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编稿:牛新阁 审稿:王春霞

语言积累 交际用语


Why would you...? 为什么你们会......? The reason is that... 理由是......

Because I want to share with others... 因为我想与别人分享...... How could you do that...? 你怎么能做了那个......?

First, find some information through... 首先,通过......找一些信息。 Then/ Just at that time/ After that/ Afterwards/ Next/ Later on, ... 然后...... In the end/ At last/ Finally,... 最后......


1. 有关志愿者(volunteer)

1)People who help others in need or do a job willingly without being paid are called volunteers. 志愿者指那些给需要的人以帮助或愿意无偿做一些工作的人。

2)Volunteers are not paid not because they are worthless but because they are priceless. 志愿者没有报酬,不是因为他们是毫无价值,而是因为他们是无价的。

(worthless 没有价值的,没有用处的;priceless 无价的,贵重的,无法估计的) 3)the image ambassador for HIV/ Aids预防艾滋病形象大使 4)United Nations Volunteer in China 中国青年志愿者

December, 5th is International Volunteer Day. 12月5日是国际志愿者日。

5)There are many people around us, in our country or even in the world who need different kinds of help. So voluntary work is an important and great cause (事业). Not only can it make people live better but also it can bring happiness to volunteers. So we should form a sense of helping others and take an active part in any kind of voluntary activities from now on and try to make the world more beautiful and harmonious(和谐的).

2. 成为志愿者的原因(Reasons for being a volunteer)

make some difference to one’s lives 对某人的生活有些影响,使某人的生活有所不同 gain more experience 获得经验 challenge oneself 挑战自己 fulfill one’s ambition 实现抱负

help children in poor area 帮助贫困地区的孩子 broaden one’s horizon 拓宽眼界


3. 志愿者在做什么?

fight against the flood and rescue the old and the sick 抗击洪水,救助老人和病人 plant trees and protect our environment 植树,保护环境 prevent the land from turning into desert 阻止土地沙漠化 help the disabled 帮助残疾人 clean the community 清洁社区

teach the kids in the mountainous areas/ developing countries 在山区/发展中国家支教 join the Go West Project to improve the standard of education in the school 加入“西部工程”改善学校教育水平

help elderly people who live alone 帮助空巢老人

donate money to help people in the earthquake area 为地震地区捐款 organize a party to collect money for... 组织聚会为......筹款

The volunteers make their greatest efforts to help others. 志愿者们正竭尽全力帮助别人。

4. 有关分享(Sharing)

… each contribution—no matter how small— can help make a difference. 任何奉献,无论多么小,都会给社会带来变化。

Give roses to others and the lasting fragrance will remain in your hand. 予人玫瑰,手留余香。

Be generous and you will be prosperous. Help others and you will be helped. 仗义疏财方会财源茂盛(慷慨大方,你才能繁荣兴旺)。帮人才能被帮。

If everybody offers a little love, the world will become more beautiful. (From a song) 只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间。(歌词)

Share your sadness with others, sadness halves. Share your love with others, love spreads. 分担哀伤,哀伤减半;分享爱意,爱意加倍。

Sharing is loving and caring. 分享是表达爱意和关心。 Sharing also means selection. 分享也是一种选择。(选择与你分享的人) Sharing is an acquired skill. 分享是一种习得的技巧。 Sharing is a faith. 分享是一种信仰。

5. Famous volunteers Norman Bethune 白求恩

Mother Teresa特蕾莎修女(She lived in India (1910-1997). She helped the poor and the sick and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.)


【高清课堂:Living well 语言应用----ш. Learn to share with others】

Learn to share with others

If we would like to achieve success and gain greater blessings in what we have or earn, we must learn to share whatever we have with others. Never let the heart be so deeply attached to wealth or other belongings. From childhood we should train our offspring to share their toys, food and other belongings so that as they grow they learn to love this great habit. Some take sharing as a burden whereas others claim not to have enough to be able to share when in fact they have more than enough. Remember, you will never achieve true righteousness until you learn to share. 注释:

blessing 祝福 offspring 子孙 whereas 但是 righteousness 正义 要点提示:

attach to(使)相关,依附 take ... as a burden 把......当成负担

How to Teach Children to Share

The concept of sharing does not come easily to children especially when they are two or three years old. Children are naturally built in “want” quality. They also automatically have a strong sense of what is “mine” and in the beginning they think everything is theirs. There are ways that it is possible to encourage children to learn to share.

Rules of Sharing

* If you want to play with another child’s toy, ask the other child first and don’t just grab it from them.

* If someone asks you if they can play with one of your toys do not say no but give a reason or explanation. Taking turns is another excellent alternative that often works well for children. * The golden rule is always worthwhile to teach children in regards to sharing. Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you. 注释:

grab 抢占 in regards to 有关 unto 对,向,直到

Why do teenagers need to help others by volunteering

Have you ever thought about volunteering your time to a local charity or community organization? There are many different reasons for you to start volunteering:

* To help others

* To learn about an activity or organization * To beat boredom

* To overcome a loss you have experienced

* To learn about yourself, learn about others and meet a lot of interesting people

Possibilities of doing volunteering work

1. Homeless shelters

If you live in a city of any size, then there is at least one homeless shelter that helps homeless people with meals, beds and other services. 2. City programs

Most large cities offer a wide range of volunteer opportunities. Look in the phone book and call around to see what might be available where you live. 3. Helping others learn to read

Reading is one of the most important skills an adult can have. Many adults, however, have never learned how to read. Literacy(会读写)volunteers act as tutors who help illiterate(文盲)children and adults learn this important skill. 4. Libraries

Many libraries need help reshelving (书上架) books, running children’s programs, making books available to the community, and so on. 5. Senior Citizens Centers

Many senior citizens centers offer volunteer programs to provide friendship and community activities to senior citizens. 6. Animal Shelters

Many animal shelters are non-profit or government organizations, and therefore they welcome volunteers to help take care of animals, keep facilities clean and work with the public. 要点提示:

shelter 避难所 range 范围 senior citizens 老年公民 community 社区,团体 non-profit 非营利的 facilities 设施,设备 ■


有用的句子----- 试试你会了吗?

1. 我在信中附有几张照片,能够帮助你想象出我所谈到的地方。

I’ve ________ some photos _______ will help you ________ the places I talk about. 2. 但是有一点是肯定的,我在教学中变得更富有想象力了。

However, _______________, I’ve become more ____________ in my teaching. 3. 理科对我来说是最富挑战性的课,因为我的学生对做实验没有概念。

Science is my _______________ subject as my students ______________ doing experiments. 4. 说实在的,我真的不知道我教的课是否会让这些男孩子的生活有所改变。 ____________, I doubt ________ I’m _________________ these boys’ lives at all. 5. 我们步行了两个半小时才到达那里——先是爬山,爬到山脊能看到奇妙的景色......

We walked for ______________ hours to get there — first up a mountain to a ridge ________ we had __________________...

6. 汤贝的父亲莫卡普把我们带到他的家里。这是个低矮的竹屋,屋顶上伸出一簇茅草。 Tombe’s father, Mukap, ________ us to his house, a low bamboo nut ______________. 7. 小屋内很黑,因此眼睛要过好一阵才能适应过来。

The hut was dark inside so it ______________________________. 8. 他之后用香蕉叶子把这些蔬菜盖上,等着它们蒸熟。

He then _________ the vegetables _______ banana leaves and ______ them ________. 9. 跟汤贝一家度过了一天,真是一种殊荣。

It was such a ____________________ a day with Tombe’s.

10. 这件礼物给予一个人获得基本的阅读、写作及生活技巧的机会。

This gift gives a man or woman the _______________ and writing, and _______________. 11. 成年人树立了参加他们社区中社会、经济以及政治生活的信心。

Adults develop the confidence to __________ the social, ____________ lives of their communities.

12. 这份礼物包含了幼苗的培育和销售费用,也包含了当地村民参加护树培训的费用。 This gift _______ the cost of ____________ of seedlings, as well as ____________for the local villagers...

13. 山羊的数量很快增加,并且为每个家庭增添更多的食物和财力保障。

Goats increased _______ quickly and add much to a family’s food _______________. 14. 社区学校为孩子们提供了好的品质教育,否则他们就没有上学的机会了。

Community schools provide good _______ education for children who would ________ have no opportunity __________.


1. included; which; picture

2. one thing is for sure (for sure 无疑); imaginative (富有想象力的) (对比:imaginary 想象的,

虚构的;imaginable 可想象的) 3. most challenging; have no concept of

4. To be honest; whether; making any difference to 5. two and a half; from where; fantastic views 6. led; with grass sticking out of the roof

7. took time for our eyes to adjust(改变以适应,调整) 8. covered; with; left; to steam(蒸) 9. privilege to have spent

10. opportunity to acquire basic reading; life skills

11. participate in; economic (经济的) and political(政治的)

12. covers; production and distribution (分布,分销); training in tree care 13. in number; financial security

14. quality; otherwise; to attend school





during the 1980s 在二十世纪八十年代 for a couple of months 两个月 over the last few years 在过去几年里 in the future 在未来

in two weeks’ time 两周后 for a further six months 在接下来的六个月里


写作常用的词句 1. 性格特征

confident 自信的 generous 慷慨的 humorous 幽默的 independent 独立的 kind-hearted 好心的 warm-hearted 好心的 absent-minded 心不在焉地 bad-tempered 易怒的 be ready to help others 愿意帮助他人 2. 兴趣与情感

be good at doing 擅长做 be fond of music 喜欢音乐 have a strong desire to do 强烈渴望做 long for/ long to do 渴望(做) take a pleasure in doing 很乐意做 wish to do 希望做 3.教育背景

be admitted to Beijing University 被录取到北大 get a master’s degree 获得硕士学位

get on well with one’s lessons 功课很好 go abroad to further one’s study 出国深造 graduate from 毕业于 major in history 专业是历史 take an active part in 积极参加 when at college 在大学时



