【期刊名称】《中国医药科学》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)012
【摘要】目的观察拉贝洛尔联合硫酸镁治疗妊娠期高血压临床疗效。方法回顾性分析经临床诊断为妊娠期高血压的孕妇127例,分为治疗组和对照组,对照组给予硫酸镁注射液,治疗组在此基础上给予拉贝洛尔注射液。结果治疗组患者治疗后总显效65例(94.2%),对照组49例(84.5%),两组比较有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论拉贝洛尔联合硫酸镁治疗妊娠期高血压避免了硫酸镁的血压控制不理想、容易反跳和镁中毒的不良反应,而且疗效显著,降压作用快,稳定时间长,临床应用前景广阔。%Objective To observe the clinical curative effect of labetalol combined with magnesium sulfate in the treatment of hypertension in pregnancy. Methods 127 cases of pregnant women with gestational hypertension were selected and divided into the treatment group and the control group. The control group was treated with magnesium sulfate injection, the treatment group were given labetalol injection on this basis. Results The total effect in treatment group was 65 cases(94.2%).It was 49 cases in control group(84.5%).There was statistically significant in two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion Labetalol combined with magnesium sulfate in the treatment of hypertension in pregnancy can avoid the adverse reaction of magnesium sulfate on not ideal blood pressure control, easy to
rebound and magnesium intoxication. The curative effect is remarkable, the antihypertensive effect of fast, stable and long time, wide prospect of clinical application. 【总页数】2页(69-70)
【关键词】拉贝洛尔;硫酸镁;妊娠期高血压 【作者】张美娟
【作者单位】江苏省海门市第四人民医院妇产科,江苏海门226141 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R714.24+6 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_china-medicine-pharmacy_thesis/0201254563868.html 【相关文献】
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