Interaction Mechanism of Anthracene with Benzoic
Acid and Its Derivatives
HE Ying-Ying ;WANG Xiao-Chang;FAN Xiao-Yuan ;ZHAO Bo;JIN Peng-Kang
【期刊名称】《中国化学(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2008(026)008
【摘要】Interaction mechanism of anthracene, one of the typical polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, with benzoic acid and its hydroxyl-substituted derivatives, o-hydroxylbenzoic acid and p-hydroxylbenzoic acid, were studied using FFIR, UV and fluorescence spectra. The experiments confirmed that there was a specific and oriented interaction between anthracene and the aromatic carboxylic acids, and the bonding mode depended on both the chemical struc- ture of reactants and acidity of solution. The π-H hydrogen bond played a main role in the interaction between an-thracene and the aromatic carboxylic proton of benzoic acid or o-hydroxylbenzoic acid when pH≤pK<,a>, and the π-π electron donor-acceptor (EDA) interaction increasingly became the main binding mode when pH>pK<,a>. The de-crease of interaction intensity of benzoic acid was observed by introducing hydroxyl at its ortho position. The spe-cial D-π-A structure of p-hydroxylbenzoic acid made it easy to form the planar multi-molecule congeries that could interact with anthracene, so the interaction between anthracene and p-hydroxylbenzoic acid always followed the π-
Interaction Mechanism of Anthracene with Benzoic Acid and Its Derivatives