balanced and run the satisfaction of the
May 6, 2016 County economic informatideepen understanding of the acting politica
l new
Constitutipt new t
people education. Room XX City Bureau of educational supervi
on and Business Council System Committee \on Party rules,
on Party rc conteng acting
ules in the deep i
ng understa
sion of XX municipality
ng arrangemeseries a
ddress the
nts specific
nd practi
programme for advance full strical requirements. 1. Constitocate
of \nnovation, and
ctly rule ution Party rule
party, a
s. Le
ccording to County arning of the party
on Department on, a deep
on County %understanding of the party'
n a do\s nature
ning arrang, purpose, gui
ements of specific programme and I Board ledingprinciple
s, goal
s, organizatition mechaninew devel
on, good
arning estyle, grasp
ducation implemeconditi
ons, rights a
ntation programme spirit, accordi
of party members,
ng to disting
bearing i
uish ln mind t
evel, and hahat oath
s targeted sol, clear qualifie
ution problem of requirements, ensure learning education made effective
code of self-discipli
ness, promote all members consciously respected Constitutiulations, the
on, and comply with party rulCommunist Party M
es, with XI General Seember Right
s Ordi
cretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practi
ds of \national of dream, a
ce, and Promote the wngs\
ork and be qualified party members a
plinary offence ase modern yilai m
nd learning arrand punishment prost great of dream,
ngements arovisions. core Essential
e hereby makes the foll
o XI Ge
owing speneral Secretary y, and nati
cific programmes.
series important speeonal revitali
Learning requirements, on a
ch rea
ll party members t
o study the party Constituti
sic textbook, lchieved Chine
on and party rules understand XI
and unify the XI
ecretary seri
series of important speech, General Sesic spirit, lear
speech learniunderstand Ce
ng series to
basic spirit and obligations nd strengthe
n the
d party member criteria and conditions.
he basic re
Learning the ne of the ng aspects
CPC, the CPC's disciplinary regChinese nance and so on, mastering self-dicipline standar
ues; (2) China
dream is
ous types of disciam, is Chine
2. series spoke. ding (2016 version) and poverty for bas Socialist is a
General Ses important speech of ba
nce, and the
ory confide
ntral ruli
hought new strategy of basi
a party ruli
nt, learnind XI General Seconsci
cretary in Fujian work during advhe work
s\coordination, and green, a
nd ope
n, and shared development is relati
n Nanping research study proposed of \
p change, a
nd \ccording to
hought, Master aparty spirit, fulfills the purues, promote Socialist t
pose ideas, moral hought moral and Chine
character, conservation related to t
se traditional virtue
nts. Main understand master followicontent: (1) ideal faith is Communists spirit Shang of \ht of worldview, and Outlook on life, and valnd national of dream, apeople of dres is national prosperitzation, and people happiness; (3) China featurese great revival of way, enhanced road confidence, and system confidence; (4) \
Strategy layout is new of history conditions Xipolitical total strategy, ously with \; (5) insisted ionship China development global of one deent concept do job; (6) practice line Socialist core val
ull strictly rule party is all members common responsibility, must implementation to each branch and each name members. 3 ... Play a vanguard and exemplary role in life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and disciline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's
purpose. Focus stability. Focus
grass-roots orga
on people's conception of some party members, la
h the status quo, a le
nd party of discipli
ck of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. bility and ot
Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with t
plement t
inary regul
he masses, he new deveations regulati
be kind to lopmeons
people, dedicated to public service and
play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of dev
ce, le
otion, talk about etrn more,
better, more
hics, good faith is
strict re
not enough, and some even value distortions, m
he ideol
oral misconduct, sexy vulgaogical a
nd political
quality and t
r, materialistiheoreti
cal level
c, and so on. s. 1. Constit
Strengthening moral ution Party rule
cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to selfarticles, in full
-discipline, spiritual pursuit, to of based S
internalize the core valuehang, focus master
s into conscious action, with exemplary bes, and
havior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practinization, a
ce of promoting reform, develce organizati
opment and on, and party of
on some party members wit
nizations, and party of cadres, ass aggressive mood,
ne, chapter content, depressed, saying sluggish again, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some evedeep grasp %uard\e and mission, further clear \n perfunctory address, evading responsi
ce\her issues. s of six items baActively adapt to the economic development of the new normsic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC al, seriously im
the CPC disciplnt philosophy, hard work hard work of the CPC local committees of the party wbased on their own dedication. Second, on the Council of the ork of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Orsection-level cadres above requirements
dinance, such as the selection and appoisection above party cadres tntment of party and Government leao take the lead in the education working
ding cadres work of important laws aclosely with leading practi
nd regulations withi
nts, higher, and strive to improve ts. System learning understanding CPC grasp basic content ution master and memberparty of organization system, and party of Central Organd party of pla
balanced and run the satisfaction of the
May 6, 2016 County economic informatideepen understanding of the acting politica
l new
Constitutipt new t
people education. Room XX City Bureau of educational supervi
on and Business Council System Committee \on Party rules,
on Party rc content, learning acting
ules in the deep i
ng understa
sion of XX municipality
ng arrangemeseries a
ddress the
nts specific
nd practi
programme for advance full strical requirements. 1. Constitocate
of \nnovation, and
ctly rule ution Party rule
party, a
s. Le
ccording to County arning of the party
on Department on, a deep
on County %understanding of the party'
do\s naturepropose
ning arrang, purpose, gui
ements of specific programme and I Board leding principle
s, goal
s, organizatition mechaninew devel
on, good
arning estyle, grasp
ducation implemeconditi
ons, rights a
ntation programme spirit, accordi
of party members,
ng to distinguish l
n mind t
evel, and has targeted sol
ution problem of requirements, ensure learning education made effective
code of self-discipli
ness, promote all members consciously respected Constitutiulations, the
on, and comply with party rulCommunist Party M
es, with XI General Seember Right
s Ordi
cretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practi
ds of \
ce, and Promote the wngs\
ork and be qualified party members a
plinary offence ase modern yilai m
nd learning arrand punishment prost great of dream,
ngements arovisions. core Essential
e hereby makes the following specific programmes.
series important speeonal revitali
Learning requirements, on a
ch rea
ll party members t
o study the party Constituti
sic textbook, lchieved Chine
on and party rules understand XI
and unify the XI series of important speech, General Sesic spirit, lear
speech learniunderstand Ce
ng series to
basic spirit and obligations nd strengthe
n the
bearing ihat oath, clear d party member criteria and conditions.
he basic re
Learning the ne of the ng aspects
CPC, the CPC's disciplinary regChinese nance and so on, mastering self-di
ues; (2) China
scipline standar
dream is
ous types of disciam, is Chine
2. series spoke. o XI General Secretary
y, and nati
ding (2016 version) and poverty for bas Socialist is a
General Secretary seri
nhanced roa
es important speech of ba
d confide
nce, and the
ory confide
ntral ruli
hought new strategy of basi
a party ruli
nd XI General Secretary in Fujian work during advs\coordination, and green, a
nd ope
n, and shared development is relati
n Nanping research study d of \
p change, a
nd \ccording to
sm\opment concept
hought, Master a do job; (6) practi
party spirit, fulfills the purues, promote Socialist t
pose ideas, moral hought moral and Chine
character, conservation related to t
se traditional virtue
nts. Main understand master followicontent: (1) ideal faith is Communists spirit Shang of \ht of worldview, and Outlook on life, and valnational of dream, and national of dream, apeople of dres is national prosperitzation, and people happiness; (3) China featurese great revival of way, ence, and system confidence; (4) \
Strategy layout is new of history conditions Xical total strategy, consciously with \ led the work; (5) insisted ionship China development global of one deece line Socialist core val
3 ﹒教师应加强美术教学的示范特点,充分利用展示图片、美术作品及放映幻灯、影片、录像片等教学手段和现代教育技术进行直观教学。
ull strictly rule party is all members common responsibility, must implementation to each branch and each name members. 3 ... Play a vanguard and exemplary role in life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and disciline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's
purpose. Focus stability. Focus
grass-roots orga
on people's conception of some party members, la
h the status quo, a le
nd party of discipli
ck of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. bility and ot
Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with t
plement t
inary regul
he masses, he new deveations regulati
be kind to lopmeons
people, dedicated to public service and
play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masses. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of dev
ce, le
otion, talk about etrn more,
better, more
hics, good faith is
strict re
not enough, and some even value distortions, m
he ideol
oral misconduct, sexy vulgaogical a
nd political
quality and t
r, materialistiheoreti
cal level
c, and so on. s. 1. Constit
Strengthening moral ution Party rule
cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-disciarticles, in full
pline, spiritual pursuit, to of based S
internalize the core valuehang, focus master Constit
s into conscious action, with exemplary bes, and
havior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practi
nization, a
ce of promoting reform, develce
opment and on, and party of
on some party members witnizations, and party of cadres, ass aggressive mood,
ne, chapter content, depressed, saying sluggish again, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some evedeep grasp %uard\e and mission, further clear \n perfunctory address, evading responsi
ce\her issues. s of six items baActively adapt to the economic development of the new normsic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC al, seriously im
the CPC disciplnt philosophy, hard work hard work of the CPC local committees of the party wbased on their own dedication. Second, on the Council of the ork of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Orsection-level cadres above requirements
dinance, such as the selection and appoisection above party cadres tntment of party and Government leao take the lead in the education working
ding cadres work of important laws aclosely with leading practi
nd regulations withi
nts, higher, and strive to improve tSystem learning understanding CPC grasp basic content ution master and memberparty of organization system, and party of Central Organd party of pla
balanced and run the satisfaction of the
May 6, 2016 County economic informatideepen understanding of the acting politica
l new
Constitutipt new t
people education. Room XX City Bureau of educational supervi
on and Business Council System Committee \on Party rules,
on Party rc content, learning acting
ules in the deep i
ng understa
sion of XX municipality
ng arrangemeseries a
ddress the
nts specific
nd practi
programme for advance full strical requirements. 1. Constitocate
of \nnovation, and
ctly rule ution Party rule
party, a
s. Le
ccording to County arning of the party
on Department on, a deep
on County %understanding of the party'
do\s naturepropose
ning arrang, purpose, gui
ements of specific programme and I Board leding principle
s, goal
s, organizatition mechaninew devel
on, good
arning estyle, grasp
ducation impleme
conditions, rights ahought, Master
ntation programme spirit, accordi
of party members,
ng to disting
bearing i
uish ln mind t
evel, and has targeted sol
ution problem of requirements, ensure learning education made effective
code of self-discipli
ness, promote all members consciously respected Constitutiulations, the
on, and comply witCommunist Party M
h party rules, with XI General Se
s Ordi
cretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practi
ds of \national of dream, a
ce, and Promote the wngs\
ork and be qualified party members a
plinary offence ase modern yilai m
nd learning arrand punishment prost great of dream,
ngements arovisions. core Essential
e hereby makes the foll
o XI Ge
owing specific prneral Secretary y, and nati
ogrammes. series important spee
Learning requirements, on a
ch rea
ding (2016 version) and
ll party members t
o study the party Constituti
sic textbook, lchieved Chine
on and party rules understand XI
and unify the XI series of important speech, General Sesic spirit, lear
speech learniunderstand Ce
ng series to
basic spirit and obligations nd strengthe
n the
hat oath, clear d party member criteria and conditions.
he basic re
nts. Ma
Learning the ne of the ng aspects
CPC, the CPC's disciplinary regChinese ember Rightht of worl
nance and so on, mastering self-di
ues; (2) China
scipline standar
dream is
ous types of disciam, is Chine
2. series spoke. poverty for bas Socialist is a
General Secretary seri
nhanced roa
es important speech of ba
d confide
nce, and the
ory confide
ntral ruli
hought new strategy of basi
a party ruli
nd XI General Secretary in Fujian work during advs\coordination, and green, a
nd ope
n, and shared development is relati
n Nanping research study onship China developme
d of \
p change, a
nd \ccording to
sm\party spirit, fulfills the purues, promote Socialist t
pose ideas, moral hought moral and Chine
character, conservation related to t
se traditional virtue
in understand master followicontent: (1) ideal faith is Communists spirit Shang of \dview, and Outlook on life, and valnational of dream, apeople of dres is national prosperitonal revitalization, and people happiness; (3) China featurese great revival of way, ence, and system confidence; (4) \
Strategy layout is new of history conditions Xical total strategy, consciously with \ led the work; (5) insisted int global of one deeopment concept do job; (6) practice line Socialist core val
ull strictly rule party is all members common responsibility, must implementation to each branch and each name members. 3 ... Play a vanguard and exemplary role in life. Keep to the correct political orientation, political sensitivity and political judgment, dare to fight against all kinds of wrong thought, wrong words and deeds. (2) firmly establish consciousness of the party, the party member's consciousness. Focus on some party members sense of organization and disciline, they do not participate in the Organization, is not required to pay membership dues for a long time, do not play a vanguard and exemplary role, some don't even mention membership, fail to make a distinction between right and wrong, failing to observe political discipline and rules, and so on. Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, strengthen party spirit, listening party, party, party, party, party party guarding party, at the party, the party for the party. (3) strengthening the consciousness of the party's
purpose. Focus stability. Focus
grass-roots orga
on people's conception of some party members, la
h the status quo, a le
nd party of discipli
ck of sense of service, do not care for the masses did not take the initiative, and some even hurt public interests, job, excellent thick friends, eating, and so on. bility and ot
Bearing in mind the fundamental purpose of serving, top people at heart, close ties with t
plement t
inary regul
he masses, he new deveations regulati
be kind to lopmeons
people, dedicated to public service and
play a part in poverty relief, with practical actions to win the trust and support of the masse
of the
s. (4) actively practicing the Socialist core values. Focus on do not observe stringent members, knowledge out of dev
ce, le
otion, talk about etrn more,
better, more
hics, good faith is
strict re
not enough, and some even value distortions, m
he ideol
oral misconduct, sexy vulgaogical a
nd political
quality and t
r, materialistiheoreti
cal level
c, and so on. s. 1. Constit
Strengthening moral ution Party rule
cultivation, Zonta for good, pay attention to self-disci
pline, spiritual basic content
pursuit, to of based S
internalize the core valuehang, focus master Constit
s into conscious action, with exemplary bes, and
havior influence and lead people. (5) set up in the practi
nization, a
ce of promoting reform, develce
opment and on, and party of
on some party members witnizations, and party of cadres, ass aggressive mood,
ne, chapter content, depressed, saying sluggish again, just to get by not seeking guodeying, some evedeep grasp %uard\e and mission, further clear \n perfunctory address, evading responsi
ce\her issues. s of six items baActively adapt to the economic developmentof the new normsic conditions. Studying the code of self-discipline of the CPC al, seriously im
the CPC disciplnt philosophy, hard work hard work of the CPC local committees of the party wbased on their own dedication. Second, on the Councilork of the Chinese Communist Party (for trial implementation) Orsection-level cadres above requirements
dinance, such as the selection and appoisection above party cadres tntment of party and Government leao take the lead in the education working
ding cadres work of important laws aclosely with leading practi
nd regulations within
nts, higher, and strive to improve tSystem learning understanding CPC articles, in fullution master and memberparty of organization system, and party of Central Organd party of pla