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Examination of the oral cavity is part of every general physical examination. Oral findings in many systemic diseases are unique, are sometimes pathognomonic, and may be the first sign of the disease. Early detection of oral cancer may be possible.¿ÚÇ»¼ì²éÊÇÈ«Éí¼ì²éµÄÒ»²¿·Ö.ÔÚÐí¶àϵͳÐÔ¼²²¡ÖÐ,¿ÚÇ»±íÏÖÊǶÀÌصÄ,ÓÐʱÊDz¡Õ÷ÐÔµÄ,¿ÉÒÔÊǼ²²¡µÄÊ×ÏÈÕ÷Õ×.¿ÚÇ»°©µÄÔçÆÚ·¢ÏÖÊÇ¿ÉÄܵÄ.
A dental history is obtained first. It may indicate a particular dental problem or neglect of dental care. A complaint of difficulty in chewing food suggests insufficient teeth for proper mastication, loose or painful teeth, poorly fitting dental appliances, or disorders of the temporomandibular joint or the masticatory muscles. Slight bleeding after brushing suggests mild gingivitis; frequent, spontaneous, or profuse bleeding may indicate a blood dyscrasia. Recurring oral infections may indicate diabetes mellitus (the most common cause), agranulocytosis, neutropenia, leukemia,
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immunoglobulin defects, or disorders of leukocyte function. Immunosuppressed persons may experience painful reactivation of oral herpes simplex or other infections, with pain, oral ulcerations, and consequent interference with food intake.Ê×ÏȲɼ¯¿ÚÇ»¿Æ²¡Ê·,¿ÉÌáʾһ¸öÌرðµÄ¿ÚÇ»ÎÊÌâ»ò±»ºöÂԵĿÚÇ»±£½¡.Ö÷Ëß¾×½ÀʳÎïÀ§ÄÑÌáʾÄÜÐÐʹ¾×½À¹¦ÄܵÄÑÀ³Ýȱʧ»òÌÛÍ´,»òò¨ò¢¹Ø½Ú¼°¾×½À¼¡Èº¹¦ÄÜÎÉÂÒ.Ë¢ÑÀºóÇá¶È³öѪ,ÌáʾÇá¶ÈÑÀö¸Ñ×;¾³£µÄ,×Ô·¢µÄ,´óÁ¿³öѪ,±íʾѪҺ²¡.·´¸´³öÏֵĿÚÇ»¸ÐȾ,¿ÉÄÜ´æÔÚÌÇÄò²¡(´ËΪ×î³£¼ûÔÒò),Á£Ï¸°ûȱ·¦Ö¢,ÖÐÐÔÁ£Ï¸°û¼õÉÙÖ¢,°×Ѫ²¡,ÃâÒßÇòµ°°×ȱ·¦²¡»ò°×ϸ°û¹¦ÄÜÎÉÂÒ.ÃâÒßÒÖÖÆÕ߿ɾÀú¿ÚÇ»µ¥´¿ðåÕîµÄÌÛÍ´·´Ó¦,²¢°éÓпÚÇ»À£Ññ¶øµ¼Ö·Á°Éãʳ. A thorough evaluation requires good illumination, a tongue blade, gloves, and a gauze pad. A dental or laryngeal mirror, if available, is helpful.È«ÃæµÄÆÀ¹ÀÐèÒªÁ¼ºÃµÄÕÕÃ÷,ѹÉà°å,ÊÖÌ׺ÍÉ´²¼µæ.¿Ú¾µ»òÑÊºí¾µÓÐÖúÓÚ¿ÚÇ»¼ì²é.
The examiner initially looks at the face for appreciable asymmetry, skin lesions, and other abnormalities, such as restricted movement during speech, as occurs in scleroderma or acromegaly. Numerous congenital syndromes produce characteristic facies. For example, a very thin upper lip suggests the fetal alcohol syndrome or Prader-Willi syndrome. Trauma in youth, particularly blunt trauma to the point of the chin, can damage growth centers in the condyles and lead to unilateral or bilateral impairment of mandibular growth.
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Idiopathic hypertrophy of one or both sides of the mandible or other parts of the face may distort the face, as may acromegaly or a salivary gland or jaw tumor. If the posterior teeth or dental prostheses are missing, the cheeks may be sunken, producing a prematurely aged or cachectic appearance. One or both cheeks may appear swollen due to cherubism, parotitis, Sjgrens syndrome, tumor, an excessively thick denture flange, or cellulitis from an abscessed tooth. Multiple basal cell carcinomas on the face may indicate the nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, which alerts the examiner to look for multiple odontogenic keratocysts on x-rays.¼ì²éÕßÊ×Ïȹ۲ìÃ沿ÓÐÎÞÃ÷ÏԵIJ»¶Ô³Æ,Ƥ·ô²¡ËðºÍÆäËûµÄ²»Õý³£,È統˵»°Ê±Ô˶¯ÊÜÏÞ³£³öÏÖÓÚӲƤ²¡»òÖ«¶Ë·Ê´óÖ¢.Ðí¶àÏÈÌìÐÔ×ÛºÏÕ÷¾ù²úÉúÌØÊâµÄÃæò.ÀýÈç,ºÜ±¡µÄÉÏ´½Ìáʾ̥¶ù¾Æ¾«×ÛºÏÕ÷»òPrader-Willi×ÛºÏÕ÷,ÇàÉÙÄêʱÆڵĴ´ÉË,ÌرðÊǼղ¿µÄ¶ÛÉË,ÄÜÉ˼°÷Á×´Í»µÄÉú³¤ÖÐÐĺ͵¼ÖÂÏÂò¢¹Çµ¥²à»òË«²àÉú³¤·¢ÓýÊÜËð.ÏÂò¢Ò»²à»òË«²à×Ô·¢ÐÔ·Ê´ó,»òÃ沿ÆäËû²¿·Ö×Ô·¢ÐÔ·Ê´ó,ÈçÖ«¶Ë·Ê´óÖ¢»òÏÑÏÙÖ×Áö»òò¢¹ÇÖ×Áö¾ù¿ÉÆÆ»µÃ沿Íâò.Èç¹ûºóÑÀ»òÒå³Ýȱʧ,¼Õ²¿»á°¼ÏݶøÐγÉÔçÀϵĻò¶ñ²¡ÖÊÑùµÄÃæò.ÓÉÓÚò¢¹ÇÔö´óÖ¢,ÈùÏÙÑ×,Sjgren×ÛºÏÕ÷,Ö×Áö,¹ýºñµÄÒå³ÝͻԵ,»òÑÀ²ÛŧÖ×ÒýÖµķäÎÑÖ¯Ñ×,¾ù¿Éʹһ²à»òË«²à¼Õ²¿Ö×Æð.Ã沿¶à·¢ÐÔ»ùµ×ϸ°ûÈâÁö¿É±íÏÖðëÑù»ùµ×ϸ°ûÈâÁö×ÛºÏÕ÷,Õâ¿Éʹ¼ì²éÕßÁôÐĵØÔÚXÏßƬÉÏÑ°ÕҶ෢ÐÔÑÀÔ´ÐԽǻ¯ÄÒÖ×.
The lips are palpated. With the patients mouth open, the buccal
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