6-3 财政支出(2024年)Government Expenditures(2024)单位:万元指 标一般公共预算支出 1.一般公共服务支出 2.国防支出 3.公共安全支出 4.教育支出 5.科学技术支出 6.文化体育与传媒支出 7.社会保障和就业支出 8.医疗卫生与计划生育支出 9.节能环保支出 10.城乡社区事务支出 11.农林水事务支出 12.交通运输支出 13.资源勘探电力信息等事务支出 14.商业服务业等事务支出 15.金融支出 16.国土海洋气象等支出 17.住房保障支出 18.粮油物资储备支出 19.债务付息支出 20.其它支出 21.债务发行费用支出政府性基金支出注:本表数据来源于市财政局。ItemGeneral Public Budgetary Expenditure Expenditure for General Public Services Expenditure for National Defense Expenditure for Public Security Expenditure for Education Expenditure for Science and Technology Expenditure for Cultural, Sports and Media Expenditure for Social Safety Net and Employment Effort Expenditure for Medical 、 Health Care and Brith Control Planning Expenditure for Energy Saving Expenditure for Urban and Rural Community Affairs Expenditure for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Conservancy Expenditure for Transportation Expenditure for Exploration of the Power of Information Expenditure for Business Services Expenditure for Finance Expenditure for Land and Marine Meteorology Expenditure for Housing Security Expenditure for Grain and Oil Stockpiles Debt Service Expenditure Other Expenditure Debt Issuance ExpenditureGovernmental Fund Budgetary Expenditure(10 000 yuan)20241151874110500701597669363415719324822952805031307951929633534790247474462981714763722707824923816856549744396001868526406312810111647360299
陕西省西安市2024统计年鉴数据:6-3 财政支出(2024年)