1 I’m trying to fill this last page, but I just can’t think of anything.
Try as I might to fill this last page, I just can’t think of anything.
2 I try to be friendly with Marta, but she doesn’t seem to respond.
Try as I might to be friendly with Marta, she doesn’t seem to respond.
3 I try hard to get to sleep, but I can’t help thinking about my family.
Try as I might to get to sleep, I can’t help thinking about my family.
4 He just doesn’t seem to get the promotion he deserves, even though he keeps trying.
Try as he might, he just doesn’t seem to get the promotion he deserves. / Try as he might to get the
promotion he deserves, he just doesn’t seem to get it.
5 I keep trying to remember her name, but my mind is a blank.
Try as I might to remember her name, my mind is a blank.
given that …
4 Rewrite the sentences using given that …
1 Since I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.
Given that I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.
2 Xiao Li has the best qualifications, so she should get the job.
Given that Xiao Li has the best qualifications, she should get the job.
3 Since we’re all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.
Given that we’re all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.
4 Since it’s rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.
Given that it’s rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.
clauses introduced by than
5 Rewrite the sentences using clauses introduced by than .
1 She’s experienced at giving advice. I’m more experienced.
She’s less experienced at giving advice than I am. / I’m more experienced at giving advice than she is.
2 You eat too much chocolate. It isn’t good for you.
You eat too much chocolate than is good for you.
3 She worked very hard. Most part-timers don’t work so hard.
She worked harder than most part-timers do.
4 You have arrived late too many times. That isn’t acceptable.
You have arrived late more times than is acceptable.
5 I don’t think you should have given so much personal information. It isn’t wise.
I think you have given more personal information than is wise.
6 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions.
1 highlight A highlight is the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event.
(a) What would you like to be the highlight of your career?
I would like the highlight of my student career to be to receive a national award for the best student research project.
(b) How can you highlight an important sentence in a text?
You can underline it in pencil or pen or you can use coloured pens or highlighters.
(c) What are the edited highlights of a football match?
The highlights are when someone scores a goal or prevents one from being scored.
2 loan A loan is an amount of money someone borrows from someone else.
(a) Have you ever taken out a loan?
No, I haven’t. But my parents have taken out several loans to buy kitchen equipment.
(b) What is the best way to pay off a loan?
It is best to pay a loan off quickly, although you will still have to pay some interest.
(c) If you have a library book on loan, what do you have to do with it?
You have to return it before the date it is due, otherwise you may have to pay a fine.
3 thrive To thrive means to be very successful, happy or healthy.
(a) What sort of business thrives best in your part of the country?
In my part of the country, light industries and electronics companies thrive.
(b) Which sort of plants thrive in a hot climate?
In a hot climate you can see tropical fruit and vegetables thrive and also tropical plants and trees.
(c) Why do you think some couples thrive on conflict?
It is difficult to understand why some couples thrive on conflict. Maybe each one wants to compete with the other or maybe they enjoy “kissing and making up” after the conflict.
7 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.
If you ask me, real life is not all it’s cracked up to be. Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?
Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?), but mostly with money. It’s just so expensive out here! Everyone wants a slice off you. The Inland Revenue wants to deduct income tax, the bank manager wants repayments on my student loan, the landlord wants the rent, gas, water, electricity and my mobile bills keep coming in, and all that’s before I’ve had anything to eat. And then some bright spark calls me out of the blue, asking if I’m interested in buying a pension. At this rate, I won’t even last till the end of the year, let alone