二十六个辅音 b+e=be b h+e=he h p+e=pe p *v+e=ve v ch+e=che ch 英辅 b h h, wh p p v v ch ch, tch k+e=ke c zh+e=zhe j k+uo=kuo qu w+e=we w sh+e=she sh c j j ,dge, g (i,e,y) qu qu w w, wh sh sh, ti, si, ci d+e=de d l+e=le l r+uo=ruo r ke+se=kse x ch+uo=chuo tr d d l l r r, wr x x tr tr f+e=fe f m+e=me m s+e=se s y+e=ye y zh+uo=zhuo dr f f, ph m m s s, c (i,e,y) y y dr dr g+e=ge g n+e=ne n t+e=te t z+e=ze z **s+e=se z+e=ze th or th g g, gu, gh n n, kn, gn t t z z th or th th *发此音时,上齿咬著下嘴唇 **发此两个音时,把舌尖伸出上下齿间 字母组合 b c k, ck, ch 注:表中下划线不发音,g(iey)表示g在字母“i,e,g”前可发“j”音。C在字母“i,e,y”前必须发“s”音
十八个元音 a e i i o A *u ei a_e a ar air a a a _e ai, ay, ey, eigh,ea ar ar
i **ee or eer e ea e ee ea, ie,ei,ee or aw, au, al ,or ai i_e e ur oi i y i i_e y, igh, ie ur ir,er,ear,(w)or,ur ou o_e ao ow our o a o o_e o, oa, ow, oe ow ou , ow iu u_e u oo u o, ou, oo,u u_e ue, ui, ew oo oo,ui, ew, ue - 1 -
*此音要发的比汉语拼音中的“a”要短而窄。**此音要发的比汉语拼音中的“i”要长而窄。 air eir,air,ear,are,ere ear Eer, ear, ere oi oy,oi 英语单词的构成
元音是单音节英语单词中的王,因为它们决定着一个单词最终的发音. 在单音节英语单词中,级别最高的辅音是元音前面紧挨着它的那个辅音. 一个元音和它前面紧挨着它的那个辅音共同组成一个不间断音. 多音节词是由不同的不间断音和其他辅音组成或词缀组成的。
第二部分: 五个长元音
代表长元音“a_e”的字母: ai, ay, ey, eigh,ea 不间断音: b+ a_e=ba_e 26个不间断音 ba_e ha_e pa_e va_e cha_e table cable label fatal able paper baby baker bakery bacon ca_e ja_e qua_e wa_e sha_e 真词认读(1) favor savor hasty tasty hasten famous capable patriotic patience tailor sailor mailer drainer rainy brainy dainty daily daisy gaily grainy da_e la_e ra_e xa_e tra_e 真词认读(2) bailey frailty mailing sailing fainting training draining drainage failure faintness fa_e ma_e sa_e ya_e dra_e navigate graduate fascinate candidate suffocate calculate fabricate activate tabulate ga_e na_e ta_e za_e tha_e 真词认读(3) generate celebrate devastate demonstrate emigrate delegate estimate legislate lemonade 要点
在由“-tion”结尾的单词中,重音一般落在“-tion”前面紧挨着的不间断音上,而且元音字母发其字名音,如:“education”。但是如果“-tion”和前面紧挨着的不间断音被一个辅音字母隔开,前面这个不间断音的元音字母发其短元音的音, 如:“transaction”。 真词认读(4) desolation punctuation generation destination population transportation demonstration
真词认读(5) 真词认读(6) plantation legislation investigation domination occupation education nomination liberation elevation - 2 -
justification decoration plantation legislation investigation domination occupation education nomination fabrication desolation liberation graduation punctuation elevation ventilation generation estimation inspection destination population modernizatiotelevision n benedictiotransportation demonstratiofiltration n suffocation connection n federation separation obligation obligation connection separation 短句认读 inspection television benediction deliberation immigration constitution declaration immunization fabrication graduation ventilation suffocation federation justification decoration modernization filtra tion estimation revolution dedication communication I hate to be late on such a date. Jane wants to save my face. Don’t make the same mistake. We were born on the same date. You can bake a cake in the same way. I will wait to play a game with Jane. Can you stay in the shade? Just call a spade a spade. Please wait at the gate. Shame on the snake.
长元音“ee”的代表字母和字母组合: ea ie 不间断音: b+ ea=bea 26个不间断音 bea hea pea vea chea fever lever lethal legal levis meter peeler peeper meeker belief defeat repeat retreat cea jea quea wea shea 真词认读(1) median media mediate Medium lethargic dealer stealer healer deceit receive receipt relieve dea lea rea xea trea You need to pray on such a day. Can you stay away from the tray? I will pay for the delay on payday. Do you want to ride in the train in the rain? That is a main gain in the game. He will stay in a jail in Spain for eight days. No pains, no gains! I saw eight whales in the lake. Stay and pray! He is such a brave slave. Stay awake! fea mea sea yea drea steamer gleaner eater meaner teaser leaner leaser sneaker bleaker leader seeker heeler bleacher preacher cheater teacher eaten neaten beaten weaken reason season Seaton deceive gea nea tea zea thea 真词认读(3) breeding creeping beaming beamish bleakish seeding dreaming meaning cleaning feeling relief believe 真词认读(2) eagle beadle beagle needle feasible beaker cleaner speaker meager beamer weaker squeaker 短句认读
He is in such a deep sleep. Can you increase the speed?
- 3 -
Check the steering wheel?
I feel such a sweet breeze in the field. Can you give him a kiss on the cheek? He seems to be asleep in the ship.
Where do you want to preach the creed? Read the lease and sign the deeds. Please repeat the speech. It is just a cheap steel wheel.
I see three sleeping geese in the field. I need more cheese.
长元音“i_e”的代表字母和字母组合: i_e y ie igh 不间断音:b+ i_e=bi_e 26个不间断音 bi_e hi_e pi_e vi_e chi_e rifle trifle stifle rival arrival dilate digest digress bilingual trilingual philosophize criticize jeopardize pressurize symbolize emphasize revolutionize sympathize 短句认读
Out of sight, out of mind. She is my bright child. I drank five glasses of wine last night.
ci_e ji_e qui_e wi_e shi_e 真词认读(1) prior fiber tiger cipher primer giant pious lilac digestible baptize empire franchise tranquilize maximize transcribe tantalize scandalize satellite sacrifice di_e li_e ri_e xi_e tri_e 真词认读(2) library primary finance priority hibernate migrate tripod bicycle tricycle microbe galvanize memorize centralize westernize enterprize summarize recognize standardize fi_e mi_e si_e yi_e dri_e baptize empire franchise tranquilize maximize transcribe tantalize scandalize satellite sacrifice minimize paraliye describe prescribe Americanize sometime apologize capitalize gi_e ni_e ti_e zi_e thi_e 真词认读(3) galvanize memorize centralize westernize enterprise summarize recognize standardize humanize modernize philosophize criticize jeopardize pressurize symbolize emphasize revolutionize characterize minimize paralyze describe prescribe Americanize sometime apologize moralize subsidize fantasize sympathize characterize capitalize moralize subsidize fantasize humanize modernize We had a good time on a wild night. This is my fight in my life. This is just the right time. - 4 -
What a bright night! It is just a little harmless white lie. I often ride a bike to school. We had a big fight last night. Can you stay by my side? This isn’t a right size for my child. I wish I could fly in the sky. Don’t cry, my child. Just write her a nice letter. Rain or shine. She is not my wise wife. Can you fly a kite in the sky? Mike has such a nice sweet smile. He might be in his prime time. Sam might be right. Don’t bribe a child. 长元音“o_e”
长元音“o_e”的代表字母和字母组合: o_e oa ow o oe 不间断音: b+ o_e=bo_e 26个不间断音 bo_e ho_e po_e vo_e cho_e moment locust locus focus gofer sober donor motor molar polar solar Polish coordinate cooperate coworker 短句认读 Go home to impose. So old to propose. No hope to expose the host. Gold coast to compose. Make a toast to the host. Holy ghost。 I know how to tow Joe’s slow boat. Joe knows the owner of the boat.
co_e jo_e quo_e wo_e sho_e 真词认读(1) focal total social local logo solo mojo token tonus rodent rodeo roman rotate sodium podium do_e lo_e ro_e xo_e tro_e 真词认读(2) boaster coaster roaster toaster boater boastful roaming coaxing coating loafer loathing toasting soaking loadable Poland fo_e mo_e so_e yo_e dro_e moaning floating boating loading loader poacher loather moaner roamer telescope microscope telephone headphone suppose compose go_e no_e to_e zo_e tho_e 真词认读(3) narrow buffalo shallow potato gallows tomato sallow tango shadow solo fellow echo barrow memo pillow Kilo widow video swallow radio repose propose expose interpose depose impose dispose oppose ET phone home。 Show me the gold。 To feel cold in the boat。 Step on my toe。 He chose some rose for Rose。 Who wrote those prose。 Close the road。 A moaning goat。 - 5 -
英语自然拼读(44个基本音) - 图文