中国民用航空局令 第 192 号
decree of civil aviation administration of china no. 192 《外国航空运输企业航线经营许可规定》(ccar-287)已经2008年5月19日中国民用航空局局务会议通过,现予公布,自2008年7月11日起施行。 regulations of business licensing for route of foreign air transport enterprises (ccar-287), which were passed at the executive meeting of civil aviation administration of china on may 19, 2008, are hereby promulgated and shall become effective as of july 11, 2008.
局长 李家祥 director li jiaxiang 二??八年六月十一日 11-jun-08
regulations of business licensing for route of foreign air transport enterprises
第一章 总则
chapter Ⅰ general provisions
第一条 为了规范对外国航空运输企业经营外国地点和中华人民共和国地点间规定航线的`管理,根据《中华人民共和国民用航空法》,制定本规定。 article 1 the regulations are enacted to standardize management of routes between []s at home and abroad developed by foreign air
transport enterprises, according to civil aviation law of the people’s republic of china.
第二条 外国航空运输企业(以下简称“外航”)申请经营外国地点和中华人民共和国地点间规定航线,应当符合中外双方政府民用航空运输协定或者有关协议的规定,并先经其本国政府通过外交途径对其进行指定,双方航空运输协定或有关协议另有规定的除外。
article 2 the routes between []s at home and abroad applied by foreign air transport enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “foreign airline”) should comply with civil aviation transport agreement between both governments or prescription of related agreement, and should be firstly confirmed by diplomatic means by homeland government except for special prescriptions defined in air transport agreement between both parties or related agreements.
第三条 中国民用航空局(以下简称“民航局”)负责外航航线经营许可的统一管理。
article 3 civil aviation administration of china (hereinafter referred to as “civil aviation administration”) holds responsible for management of business licensing for route between china and foreign countries.
foreign airlines should apply to civil aviation administration for business licenses of route between the []s in china and foreign countries after home government officially confirms the route by diplomatic means.
民航地区管理局负责对本地区运营的外航航线航班进行监督管理。 local civil aviation administration holds responsible for supervision of route of foreign airlines within its jurisdiction. 第四条 民航局审批外航经营许可实行互惠对等的原则。外国政府航空主管部门对中华人民共和国航空运输企业申请经营中华人民共和国地点和外国地点间规定航线的经营许可进行不合理限制的,民航局采取对等措施。
article 4 civil aviation administration can execute under the principle of mutual benefit and equality while approving business license of foreign airline. if a foreign aviation administration has unreasonable restriction on business licenses applied by chinese air
transport enterprises for route between chinese and foreign countries, chinese civil aviation administration shall adopt measures alike.