一、 题名、作者姓名、单位(英文) 1、列出全部作者姓名
如: LI Lei (李雷) HAN Meimei (韩梅梅) LYU Xiaoming (吕小明) ZHUGE Hua (诸葛华) 2、列出第一作者的工作单位名称, 要按照单位正式对外名称写。 按医院或研究所、大学的顺序写, 中间以逗号隔开, 后面写城市和邮政编码, 最后写“China” 例: Effect of cholesterol on proliferation, invasion, and migration of human colon cancer cells CHEN Xin, WU Long, ZHANG Yiqiao, CHEN Neng, XU Ximing (Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China)
英文摘要采用结构式摘要,包括目的 (Objective)、方法 (Methods)、结果 (Results)、结论 (Conclusion) 四部分。 Abstract: Objective xxx. Methods xxx. Results xxx. Conclusion xxx. Key words: xxx; xxxx; xxx; ... 二、 Abstract时态语态说明
Objective 使用动词不定式短语, 也可用完整句。
Methods和Results 用一般过去时, 更倾向于使用第一人称和主动语态 (被动语态也可)。 Conclusion 多半使用一般现在时。 三、 Abstract中常见问题 1.单词拼写错误。
2.语法错误。例如:主谓语单复数不一致, 词性、时态选择有误, 状语位置不合适。 3.字母大小写不规范。例如:使用非公认的缩略语, 普通药名用大写字母等。
4.数字和数词表达不当。例如:句首用阿拉伯数字, 序数词的应用和表达不规范等。 5.与“中文摘要”对应翻译不到位,句子不完整及其缺失基本句型。 五、Abstract注意事项
1. 口语中常用的一些缩略语,如isn’t, can’t, couldn’t, haven’t等,不宜在学术期刊中使用, 规范写法应为 is not, can not, could not, have not 2. 标点符号全部使用英文半角字符
(1)句号为句点“.”, 省略号为连续排列的3个句点“...” (2)英文中没有顿号“、”和书名号“《》” (3)英文中有单撇号“’”
(4)并列的3个或3个以上的数字、单词、短语或从句之间需要使用逗号“,”分隔,例如: proliferation, apoptosis, and invasion... (5)数字与字母间,数字和单位间必须空一格(半字空),例如:25 mg; 16 IU; 1.05 mmol. 一般标点符号后都要空一格,括号前必须用空格 六、英文文题常用词组和句型 Effects of ┅ on ┅
Expression of --- gene in patients with--- Efficacy of---
Construction of --- and its--- Isolation identification and screening of---
Objective Investigate, evaluate, compare, analyze, observe, detect, explore 【常用例句】
1 To investigate the expression of IL-33 in gastric carcinoma tissues and its significance 2 To investigate the effects of miR-24 on the cell proliferation, metastasis, and autophagy of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) Methods
be randomly divided into be assigned to be included be cultured (co-cultured) be administered
be isolated be analyzed be subjected to be found be carried out apply, select, measure, monitor, record, detect, observe, test, study, compare, calculate, identify,
differentiate, separate, give, receive, transfect, inject, use, utilize, perform, showed that demonstrated that to produce to result in to lead to to establish to construct to develop
1.Forty SD rats were randomly divided into four groups: groups A, B, C, and D… 2.Wistar rats were randomly divided into the following four groups: the control group, high-dose group, medium-dose group, and low-dose group.
Results Increase, elevate, accelerate, enhance, decrease, reduce, decline, diminish,
attenuate, lower (down), obtain, find, gain... be positively (negatively) correlated with... be three times the size of..., be three times as large as...
【常用例句】 1.The frequencies of G allele and GG genotype of rs6667 were 37.8% and 14.1%, respectively, in the CP group, versus 29.8% and 7.5% in the control group (both P<0.05). 2.The experimental group had a significantly smaller number of transmembrane cells than the empty vector group and control group (15.4±2.7 vs 24.3±23.1 and 29.7±19.4, both P<0.01). Conclusion
support, provide, indicate, identify, find, demonstrate, confirm, suggest, recommend, propose, expect be involved in be related to It is concluded that The results suggest that
【常用例句】 1. The expression of MDR1 increases in RA patients after MTX resistance, and the mechanism of multidrug resistance is related to activation of NF-κB signaling pathway. 2. IL-33 may be involved in the occurrence and development of gastric cancer and predict poor prognosis.
八、Abstract中统计学相关的表达方式 1. 指标: parameter(s)
2. ...与...相关: …be associated with (或related to)… 但统计学上的相关分析得出的“...与...相关”要用“…correlated with…”,并且应在括号内提供相关系数r及其P值。 正相关: be positively correlated with... a positive correlation was found between ...and... 负相关: be negatively or inversely correlated with..., a negative or inverse or reverse correlation was found between...and... 成正比: be directly proportional to 成反比: be inversely proportional to 3. A组血清xxx水平高于(低于)B组: (1) Group A had a significantly higher (lower) serum xxx level than group B. (2) Compared with group B, group A had a significantly higher
(lower) serum xxx level. (3) The serum xxx level in group A was significantly higher (lower) than that in group B. (4) Serum xxx level was significantly higher (lower) in
group A than in group B. (5) Group A had a significantly higher (lower) serum xxx level as compared with group B.
4. xxx是...的(独立)危险因素: xxx be a/an (independent) risk factor for... xxx be risk factors for...
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