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Given the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation. Given her interest in children(=Given that she is interested in children), I am sure teaching is the right career for her.考虑到她喜欢孩子,我可以肯定教书是最适合她的职业。

Given their inexperience,they have done a good job.考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们做得不错。 也可有其它意义。

Given(=With) prudence and patience, anybody can achieve something. 2. Granted:承认……是真的

Granted(=Granting) that you are in the right, you should not get angry. 3.provided that:假如

Provided that he acknowledges his fault, I will pardon him. 4.compared with:和……相比较

Forty students of this class have passed exam this year,compared(com- paring, as compared) with thirty-two last year.

Compared with most of the girls nowadays, Mary is still a hand-working girl. 5.concerning ,正式用语,“关于、至于”,相当于about, with re-gard to。 He informed me concerning his family. 6.regarding:关于

He knows nothing regarding this case.

Regarding his studies, what would you suggest?

7.respecting,正式用语,“关于、至于”,相当于about, with regard to。 I know something respecting that man.

Respecting his conduct, I have nothing to say.

8.touching,正式用语,“关于、至于”,相当于about, with regard to。 He gave me a report touching the political situation. Touching religion, I have some doubts. 9.considering:鉴于,考虑到,顾及

You have done well considering(=on account of) your age.(=Although you have not done very well, yet you really have, just because you are still young.)

You have not done well considering your age.(=Although you have done well, yet you really have not, because you are advanced in years.) Considering the low price, the car is worth buying.

Considering the high price, the car is not worth buying although it is good. 10.counting:包括,计算在内

There are fifteen students counting me(including me,me included).


He died following (=after) an attack of cholera.

12.according to:根据(别人)……所载或所说,相当于on the au-thority of。 —When are we expected to be at the hotel? 我们可望在什么时候到达旅馆?

—According to our reservation, we are supposed to check into the hotel before 6 p.m. Monday and check out before noon Tuesday.根据我们的预约,我们应该在星期一下午六点前登记住进去,星期二以前离开。

According to the tible, the train gets in at 3:30.根据时刻表,这班火车三点半进站。 According to her, you treat her badly.据她所说,你虐待她。 13.owing to:因为。相当于because of, on account of。 Owing to the rain, they could not come.因为下雨,他们不能来。

Owing to repeated failures, he made no further attempt.由于屡次失败,他不再尝试了。



