5 I think the accident was due to the driver’s lack of care. (folly)
6 The removal of minerals from the earth is usually an expensive and dangerous task. (extraction)
7 The red kite is one of the most rarely seen birds in the country. (elusive)
6 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.
1 If someone sidles up to you, are they moving (a) quickly and determinedly, or (b) slowly and casually?
2 Is a hard and fast rule (a) fixed, or (b) open to interpretation?
3 If someone has good eco-credentials, do they (a) care for the environment, or (b) show no interest in it?
4 If something has a murky reputation, is it (a) possibly dishonest or morally wrong, or (b) precious and highly respected?
5 If you play into the hands of someone, do you (a) approve of it, or (b) give them an advantage?
6 If you condone someone’s behaviour, do you (a) approve of it, or (b) disapprove of it?
7 If you pounce onto something, do you make a (a) quick movement to get hold of it, or (b) slow
movement to get hold of it?
Reading and interpreting
7 Check ( ) the writer’s main purpose in writing the passage.
To paint a portrait of a woman with unusual passion.
(The writer does have this purpose to show Cowen’s strong interest.)
To describe the process of making jewellery from sea glass.
(This is one purpose although there are not many details about this.)
To make people think about the importance of recycling.
(Yes, this is a strong point in the passage.)
√ A mixture of all three.
(Yes, the writer seems to have all the above three purposes here.)
8 Find the quotations in the passage which illustrate the ideas:
1 why sea glass is special
“It has the ability to transform magically from something ordinary to luminous treasure after a stint in
the sea.”
2 why colour is important
“The colour gives you a hint of age.”
3 how a thoughtless act can have a happy ending
“The creation of sea glass is a form of recycling, but more than that, it is an example of nature
compensating for man’s folly.”
4 what will happen to sea glass
“Sea glass will eventually run our – one day, it will be rarer than diamonds.”
5 the mysterious appeal of sea glass
“You can imagine what object it might have been, where it traveled and how old it is.”
6 how almost anything can be made into jewellery
“People will find creative ways of working with whatever is available.”
Language in use
word formation: -y
1 Write the adjectives which describe:
1 a jacket with a flower design (flowery)
2 a label that sticks onto something (sticky)
3 a suit which has rather a high price (pricy)
4 hair which shines (shiny)