目 录
引言 .............................................................. 1 1 选秀节目的概述 .................................................. 2
1.1 选秀节目的发展情况 .......................................... 2 1.2 选秀节目的特点 .............................................. 3 2 选秀节目的传播价值取向及其走红的原因分析 ........................ 3
2.1 选秀节目传播的价值取向 ...................................... 3 2.2 选秀节目走红的原因 .......................................... 4 3 选秀节目对当代青少年价值观的消极影响 ............................ 6
3.1 使青少年的价值取向错位,价值选择功利化 ...................... 6 3.2 容易使青少年产生浮躁的心理 .................................. 6 3.3 易产生极端个人主义与偏执狂热的情绪 .......................... 7 3.4 使青少年价值判断感性化,主流的社会价值观受到挑战 ............ 7 3.5 使青少年缺乏明确的评选标准易混淆价值判断 .................... 8 4 克服选秀节目对价值观消极影响的对策思考 .......................... 8
4.1 加强对青少年正确价值观的引导和培养 .......................... 8 4.2 培养大学生的集体意识, 引导对个人主义的正确认识 .............. 9 4.3 强化阵地意识, 倡导符合社会主流意识的价值判断标准 ............ 9 4.4 要充分发挥校园媒体的育人功能,加强对选秀节目的监督与管理 .... 9 结论 ............................................................. 10 参考文献 ......................................................... 10
摘 要
With the development of the society, TV has become the focus of people, in recent years, the draft program has achieved a certain amount of development. TV gradually become the main source of youth value orientation. Reality shows as a TV program form, with the existing objective rationality, the values for teenagers have some influence, these effects have positive influence also has negative influence.
In this paper to show the influence of teenagers values as the research object, in the draft program development present situation and characteristics, on the basis of elaborating the draft program for the spread of the value orientation and its rising reasons were analyzed, and based on this, mainly to the draft program on youth values from the negative influence of draft program for analysis, that easy to cause the teenagers get rich quick impetuous mentality, produce extreme nationalism and paranoid fever mood, value orientation dislocation, value judgment and evaluation standards finally confused influence, and put forward to overcome the negative influence of values show the countermeasures so as to show the correct guide teenagers to form the correct values has certain significance.
Keywords: draft program; Teenagers; Values; influence