Where are you from
Robert: Hi, I'm Robert. How's it going Miguel: Hi. My name's Miguel. Sorry, I didn't catch your name.
Robert: It's Robert. I'm from San Francisco, in the . Nice to meet you -- things to do here in London
Robert: Yeah. Let me get my guidebook. And my map. I'll be right back.
Silvia: Hello. I'm Silvia. Do any of you know what time it is
Miguel: It's 6:15. I think dinner is at 7:00. Have a seat. Miguel.
Miguel: Nice to meet you, too. Robert: Is this your first day here Miguel: Yes. I just got to London today.Robert: Where are you from
Miguel: I'm Colombian. From Bogota, Colombia.
Keiko: Hi. Can I sit here
Robert: Hello. Sure. There's plenty of room. I'm Robert.
Keiko: Hi. My name's Keiko. Where are you from, Robert
Robert: Hi. Keiko. I'm from California. And you... But, are you from Japan Keiko: Yes. I'm from Osaka, originally. Now I live in Paris.
Robert: Really What do you do there Keiko: I work for a high-tech company. I'm so glad to be away from work. Robert: Right.
Keiko: Do you have any ideas on fun
Silvia: Thank you.
Miguel: I'm Miguel. I'm from Colombia. And this is Keiko, from Japan. Where're you from, Silvia
Silvia: I'm from Italy. From a small town near Venice. Have you been to Italy Miguel: No, but I'd love to go. I like Italian food. And, Italian cars.
Curly or straight
K: Hello
L: Hi, Karen. This is Lisa.
K: Wow! How are you Where are you L: I am at home. I just got back last night. From Hawaii.
K: So how was it Tell me.
L: It was so great. Great. You should see me. The new me.
K: What do you mean \did you do
L: Well, remember my hair K: Yeah... L: It was brown.
K: Yeah... And long and curly. L: Well, now it's blond. And... K: Let me guess. It's short
L: Yeah. It looks so great. It's short Man: Sorry, sorry, I don't speak English.
Colette: Oh... Excuse me... Where is Nijo Castle
Woman 1: Nijo Castle
Michael: Thank you.
and it's straight. And so blond! K: Blond, short, and straight Wow! I can't wait to see you!
L: And, there's more. I walked and jogged every day. And I went swimming a lot. So good-bye, fat. No more fat. Now I'm thin.
K: Thin and short, straight hair I won't know you.
L: Wait. There's more. A surprise. K: Can you come over now
L: Sure, I'll run over right now.
Where are we going
Michael: Well, what do you want to do first
Colette: I know. Let's go to Nijo Castle.
Michael: Nijo Castle Okay. Can you ask someone for directions
Colette: Okay. Here goes. Excuse me... We're trying to find...
Colette: Did you understand that
Michael: No, I didn't understand that. Let's see if we can find another tourist.
Colette: There's someone. With a map. On the corner. See
Michael: Let's go. Excuse me, can you help us We want to go to Nijo Castle. Woman 2: Oh, I've been there. Okay, go down this street. There is the International Hotel of Kyoto. Across from the hotel is Nijo Castle. Also, NHK radio station is next to Nijo Castle. Nijo Castle is between the NHK radio station and the International Hotel. Both: Great. Thanks for your help.
It's a great job
Interviewer: Good morning. Are you Daniel Rodriguez Daniel: Yes, I am.
Interviewer: How are you today
Daniel: Fine, thanks.
Interviewer: I understand you want to get a job here at the hotel. Daniel: Yes, I do.
Interviewer: Well, tell me a little about yourself. First, what languages Interviewer: How about weekends That's our busiest time. Can you work on weekends
Daniel: Uh, I can work Saturdays, but not Sundays.
Interviewer: Hmm. I see. Now the most important question is, Do you like do you speak
Daniel: I can speak English, and of course Spanish. And a little Japanese.Interviewer: Can you work at the front desk Use a computer Send faxes, e-mail and so on
Daniel: Sure, I can use a computer. I can do all that.
Interviewer: Okay. Let's see. There are a lot of other jobs here at the hotel, so I need to find out what else you can do. Can you swim We have a swimming pool here.
Daniel: Yes, I can swim.
Interviewer: We have four restaurants. And one coffee shop. Can you wait tablesDaniel: Yeah, I worked as a waiter at a restaurant last year. Interviewer: Can you cook Daniel: Um, no, I can't cook.
Interviewer: Are you strong Can you carry heavy suitcases Daniel: I think so.
working with people At a hotel, you work with people all day.
Daniel: Yeah, I can work with a lot of people. I come from a big family. Interviewer: Well, Daniel. Thank you for coming in today. I'll give you a call in a few days.
Daniel: Thank you. Good-bye. Interviewer: Good-bye.
3—10 My week
Celia: Hey, Laura! How's it going Laura: Oh, Celia, hi! I'm doing fine. What are you up to
Celia: School and work, mostly. I go to school in the morning. And I work three nights a week at Cesar's, you know, the new Italian restaurant downtown. How about you
Laura: Right now, I have two jobs. On Tuesday and Thursday I work at the mall. Celia: Uh-huh.
Laura: And on Monday, Wednesday and Friday I work for KPFA, the radio station.
Celia: Oh, interesting.
Celia: It's so good to see you. Let's get together some night. Laura: Sure.
Celia: How about Monday night
Laura: Oh, I can't on Monday night. I have dance class. How about Tuesday
Celia: Oh, Tuesday I work in the evening. But how about Wednesday or Thursday
Laura: Mmm... Wednesday I have my dance class again, and Thursday evening I
work at the mall. Friday
Celia: Actually, every Friday evening
I go to my health club. Usually, I swim or lift weights or...
Laura: Where do you go Celia: I go to Silver Gym on East Main Street... Laura: You're kidding! I go to Silver Gym, too. I seldom go on Friday, though. I usually go on Saturday.
Celia: Well, do you want to go this Friday night About 6 o'clock We can exercise, and then go to dinner or something.
Laura: Sure. Sounds good. See you then.
Have a nice trip!
Interviewer: Jason, could you tell us about your round-the-world trip
Jason: Sure. I started in England about five years ago, in a special boat. Interviewer: A special boat What do you mean
Jason: It's a pedal boat. I'm trying to go around the world just using human power.
Interviewer: Ah-hah. Human power What
do you mean, just human power Jason: Human power is just the power of
myself. No wind and no motors. Interviewer: Wow. That's interesting. Where did you start
Jason: I started in England and I
pedaled across the Atlantic Ocean to the U.S. In 111 days. And then I in-line
skated across the United States, to San
Interviewer: That's a long way. How long did that take
Jason: Well, I thought it was only going to take three months, but it ended up taking a year.
Interviewer: And now we're here in Hawaii.
Jason: Right.
Interviewer: How did you get to Hawaii Jason: Well, I pedaled the boat from San Francisco to Hawaii in 53 days.
Interviewer: That's a long time. And what are your plans from here
Jason: I'm going to pedal the boat from Hawaii to Australia. And then bicycle through Australia, kayak up through Indonesia to Malaysia, and then use a bicycle up through Thailand, China, India, and all the way back through Europe, back to my starting point in Sarah: I'd like a ticket for the 8 o'clock show. Clerk: That's $.
Sarah: Let's get something to eat during the movie. I didn't eat dinner. Hmm. What do they have Hmm. A small popcorn is $ and a medium drink is $. I guess I want that.
Interviewer: Wow! And how long do you think that will take
Jason: Probably another four years. Interviewer: Well, it's been a pleasure meeting you, Jason. And I wish you good luck on the rest of your trip. Jason: Thank you.
Not enough money
Sarah: Good morning. I'd like a large coffee and a bagel. Clerk: That'll be $.
Sarah: Let's see. The fare to downtown is $. Can I have one ticket to downtown Clerk: That's $.
Sarah: Hmm. The lunch special today is pizza with a small salad and a drink for $. I think I'll get that.
Friend: That's a good deal. $. I'll get that, too.
Sarah: Let's take a taxi home. It's so late... and I'm so tired. Taxi!
Sarah: Please let us off at 56th and Broadway. Driver: Sure.
Driver: Here you go.
Sarah: How much is the fare Driver: It's $.
Sarah: Here's a ten. Thanks. Goodnight.
Always on time!
Message 1 (beep): Hi. This is Emma. Guess what I got two tickets for the concert. Meet me at 7:30 at the Warfield Music Hall. At the main door at 7:30. Okay
Message 2 (beep): This is Dr. Davis's office. Your appointment on Tuesday was for 3:00. It's been changed to 3:30. Please call the office if you can't come at 3:30.