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Unit 7 college life

Aims of Teach ing

Master the words describ ing college life

Introducing methods of making one ' s college life colorful Aspect should be paid attention to in college life Key Poi nts

Leading students to pay attention to their effective and efficient college life Learning to employ the following key words and phrases into practice.

adequate forgivi ng be rid of

comme nceme nt garrulous by no means come in

crucial mediocre

deserve parlous


formulate preparatory after

prese ntati on quote semester slipshod act all

deprive somebody of someth ing

drop out for the sake of get away with look back on get

it preparatory on one' s ,own take dow n to make

a close look

Through the an alysis of the text, help ing stude nts to be realistic and

non-imag in ative about college life

Master the importa nt grammar ( 掌握本课重要语法 ------ 虚拟语气 Methods of Teach ing

Using multi-media teach ing equipme nt Group-Discussi on — discuss college life. Living performanee — invite aspects with college life. An alyze the text.

Time Arrangement(课时安排): 1 2-3 4

some student to talk about their troubles and unsatisfied

Preparati on In- Class Reading: The Commencement Speech You ' ll Never Hear After-Class Read ing Exercises Un it 7 College Life

5 Part on e:preparati on

Classroom Teach in g/lear ning Desig ning

Read the names of colleges and majors listed below and talk about your high school classmates and your college life

The students are given ten minutes to read the names of colleges and majors listed below, and talk in pair about their high school classmates and the college life.

Some volunteers are to talk to the whole class. Sample answers

Talking about your college life. A. Campus

Expectations---large and beautiful campus with green grass everywhere and a large sports ground where you can always see students busy and full of vitality( 生气 .)

Reality---large campus but only with a little grass B. Classroom buildings

Expectations---large new classroom with modern facilities Reality---old with no modern facilities C. Dormitories

Expectations---crowded with little space for everyone Reality---true. D. Students ' d ining hall

Expectations---spacious dining halls, full of hungry students Reality---true except that there many teacher diners as well. E. Library

Expectations---large collections of books, journals and periodicals; spacious and well-lit reading room Reality---true F. Classmates

1) Expectations---friendly and speaking different dialects. 2) Reality---true G. Teachers

Expectations---old, gray-haired and wearing thick glasses; strict and formally dressed Reality---not Language Points A. In-Class Reading:

Essay I The Commencement Speech You ' ll Never Hear Essay II College: An All-Forgiving World? Essay I

1. suppose (L.3) v.

1) to assume; to consider to be probable 假定;猜想,料想 a. SupposeA equals B.

b. I suppose him to be not yet 20. c. The situation was even worse than was 2) to believe; have as an opinion


true, because many teachers are very young, especially English

teachers; many teacher do not wear glasses and many teachers wear casual clothes.

except that the reading rooms are not large enough and students have

to get there early in order to find a seat.


supposed .

a. She was supposed (to be) extremely rich.

3) to have a duty or responsibility to do something; to be intended to [ 常用 于被动语态]期望;认


a. We are supposed to be there at 6. b. You are not supposed to kick people. conj. what would / will happen if

a. Suppose h e is absent, what shall we do? b. Supposemy mother were to see us in this place!


supposedly adv. as is believed, perhaps wrongly; as it appears


a. Economic recovery is


supposedly getting under way.


supposing conj. what would / will happen if

a. Supposing he is not at home, what then?

b. Supposing something should go wrong, what would you do then?

2. demand(L. 12) v. to ask for firmly and not be willing to accept a refusal; claim as if by right 要求,


a. They demanded that their voice ( should ) be heard. b. This sort of work

demandsgreat patience.

c. I demand to know what it is.

n. claim 要求

a. This work makes many demands onmy time.

demanding adj. needing a lot of attention and effort 要求高的;需要技能的; 苛求的

a. b.

An operation on the brain is the most He is very demanding with his friends.

demanding work for me as a surgeon.

3. quote (L. 27) v. to repeat in speech or writing the words of (a person, a book, etc.) 引用;引述

a. Is Shakespeare the author most frequently b. He quotes (from) the Bible to support his ideas.

c. She is quoted as saying she disagrees with the proposal.

quoted from ?

quotation n. a sentence or phrase taken from a work of literature on other pieces of writing and

repeated esp. in order to prove a point or support an argument 引文;引语;引用;论证

a. He illustrated his point with a 4. deserve (L. 29) v. to be worthy of

quotation from Shakespeare.


a.The question deserves consideration.

b. He certainly deserves to be sent to prison. c. He deserves well of his country. 他有功于国家。 deserving adj. worthy of support or help 值得的,该得的 a. He is deserving of great credit. deserving of public b. These problems attention. are

5. deprive (L. 32) v.


1) to take away from

his sight by the accident. a.He was deprived of

b.Lung cancer deprived him of his life. 2) to prevent from using or having a. His troubles deprived him of sleep.




