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______ _______ _______ _____ there in the bottle? 5. The weather is very bad today.(改为感叹句) _______ bad ________ it ______ today!

6. Did you hear from your parents last week?(同义句)

Did you______ _______ _______ from your parents last week? 九、根据中文句子,补全英文句子(15') 1、 Andy 想查出烟从哪儿冒出来的。

Andy wanted to ________ where the smoke __________. 2、别在阳光下看书,那样对你的眼睛有害。

Don't read _______________. It _______________ your eyes. 3、狗是我们的朋友,我们不应该害怕它们。

Dogs are our friends. We shouldn't _________________ them. 4、她是个很温柔的女孩,从不惹麻烦。

She is a very ________ girl and never _______________. 十、缺词填空,根据首字母和上下文的意思写全单词(10')

A little monkey is p by the lake. He sees some fish swimming i the lake. H interesting they are!

Now s frogs(青蛙)are j into the water and others are swimming happily in the lake. The monkey t it's easy to swim. So he wants to jump into the lake. The fish and frogs all say, \

or you'll be dead.\相信)that. The monkey is in the water now. Of course he can't swim and he is going to b dead. The fish and frogs are putting h out of the water and saving him.

Remember: \ 十一、书面表达(10')

写一篇介绍你自己学习英语情况的英语短文。60-80词。 期末试卷听力材料


1. A: Amy. What do you often feed your dog?

B: I feed her three times a day. Every morning I feed her some rice. At lunch time I feed her some meat and rice. In the evening I feed her some noodles. Q: What does Amy feed her dog for lunch?

2. A: Please say something about your pet, Simon.

B: OK. It is black and while. It has four legs. It runs very fast. It likes walking with me and it sometimes plays with a cat. Q: What animal does Simon have?

3. A: Why are you waiting for a bus, Amy?


B: Because my bike is broken, I can't ride to school today. Q: How does Amy usually go to school? 4. A: What time is it now, Sandy?

B: It's 8:10. Oh I'm sorry I come to school 10 minutes late. Q: What time does the school usually begin? 5. A: It's Friday today.

B: Yes. Let's go boating tomorrow.

Q: What day was it the day before yesterday. B、选出与所听句子意思相同或相近的选项 1. Kate doesn't like playing basketball. 2. Mary is interested in Tom's story book. 3. She has a very bad memory.

4. I got a letter from my parents last month. 5. I'm not good at English.

C、听短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写 \错误的写 \

The school library opening time is from 8:00 to 16:00. Students must remember that they must not bring food and drinks into

the library. They can take out six books every time. And they can only keep them for one week. If they don't give back the books on time, they'll have to pay some money. Students must take care of all the books. But some books are only for teachers.



第I卷客观题部分(90分) I. 听力测试 (30分) 略 II. 单项选择 (20分)

26. -What did you do last Friday?

-Tim played _____soccer and I played _____ piano. A. the, the B. the, / C. /, the D . a, the

27. -_____ you go to the museum with your father yesterday? -Yes. We _____ there in the afternoon.

A. Did; go B. Do; go C. Did; went D. Do; went

28. My cousin feels very tired, so he'd like ____ at home this weekend. A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. to relax 29. -_______________? -She is tall and thin.

A. What is your sister B. What does your sister like C. What does your sister do D. What's your sister like 30. -Where is your sister?

-She _________ my mom with cooking. A. helps B. helping C. is help D. is helping 31. His daughter is _________ girl. A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-year-old C. an 8-years-old D. a 8 years old

32. My grandma likes the big house _____ a beautiful garden. A. with B. have C. has D. for

33. Helping others can make us ______ very happy. A. to feel B. feeling C. felt D. feel 34. -_____________? -It was very humid.

A. How is the weather B. What is the weather like

C. How was the weather like D. How was the weather

35. Hawk is talking _____ a friend. They are talking ____ English. A. with; with B. with; in C. in; in D. about; about 36. His brother likes to ____ jokes. We all like him. A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk

37. - What does your mother think of the news? - ___________. She says it's too boring. A. She doesn't mind it. B. She wants it.

C. She likes it very much. D. She can't stand it. 38. -_______did you go last Sunday? -I went to the mountains.

A. How B. Where C. When D. Why

39. _____ talking! Keep quiet in the library. A. Don't B. No C. Not D. Can't

40. Linda can speak English very well. She always _______ with her English teacher.

A. studies for the test B. cleans the classroom C. practices English D. does her homework 41. It's a fine day. What about ?

A. to go out for a walk B. going out for a walk C. going out for a walking D. to go out for walking 42. May I have ice cream, please? It's really too hot. A. any B. one C. some D. anything 43. -It's awful today! -Yes. It's windy and it's .

A. snow B. snows C. to snowing D. snowing 44. We can walk or a bus to visit the museum. A. talk B. by C. take D. go

45. -Would you like to eat dinner with me? -______________.

A. Yes, please B. Yes, I'd love to.


C. I'd like. D. You're welcome III. 完型填空 (10分)

There is a zoo in our city. My parents often take me there on 46 . I like animals. I have 47 toy animals in my room. In the 48 , I can see the tigers, elephants, monkeys, pandas, bears, snakes, and many other ___49 . Some animals are friendly, but some are not. Tigers, bears and some snakes are 50 , that is why they have to stay in 51 . But I do not think it is good for animals to stay in cages(笼子). They should be free. The animals in cages can't be 52 . I think the most interesting animals in the zoo are the dolphins. I like 53 them swim and jump. They swim so fast and jump so high. They can play with a ball. They can stand up and walk 54 water! They are very 55 to people. If you fall into water and can't swim, they may come to help you.

46. A. summer B. month C. weekday D. weekends 47. A. a lot B. a lots of C. a lot of D. lot of 48. A. zoo B. park C. bank D. library

49. A. tigers B. people C. friends D. animals

50. A. dangerous B. friendly C. interesting D. ugly 51. A. houses B. buildings C. cages D. ponds(池塘) 52. A. angry B. happy C. friendly D. boring 53. A. looking B. seeing C. watching D. hearing 54. A. in B. at C. with D. on

55. A. friendly B. interesting C. warm D. cold IV. 阅读理解 (30分) A

A) 阅读短文,判断正、误。友情提示:正确的在答题卡上涂A, 错误的涂B. Olympic(奥林匹克)Games and I

I am waiting for the day of Beijing Olympic Games-August 8, 2008 . The Beijing Olympic Games is beginning on that day, and players from all over the world are coming. As a Chinese, we all are proud of(骄傲)this.

I love Beijing. I love our country. I really want to become an Olympic volunteer(志愿者). But I am too young, so I can't really become a volunteer. Still I think I can do something for the Beijing Olympic Games.


First, I can smile to every foreign friend from all over the world. Next, I want to learn English harder, and then I can speak to foreign friends in English to help them. Last, I would like to learn more about Beijing Olympics and help more foreign friends know more about our beautiful Beijing, our long history and our culture. I would like to ask all my classmates to work hard with me to make the Beijing Olympic Games a true \Olympics, People's Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics(科技奥运)\from ourselves and from now on. \实现). 56. The writer doesn't mind the Olympics in Beijing. 57. The writer would like to be an Olympic volunteer.

58. The Beijing Olympic Games is beginning on August 8, 2008. 59. The writer wants to study English hard to help foreign friends. 60. She can do something for the Olympic as a volunteer. B) 阅读B、C两篇短文,选择最佳答案。 B

My grandfather never watched TV. He thought that people spent too much time watching it. Some of his friends often talked about sports shows, the movies and plays. My grandfather said to himself, \So he didn't buy a TV.

Two years ago my grandfather was 60 years old. He stopped working in the hospital. My father bought him a TV. He began to watch all the news. He knows much more about the world now. And he reads more books, too.

Now, my grandfather will get very angry if you trouble (麻烦) him when he is watching TV. I can't know that one can change his idea when he is 60. 61. My grandfather didn't watch TV because ________. A. he had no time to watch it

B. he thought it took people much time to watch TV C. he couldn't buy the TV set

D. he thought watching TV is bad for people's eyes

62. My grandfather ______ when he worked in the hospital. A. went to mountains B. played sports C. read books D. watched TV

63. My grandfather didn't work in the hospital _______. A. after he was 60

B. before my father bought him a TV C. when my father asked him not to work D. after he liked watching the news 64. My grandfather is _______ now. A. 58 B. 60 C. 62 D. 61

65. Which of the following sentences is right?

A. The writer knows why his grandfather changed his idea. B. My grandfather enjoys watching TV every day now. C. My grandfather bought a TV at the age of 60. D. The writer and his grandfather likes watching TV. C

(1) The looks are for Tom's family. Family member His /her looks father tall, curly hair

mother short, black hair, heavy sister long curly hair, medium build

brother looks like my mother, short, heavy

(2) Here is a weather report in some cities in China. WEATHER REPORT

City Max(最高温度) Min(最低温度) Weather Beijing Dalian Harbin Shenzhen Ji'nan Xiamen

Chongqing 50C 10C -160C

240C 60C 190C

200C -70C -110C -250C 130C -20C 130C

120C sunny cloudy to sunny light snow

sunny to cloudy cloudy windy rainy

(3) These are TV shows in Chongqing Station. CQTV - 4

7:30 Morning News

14:30 Soap Opera: Dumpling king 15:30 Arts and Cultures

16:50 Sitcom: Happy Family 18:20 Chinese cooking 19:00 Talk show

66. Tom's mother is ______ and heavy with ______ hair. A. tall, curly B. short, black C. medium, long D. short, long 67. Beijing is ______ but Chongqing is raining.

A. sunny to cloudy B. cloudy to sunny C. sunny D. cloudy 68. We can watch the sitcom at ______ on TV.

A. 4:50 p.m. B. 7:30 a.m. C. 3:30 p.m. D. 6:20 p.m.

69. The highest temperature(最高温度) is ______ and it is sunny to cloudy.


A. Chongqing B. Shenzhen C. Xiamen D. Beijing 70. Which of the following sentences is right?

A. Tom's father is a cook. He learns Chinese cooking on TV at 15:30. B. Tom's sister looks my mother and she likes watching soap operas. C. A reporter asks me about what I did on weekends on TV at 16:50. D. Tom's mother went to Harbin, she has to wear very warm clothes. 第II卷 主观题部分 (6o分) V. 词汇 (10分)

A) 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。每空一词(5分) 71. As a student, we can't a_____ late for class.

72. My grandpa often comes to my school and watches me p____ with my friends. 73. His uncle has medium b______ with black hair.

74. Wang Lin is very p______ at school because he always helps others. 75. I'd like a cup of tea with n_____ in it. That's real Chinese tea. B) 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)

76. My grandma ______ (be) in the garden ten minutes ago. You may find her there. 77. I think she can ______(dance) very well.

78. There are some ________ (tomato) and some beef in the noodles. 79. There ______ (be) no rice and no noodles on the table. 80. It's 7:15 am. It's time ______(go) to school. VI. 补全对话。用方框内的句子补全对话(5分) A. How's it going? B. What are you doing? C. Where are you?

D. The weather is very different (不同的) in different places. E. How's the weather there?

A: Hello. Chen Yuan! This is Judy.

B: Hi, Judy. 81 I miss(想念) you very much. A: I'm in Canada. I'm studying here now. B: That's great! 82

A: Not bad. How about you?


B: Pretty good. 83

A: It's cold and humid. It's snowing outside.

B: Snowing? Wow. Chongqing is sunny and hot. 84 A: You're right! 85

B: I'm talking to my good friend, Kelly! A: Oh, I see. Thank you.

VII. 句型转换。每空一词 (10分)

86. Lucy ran in the gym yesterday afternoon. (用now 改写句子) Lucy ______ _________ in the gym now. 87. I think he is great. (改为否定句) I _____ think he _____ great.

88. Tom had to stay at home yesterday. (一般疑问句) _____ Tom ______ to stay at home yesterday?

89. They visited Central Park last week. (对划线部分提问) _____ did they _____ last week?

90. My aunt showed me a new car. (同义句) My aunt _____ a new car _____ me. VIII. 短文填空 (20分)

My parents and I spent a few weeks in London last year. We went there in autumn. We think it is the best time to __91__ England. The weather is usually very good __92___ there aren't too many visitors in October. We stayed __93__ a small village(村庄)in the West End. We had most of our sightseeing(观光) on foot. We went to see all the _94__ places. We went shopping and __95__ too much money. A lot of people __96__ English food is very awful. We didn't think __97__. In fact, we __98__ our vacation so much. So we __99__ to go there again this year. We will __100_ our umbrellas, too. I'm sure we will use them sometimes.

IX. 书面表达 (15分)

暑假就要到了, John 想应聘一份做老师的社会实践工作,请你根据提示帮他设计一份60-80词的应聘信。要点如下: 1.想得到这份工作,自我形象介绍。



