan best. (二)句式升级


I first became interested in this magical sport at the age of nine,when my father began to teach me how to play basketball on a regular basis.


Nowadays I am a member of our school basketball team and I often play basketball for about an hour after school or on weekends.

11.用the reason why...is that...改写句子6

The reason why I like basketball so much is that it can not only bring me lots of happiness and physical health but also friendship.

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12.用and,as well合并句子7、8

My favourite basketball star is Yao Ming and I like Jordan best as well. [妙笔成篇]


I like many kinds of sports,of which basketball is my favorite.

I first became interested in this magical sport at the age of nine,when my father began to teach me how to play it on a regular basis.I have been practicing hard.Nowadays I am a member of our school basketball team and I often play basketball for about an hour after school or on weekends.Sometimes we also take part in basketball games and compete with athletes from other schools.The reason why I like basketball so much is that it can not only bring me lots of happiness and physical health but also friendship.

My favourite basketball star is Yao Ming and I like Jordan best as well.

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