一、语言功能(测量范围) 考试要求考生参与不同形式的口头交际,其语言能力将根据其在考试中的表现予以测量。考生需要掌握的语言功能和意念主要参照《大学英语课程教学要求》中列出的口语表达能力较高要求:能用英语就一般性话题进行比较流利的会话,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、理由和描述事件,表达清楚,语音、语调基本正确。
第一部分是考生与主考进行面对面的交谈,采用问答的形式,约2分钟; 第二部分是看图说话,而且要求同组考生听并提问,约4-5分钟;
评分 项目 90-100分 80-90分 70-80分 60-70分 60以下 语法严重错误,词汇有限,不恰当。 语法正确,能够语法多数正语法使用复杂结构,确,词汇比较词汇 词汇恰当、丰恰当。 富。 语言、文化知识语言丰富,话题展开文化恰当,有效完成知识 任务,并且流畅连贯。 交流完整有效,产出和接受自互动如,应答主动,交流 恰当,且能导入话题 语音清晰、语调语音 正确,话语易于语调 理解。 语言、文化知识较丰富,能够完成任务要求。话语比较连贯。 交流较完整产出和接受适时,应答自然,停顿较少。 发音清晰,语调恰当,话语易于理解。 语法基本正确,语法错误较词汇基本恰当。 多,词汇有限。 语言、文化知识基本恰当,话语基本连贯。 语言、文化语言、文化知识不足,知识严重话语有限。 不足,话语有限,不连贯。 能够进行简单的交流,但需要提示和帮助。 不能进行交流,需要大量提示和帮助。 口音重,发音不正确,话语难以理解。 能够交流,能够应答,时有停顿。 发音较清晰,语发音不正调较恰当,部分确,话语理话语不易理解。 解起来有一定困难。
1. 途径:听、看兼有 2. 形式:语言、图片兼有 3. 语言:英语
4. 种类:提示(画面提示、文字提示)
Sample for Oral English Test of BUAA
(Revised version,April 25, 2009)
Students will be asked to enter the examination room and sit at the back about ten minutes before the actual examination. Then two pictures and a card will be given to them. Each student will have one picture. Students are expected to look at their respective picture carefully and think about how to describe it and give comments on it. After that, they will have to think about the situation as described on the card together and prepare to start a conversation based on it during the examination. Ten minutes later, they will take the oral examination. While their examination is going on, the next pair will be preparing for their turn at the back of the examination as they did.
Sample pictures
Candidate A wants to find a part-time job for the coming summer vacation, but doesn’t know how. He/she asks Candidate B for advice. A sample card
Time Allocation (Total: 10-12 minutes) Section I (2 minutes) Interlocutor:
Good morning/Good afternoon! [To Candidate A] Could you please tell me your name?
[To Candidate B] And yours?
Now I am going to ask you some questions about yourselves.
[To Candidate A]
How do you like living in Beijing?
[To Candidate B]
How do you like shopping in a supermarket?
[One or two questions for each candidate.]
Section II (4-5 minutes)
Interlocutor: Now I’m going to give each of you a picture and I’d like you to first describe it and then give comments on it. You have 1 minute to prepare and each of you will have one and a half minutes for your presentation. Interlocutor:
[After 1 minute] Now, [Candidate A], let [Candidate B] have a look at your picture. [To Candidate B] Please listen attentively to [Candidate A] and ask him/her a question after his/her presentation.
Interlocutor: [To Candidate A] Would you please begin? [After 1.5 minutes] ……
[To Candidate B] Could you please ask him/her a question based on his/her presentation?
Interlocutor: Thank you.
[To Candidate B] Now, please let [Candidate A] have a look at your picture. [Candidate B] Would you please begin? [After 1.5 minutes]
[To Candidate A] Could you please ask him/her a question based on his/her presentation?
Thank you. [Take back the pictures.]
Section III (4-5 minutes) Interlocutor:
You now have 4 to 5 minutes to engage in a conversation based on the situation as described on the card. Please begin.
[If one candidate talks too long]
Sorry, I’ll have to stop you, let’s listen to what … has to say.
[If one candidate keeps silent for a long time]
Now, …, could you please say something about your view of …?
All right, that’s the end of the test. Thank you.