Apparatus for tapping foetal blood.
申请(专利)号: ES19810268576U
专利号: ES268576U 主分类号: A61B5/14 申请权利人: LABORATOIRES
BIOTROL S.A. 公开国代码: ES 优先权国家: FR
摘 要:
A device for puncturing the umbilical cord of a foetus in utero. The device consists of two fixed tubes, a trocar, a stem with a resilient hook at one end, and a hollow needle. The trocar and the stem are adapted to slide in one of the tubes, and the hollow needle is adapted to slide in the other tube.
申请日: 1981-08-05 公开公告日: 1983-05-16
分类号: A61B5/14 发明设计人: 申请国代码: ES
优先权: 19800806 FR
摘 要 附 图:
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Apparatus for tapping foetal blood.