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Unit 22 课时跟踪检测(四) Communication Workshop


plug one's ears, sum up, break away from, as a matter of fact, in one's spare time, be optimistic about 1.The thief broke_away_from_ the policeman and ran away. 2.He often chats with his friends on the Internet in_his_spare_time. 3.Nevertheless, we still have grounds to be_optimistic_about the future. 4.We can sum_up the main points of the lesson in three sentences. 5.As_a_matter_of_fact,_I've never been there before. 6.The noise was so loud and annoying that I plugged_my_ears. Ⅱ.单句改错

1.Tickets are limited and will be allocated for those who apply first.for→to 2.I'm going to deliver a speech about what to deal with troubles.what→how或deal→do 3.His father has given up smoking.It has been three years before he smoked.before→since 4.It was very considerate for you to let us know you were going to be late.for→of Ⅲ.完成句子

1.这本书仅仅是为孩子改编的。 The book is_adapted_for children only. 2.除了等我们别无选择。 We have no choice but_to_wait. 3.我想做的是好好休息一下。

What I want to do is (to)_have_a_good_rest. 4.在佛罗里达工作时,我总与英国人有生意往来。

When I worked in Florida I dealt_with_British_people all the time. 5.这些可调整的椅子是为儿童准备的。 These adjustable chairs are_calculated_for children. 6.你们必须谨慎地分配钱。 You must allocate_the_money carefully. 7.削减开支的提议引起了诸多争议。

The proposed cuts have caused considerable_controversy.



In an effort to discourage people from using plastics, scientists have been hard at work inventing alternative packaging products. From water bottles made from seaweed to cutlery (餐具) made from rice and wheat, a number of inventions are set to change the way we eat while we are on the go, or having a relaxing picnic in the park.

The idea of using seaweed to make eco-friendly (环保的) water bottles has been around for a few years. Recently, Ari Jonsson took his invention — a water bottle made from red seaweed — to show off at a festival. The bottles will only hold their shape as long as they are filled. As soon as these bottles are empty they will begin to break down, though they would be perfectly safe to eat. Ari Jonsson's bottles are a step closer to a widely used alternative to the current plastic ones.

The eatable water container is not the only product to add to our image of the future. Narayana Pessapaty has also created eatable spoons. After the success of his spoons, Mr. Pessapaty is ready to expand and introduce forks and chopsticks to his menu. His aim is to largely reduce the amount of plastic waste, which is a huge problem for waste sites all over the world. It is a product that may take up to 500 years to break down, and recycling companies worldwide are struggling to deal with it.

Aside from the obvious benefits to the environment, this new packaging is also cheap to produce and therefore cheap to buy. Even better is the fact that similar eatable cutlery can be made at home, possibly a science project for children or just fun with friends. Why not get experimenting and create your own recipes?


1.Why do scientists invent alternative packaging products? A.To make people's life more convenient. B.To reduce the amount of plastic waste. C.To change the way we picnic outside. D.To show off their inventive talents.

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的“In an effort to discourage people from using plastics ...”可知,为了阻止人们使用塑料包装,科学家们发明了可替代的包装产品。故选B项。

2.What makes Ari Jonsson's water bottles eco-friendly? A.They can be made at home. B.They are cheap to produce and buy.

C.They will hold their shape when they are filled. D.They will break down themselves when empty.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段第四句中的“As soon as these bottles are empty they will begin to break down ...”可知,水瓶一空,它们就会分解。也就是说,它们在被倒空时,会自己分解,所以使得这些水瓶很环保。故选D项。

3.What do Ari and Narayana's inventions have in common? A.They are convenient to carry. B.They are safe to eat.

C.They can be used for a short time. D.They are heavier than plastics.

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段第四句“As soon as ...though they would be perfectly safe to eat.”及第三段第二句“Narayana Pessapaty has also created eatable spoons.”可知,两人发明物的共同特点是它们都是可安全食用的。故选B项。

4.What can be inferred from this passage?

A.Home-made eatable cutlery is likely to be popular.

B.Eatable cutlery will completely replace plastics in the near future. C.No recycling companies can break down plastic waste. D.It's unsafe for individuals to invent eatable cutlery at home.

解析:选A 推理判断题。根据最后一段倒数第二句“Even better is the fact that similar eatable cutlery can be made at home ...or just fun with friends.”可知,类似的可食用餐具可在家里自制,由此可推测,这种餐具可能会变得很受欢迎。故选A项。


Living among trees, plants and flowers can fill your life with beauty. And if you are a woman, it can also help you live longer.

Women who live in homes surrounded by plants appear to have lower death rates than women who live in areas with less green plants, according to a research.

Peter James and his team looked at information from one of the largest and oldest investigations of women's health: the Nurses' Health Study.

For the new study, the team looked at the death rates of more than 100,000 women between the years 2008 and 2015. Then the researchers compared the death rates of these women to the green plants around their homes. To determine the amount of trees and other vegetation (植被), researchers examined satellite images.

To make it more believable, the researchers considered other risk factors — things such as the

age of the women, their economic status, and race. They also looked at whether or not the women smoked.

Peter James says he and his team were surprised to find such a strong link between high vegetation levels and low death rates. He adds they were also surprised to find how high levels of plant life can affect a woman's mental health.

The study suggests that living among vegetation lowered levels of depression. Researchers say women in greener areas spent more time with other people, exercised more and were less exposed to air pollution.

One of the biggest effects of greenery appeared to be a lowered risk of cancer. Here are some numbers. The study found that women living in the greenest areas had a 13 percent lower rate of dying from cancer.

James says that it is common knowledge that vegetation helps the environment in many ways. But, he adds, the new findings suggest ways for city planners, landscape architects and policymakers to grow even healthier living areas.


5.What's the author's purpose in writing the text?

A.To introduce the green environment and call on people to enjoy it. B.To show women living in green areas are more likely to live long. C.To show the relationship between animals and plants. D.To give some tips on how to live long.

解析:选B 写作目的题。文章第一段引出话题,第二段提出本文的主题——女性若住在四处环绕植物的地方,死亡率会较低,下文对此话题展开说明,并详细介绍了该研究是如何进行的。由此可推断,作者写作本文的目的是说明生活在绿色植物较多的区域的女性可能寿命更长。故选B项。

6.How did the researchers make the research more convincing? A.By studying more people. B.By examining satellite images. C.By taking more factors into account. D.By cooperating with the Nurses' Health Study.

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第五段第一句“To make it more believable, the researchers considered other risk factors — things such as the age of the women, their economic status, and


7.When James found the connection between vegetation levels and death rates, he was ________.

A.excited C.relieved

B.unconcerned D.surprised

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第六段第一句“Peter James says he and his team were surprised to find such a strong link between high vegetation levels and low death rates.”可知,当詹姆斯和他的团队发现高绿化率和低死亡率之间存在密切的联系时,他们很惊讶。故选D项。

8.What can we learn from the text?

A.People are unlikely to develop cancer because of living with green plants. B.People die from cancer more than from other diseases. C.Living with green plants can help lower depression. D.This finding is specially made for city planners.

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据文章第七段第一句“The study suggests that living among vegetation lowered levels of depression.”可知,住在四处环绕植物的地方可以帮助减轻抑郁。故选C项。


Niehaus is the mother of Kai, a 5-year-old boy severely __1__ (suffer) from autism (自闭症). For several years, she has devoted __2__ (her) to Kai, hoping to help him find children of his age to connect with. Her biggest desire is __3__ (see) her boy find a friend who loves him as truly and kindly __4__ she does. Niehaus has heard of 4 Paws for Ability, __5__ organization in Ohio that trains and provides quality service dogs for children with __6__ (disable).

Last Tuesday, Kai met his assistance dog, Tornado — his first friend — for the first time. Niehaus wasn't sure __7__ her son was going to react. She didn't have to worry, though. Kai jumped out of his mother's arms and ran straight to Tornado when the dog entered the room. “Tornado! Tornado!” Kai shouted __8__ (excited) and began playing with Tornado. It was really magic. After all, this was the first time they __9__ (meet) each other and things were going well.

“I've seen so many changes in Kai already,” Niehaus said. “He is __10__ (calm) and more relaxed. He is sleeping a little better and is smiling more.”


1.suffering severely suffering from autism是现在分词短语作定语,修饰boy, 分词动作

同步北师大高中英语选修八培优新方案练习:nit 课时跟踪检测四 含答案


