题目: 基于Multisim的声光控路灯控制系统设计与仿真
课 程:电子线路课程设计
专 业:电气工程及其自动化 班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师:
2015年 01月 06日
学 号 学生姓名 专业(班级) 设计题目 基于Multisim的声光控路灯控制系统设计与仿真 1.电阻:200Ω ;1kΩ;2kΩ ;10kΩ ;50kΩ ;100kΩ 2.电位器:5kΩ ;200kΩ 3.电容:100uF ;1uF ; ;47uF(电解电容) 4.二极管:1N1202 5.稳压管:5V 6.发光二极管 7.三极管:2N1711 8.咪头 9.热敏电阻 10.桥堆:W08 11.集成芯片:LM324 ;74LS08 ;LM317 12.14 脚芯片插槽 13.电磁继电开关 设 计 要 求 1. 光照度强(白天)路灯不点亮,光照度暗(夜晚)路灯可由声音控制;有声音是路灯点亮否则不点亮。 2.设计电路结构,选择电路元件,计算确定元件参数,画出实用原理电路图。 3.自拟实验方法、步骤及数据表格,提出测试所需仪器及元器件的规格、数量。 [1]童诗白.模拟电子技术基础(第四版)[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2006 [2]高吉祥.电子技术基础实验与课程设计[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2002 [3] 邱关源.电路(第五版)[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2006 [4] 华成英.模拟电子技术基本教程 (第一版)[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2007 [5]谢自美 《电子线路设计·实验·测试》(第三版)华中科技大学出版社 [6]孙梅生,李美莺,徐振英 《 电子技术基础课程设计》 高等教育出版社 [7]梁宗善 《电子技术基础课程设计》 华中理工大学出版社 [8]张玉璞,李庆常 《电子技术课程设计》 北京理工大学出版社 [9]彭介华 《电子技术课程设计指导》 高等教育出版社 设 计 技 术 参 数 参 考 资 料 2015年01月06日 信息工程学院课程设计成绩评定表
学生姓名: 学号: 专业(班级): 课程设计题目: 基于Multisim的声光控路灯控制系统设计与仿真 成绩: 指导教师: 年 月 日 摘要
本系统利用自制直流稳压电源供电,根据光敏电阻的阻值变化判断光线强弱,用咪头测声音信号,LM324 对信号进行放大和构成比较电路。由 74LS08D 的与门,实现对信号的筛选, 从而对开关部分发出开启或关闭的信号。 继电器控制驱动灯泡,由 RC 充放电路进行延时。通过对外界信号的选择,声光控路灯实现自动控制灯亮。仅当光线较暗并且有声响时,路灯才会自动点亮,并延时 20 秒左右熄灭。此系统能很好的控制路灯的亮灭,即在有声音和无光情况下灯亮,其他情况下灯灭,从而达到节能的效果。
关键字:声光控制; LM324; 继电器; 延时
Now, in public places and public corridor, light long time measured by the phenomenon is very common, which caused a great waste of energy to the society. On the other hand, due to frequent switching or man-made factors, the damage to the wall switch rate is very high, increasing the amount of repair, waste of funds. Sound and light control of street lamp is not the problem. In view of the present society many places use pilot lamp lighting, can not realize intelligent lighting lighting caused a huge waste of energy. In response to the science and energy-saving emission reduction of scientific development to design the sound and light control of street lamp control system.
Homemade DC stabilized voltage power supply by using this system, according to the photosensitive resistor change to determine the light intensity, measured voice signal by microphone, LM324 for signal amplification and comparison circuit. By 74LS08D and gate, screening of signal, which sends a signal to open or close to the switch part. Relay control driver bulb, for delay by the RC charging and discharging circuit. To the outside world through the selection of signal, sound and light control of street lamp realizes the automatic control of light. Only when the light is dark and sound, lights will automatically light up, and delay 20 seconds out. This system can control the lamp good light out, with sound and light circumstances lights, in other cases the lamp, so as to achieve the effect of saving energy.
The sound and light control of street lamp controller can automatically realize people to light, people walk lamp, convenient and practical. Not only the electric energy saving, but also can prolong the service life of the bulb. Can be widely applied to the stairs, corridors, bathrooms lighting control and living area and other public places. Word controller is economical and practical, even the general's footsteps can light the bulb, lighting.
Keywords: light control; LM324; relay; delay