(earthquake) intensity (地震)强度-梅卡利仪测量破坏程度
(earthquake) magnitude (地震)烈度-里氏仪测量震感强度
after shock 余震
Alternative Risk Transfer 新型风险转移
anti-seismic design (房屋)抗震设计 Business interruption 营业中断险
capacity 承保能力
CAR construction all risks 建工一切险 或:建工险catastrophe XL 巨灾超赔
CEA 加州地震局
ceding company 分出公司
contingent liquidity 或有流淌性 co-related risks 关联风险
coverage 受保范围
deductibles 免赔额
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EAR erection all risks 安工一切险 或: 安工险
earthquake exposure zone 地震风险区 EQ - earthquake 地震
excess of loss (XL) 超赔分保 experience fund 经验基金
exposure 暴露
exposure rating 风险评估
facultative reinsurance 临时再 保险 (可选择的保险,非强制性的)
FAS 13 No. 13 Financial Accounting Standard
fault 断层
financial quota shares 成数分保 financial reinsurance 财务再保险
finite risk reinsurance 有限风险再保险
Finite risk transfer 有限风险转移
GNPI Gross Net Premium Income 总净保费收入
Holistic risk transfer 整体风险转移
insurance securitization 保险 证券化
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insured 被保险人
insured loss 保险损失 isoseismal 等震线 limits 投保限额
liquidity support 提供流淌资金 market retention 市场自留额
statement of account 往来帐目 account current 现在往来帐/存款额 current accout 销货帐 account sales 共同计算帐项 joint account
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