Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man. –Benjamin Franklin与恶习作战,与邻里友好相处,在新的一年变得更加优秀。本杰明富兰克林
Benjamin Franklin is one of the most beloved founding fathers in the United States. Maybe it was his famous twinkling eyes, or maybe it was his ease with people. Regardless, he embodied several characteristics that inevitably led to his success during his lifetime.本杰明富兰克林是美国最受爱戴的国父之一。这或许是因为他那双智慧的眼睛,抑或是因为他的随和个性。不管怎样,他所拥有的品质为他赢得了终生成就。
1. He cultivated productive habits他养成了有效的习惯
Famously known for his 13 virtues, in which he organized a 13-week plan focusing on one of his thirteen virtues of temperance, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity, and humility, Benjamin Franklin not only implemented important moral goals, but also found ways to hold himself accountable by marking his own progress. In addition, he formed a time table schedule that had his day planned from the time he rose at 5am until he went to bed at 10pm.在著名的富兰克林
精品资料欢迎阅读 十三美德中,他总结了13条周目标:节制、寡言、有序、决心、俭朴、勤勉、诚恳、公正、适度、清洁、镇静、贞洁和谦逊。本杰明富兰克林不仅践行了这些道德目标,还通过记录自己的进步来保证言出必行。此外,他还制定了一张时间表,将他从5:00起床到10:00就寝间的时间规划出来。
2. He took risks他愿意冒险
Ben Franklin was by no means a cautious man. Famously known for writing letters in the name of Silence Goodall while working at his brother’s printshop, he also ran away to Philadelphia after his brother began to abuse him, ultimately running a successful print store.富兰克林绝不是谨小慎微之人。最广为人知的事例就是,当他在哥哥的印刷店工作时,曾用笔名沉默行善者撰写文章;而且,因为受不了哥哥的虐待,他干脆跑到了费城,但这一出走却使他后来成功经营了一家印刷店。
3. He perfected his public image他为自己树立良好的公众形象
In his autobiography, Benjamin Franklin states that he took care not only to be in reality industrious and frugal, but to avoid all appearances of the contrary. In the words of Jonathan Yardley, Benjamin Franklin was a self-created and self-willed man who moved through life at a calculated pace toward calculated ends. He knew that the opinions of others mattered, and the importance of being able to network.在自传中,本杰明富兰克林写道他不仅实际地做到勤勉节俭,而且还避免出现任何不利的公众形象。用乔纳森亚德里的话来说,本杰明富兰克林是一个自我
精品资料欢迎阅读 经营、自我激励的人,在生活中以计划好的步伐走向计划中的成果。他懂得尊重他人看法,也知道交际的重要性。
4. He was a champion of the common person他是芸芸众生中的佼佼者
Never identifying with the elite, throughout his life Franklin identified himself as B. Franklin, printer. A strong believer in the power of community, he not only organized meetings and founded a library for his fellow citizens, but he also believed that pouring into the common good had a divine element. He is quoted stating: To pour forth benefits to the common good is divine. In other words, common people can find transcendence in giving back to their own community.终其一生,富兰克林从不认为自己是精英,而是自诩为印刷工富兰克林。作为社区里的中坚信仰者,他不仅组织会议、为市民创建图书馆,还坚信投入公共福利是一件高尚的事。他说:让公众受益是高尚的。也就是说,普通人能从回馈自己的社区中得到升华。
5. He was an early riser他是早起型的人
Famously quoted saying, early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise, Benjamin Franklin rose at 5am every morning, asking himself the question what good shall I do today?俗话说:早睡早起使人健康、富有且智慧。本杰明富兰克林每天早上5:00就起床了,同时还会自问今天我能做什么善事。