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Written exercises 书面练习 A Write questions and answers.

抄写以下句子,然后提问并写出相对应的否定句。 Examples:

You have to leave early. Do you have to leave early? You don't have to leave early. She must leave early. Must she leave early? She needn't leave early.

1 She has to decide immediately. 2 She must decide immediately. 3 We have to take a taxi. 4 We must take a taxi. B Answer these questions. 用have to或has to回答问题。 Example:

I must go now. What about you? I have to go, too.

1 I must telephone him. What about you? 2 I must wait for him. What about Mary? 3 I must meet her. What about Jim?

4 I must travel by ship. What about Tom and Mary? C Write questions. 模仿例句改写提问。 Example: I must go now.

Do you really have to go now? 1 I must telephone him. 2 Mary must wait for him. 3 Jim must meet her.

4 Tom and Mary must travel by ship. 答案: Lesson126 A

1 Does she have to decide immediately? She doesn't have to decide immediately.

2 Must she decide immediately? She needn't decide immediately.

3 Do we have to take a taxi? We don't have to take a taxi. 4 Must we take a taxi? We needn't take a taxi.


1 I have to telephone him, too. 2 Mary has to wait for him, too. 3 Jim has to meet her, too.

4 Tom and Mary have to travel by ship, too. C

1 Do you really have to telephone him? 2 Does Mary really have to wait for him? 3 Does Jim really have to meet her?

4 Do Tom and Mary really have to travel by ship?



