Part II key to exercises Section A
Pre-reading activities 1 1
1) playing basketball 2) swimming
3) running on a treadmill 4) playing tennis 5) playing cycling
2 . Yes. Generally speaking, these sports are popular among college students, though they are not as popular as basketball and soccer.
. Not all of these sports are popular among college students. As far as I know, swimming and tennis are more popular among college students than the other three sports. 2
1. I like jogging and playing tennis. When I jog, I listen to music or English. So Idon't feel bored and I can learn something while exercising. I also like playing tennis because it is a very exciting sport and it is fun playing with friends.
2. . I don’t do sports every day, but I try to exercise regularly. On weekdays, I’m too busy with my classes and homework, so I can only do sports occasionally. But on weekends I always manage to spend as much time as I can playing table tennis, going hiking, or doing yoga.
. I spend about half an hour doing exerciseevery morning. Usually, I run on the sports field on campus. But if it rains, I do push-ups and sit-ups in my dorm. If I have time, I play soccer or basketball in the afternoon with my classmates.
3. Yes, I think so. Playing sports offers may obvious benefits. Playing sports is good to our health and good health is important for success at college. It also helps cultivate cooperation and
teamwork. Besides, playing sports is very good for the development of our social skills, for sports teach us how to communicate and cooperate with people.
Reading comprehension Understanding the text 1
1. Because the Sydney-to-Melbourne race is 875 kilometers long and it is a harsh test of endurance for the world’s top athletes.
2. Cliff Young was a toothless 61-year-old farmer; he was wearing rubber boots, and was mch older than the other runners.
3. Other athletes neither believed it nor treated Cliff Young with respect.
4. Because Cliff Young didn’t run properly. He had the strangest running style and appeared to shuffle.
5. When people found that Cliff Young ran through the entire night without sleeping and when it seemed to them that he intended to keep running until he reached the finish line or fell ill or was injured.
6. When he was running, Cliff Young imagined he was gathering his sheep and trying to outrun a storm.
7. Cliff Young gave all the prize money to five other runners. He didn’t keep a single cent for himself.
8. Cliff Young is a brilliant example showing that ordinary people also have the inherent quality to achieve great results.
Critical thinking 2
1. I think teamwork, fair play and honesty, and excellence in performance best characterize the spirit of sports.
. teamwork: Individuals can be strong on their own, but they can be much stronger in a team game.
. fairpaly and honesty: Respect the rules of the fame. Be honest. Never cheat even though you know you won’t get caught.
. excellence in performance: Always try your best. Show your efforts and best performance. 2. By playing sports, people can cultivate honesty, determination, and mutual respect.
. Honesty: you will learn that having the sense of fair play and observing moral principles are essential in playing sports.
. Determination: Be ready to face difficulties or frustrations: Be ready to face difficulties or frustrations and never give up. Ultimately, this could be the deciding factor when it comes to winning or losing.
. Mutual respect: It is compulsory to play by the rules. You will learn to respect your opponents, fellow players, referees, and fans.
3. No, winning isn’t the most important thing in sports. Winning is good, but there is much more about playing sports than winning playing sports brings about many benefits, the most important of which is to cultivate the spirit of sports. The spirit of sports is best reflected in the Olympic Creed, which reads: “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is no the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.
4. I think it means that a true champion has great confidence and determination that we should not take lightly. A true champion knows one must push his limits of endurance or strength or skill to achieve victory. A true champion never gives up.
5. The story of Cliff Young is extraordinary and inspirational, from which I have learned a great deal. I have learned that we should pursue our dreams regardless of what other people have to say. An ordinary person can become a hero, and wonderful things do happen when we are determined and committed. Most important of all, we should believe in ourselves!
Language focus Words in use 3 1. annual 2. contract 3. distinction 4. substantial 5. furnished
6. amateur 7. assemble 8. react 9. apparent 10. magnificent
word building 4
Words learned new words formed -ing
boring bore fascinating fascinate amuse amusing -ion
Explode explosion Assume assumption Evolve evolution Compensatecompensation Contribution contribute -ary
Element elementary Revolution revolutionary 5
1. assumption 2. fascinated 3. explosion 4. elementary 5. compensation 6. evolution
7. amusing 8. bore 9. contribute 10. revolutionary
banked cloze 6
1K 2D 3C 4B 5H 6O 7F 8M 9A 10G
Expressions in use 7
1. passed away 2. left behind 3. give away
4. had no intention of 5. Up to 6. regardless of 7. might (just) as well 8. fall ill 9. in attendance 10. to this day
structured writing 9
In 1564, William Shakespeare, the great poet and playwright, was born in England. As a boy he attended a local grammar school in his hometown. At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway, and they had three children. Between 1585 and 1592, he developed a successful career in London. By 1592 several of his plays were on the London stage and he had become well-known by acting and writing plays. He appeared to have retired from the theater and returned to his hometown