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作者收集整理了很多精美的电子小报作品,欢迎各位下载使用! There is a minibus service running from our 精美小报模板village to town. The following is the bus seating regulations: Maximum capacity(最大载客量):sitting 8 Last year, adults(成人) or 12 children; Standing 2 adults or my father bought a cat 4 children. for me on my birthday, As the last bus drew up at a stop in town on It was a black cat. Saturday evening, there sere 6 adults waiting to get I don’t like black, so on. But there were I didn’t like it at all at already 7 children first. I never knew how Many times it had gotten angry? The other in the bus. How people “You’re useless!” But my brother was very careful, he kept many of the adults looking after the cat everyday. waiting at the stop One night I found it difficult to go sleep. That’s because I would be allowed(遵heard the bad cat made a lot of noise under the table. I was very 守)? angry, so I got up(突然)I found it a good cat. The next day, I told Can you help the driver it to parents(父母双亲) and my brother, they were to solve the problem? happy too. After that, we all liked it very much. But six months ago, the cat ill and died, we were very sad. the way and we were 第五版



