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外研版七年级英语上册 Module 7 Computers模块达标测试卷

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Module 7过关测试

限时:60分钟 满分:100分


1.Jack often plays ________ piano and he wants to be a pianist when he grows up. A.a B.an C./ D.the

2.Jim,can you connect the printer ________ the computer? A.at B.in C.to D.on

3.—Who do you send the email ________,Wen Ya? —My pen pal in Australia.

A./ B.to C.with D.at 4.I want to ________ this big cake with my family. A.download B.share C.go D.print 5.The boy often writes ________ his teachers. A.on B.in C.to D.for

6.The students can't find much ________about the topic on that website. A.photo B.book C.information D.story

7.The new movie is on (上映) in ________ all over the world today. A.hospitals B.cinemas C.libraries D.zoos

8.There is some meat in the fridge,but there are ________vegetables in it. A.not an B.not a C.no D.no a 9.Six and ________ is a very long time for the young man. A.half year B.a half years

C.a half year D.half years

10.Li Xue likes watching CCTV1, ________ she can get some news from it.

A.because of B.or C.because D.but

11.He often uses the computer ________ his homework.

A.does B.do C.doing D.to do

12.—You play the piano so well. ________ do you take piano lessons?

—I go to piano lessons twice a week. A.How long B.How many C.How often D.How much

13.My father ________ plays computer games after work.

A.sometime B.sometimes C.some time D.some times

14.I want to watch a TV play.Please ________ the TV.

A.turn on B.turn up C.turn off D.turn down

15.—Do you mind my opening the window?

—________.Please do it now. A.Of course not B.Yes,I do C.Certainly D.Sure


All my family members like to use computers.We live in China,________16 my uncle lives in Australia.My father and my uncle often ________17 emails to each other.Sometimes ________18 chat online.My mother is a ________19 in a middle school.She often ________20 the computer for her lessons.She also gets information for her lessons ________21 the Internet.

My brother and I like to ________22 computer games.I like to play CounterStrike(反恐精英),but he likes to play Tomb Raider(古墓丽影).My ________23 don't want us to play them too long.They say that playing computer games too long is bad for our ________24 and study.We both like music,too.So sometimes we ________25 music from the Internet. 16.A.but B.because

C.or D.so 17.A.make B.give

C.have D.send 18.A.he B.you

C.they D.I 19.A.doctor B.teacher

C.worker D.farmer 20.A.plays B.buys

C.uses D.does 21.A.in B.from

C.at D.off 22.A.make B.do

C.play D.get 23.A.parents B.friends

C.father D.mother 24.A.legs B.faces

C.ears D.eyes

25.A.listen B.hear C.download (下载) D.send

外研版七年级英语上册 Module 7 Computers模块达标测试卷


