【期刊名称】《中国法医学杂志》 【年(卷),期】2017(032)004
【摘要】Objective To analyze the detection rate of contact DNA samples and the possible influencing factors of contact DNA test. Methods 188 contact DNA samples collection method of the area in January 2016 to October 2016 and from submission to the laboratory, in accordance with the vector properties, extraction method, inspection time and detection rate of classification for statistical analysis. Results All 188 samples were detected by STR genotyping,and 38 samples genotyped DNA successfully. The detection rate was 20.21%; the surface of soft, coarse carrier of the contact detection rate of DNA was higher than the carrier surface smooth and hard contact; DNA samples extracted from the original direct detection rate higher than the detection rate of exfoliated cells from sticky extraction; contact DNA samples inspection time more early detection rate is higher than that of the late submission time. Conclusion DNA samples the detection rate by carrier properties, extraction methods, inspection time and other factors, should pay attention to the daily scene found in the detection of DNA carrier rate on the contact and extraction, using proper method timely submission of investigation.%目的 分析188份接触DNA检材的提取、送检和检验结果,