41 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 41 incendiary [???????????] adj. 放火的;煽动的,教唆的(involving a deliberate burning of property) (类)incendiary·agitate=insurgent·rebel 煽动的·煽动=叛乱的·叛乱 (形容词和名词同义) (记)in+cend(=cand放火)+iary原意是放火的,引申为煽风点火 incense [???????] v. 用香焚;激怒(to arouse the extreme anger or indignation of) (反)propitiate ◆ incense 劝解 ◆ 激怒 (同)anger, enrage, infuriate, mad, umbrage inception [???????????] n.开端,开始,取得学位(an instance of beginning;commencement) (类)inception·termination=matriculation·graduation 开始·终止=入学·毕业(反义) (记)in+cept(词根·拿)+ion同根词·accept,concept (同)origin, source, root incessant [?????????] adj. 不断的,不绝的,无尽的(continuing without interruption) (反)incessant ◆ interrupted 不断的 ◆ 中断的 (记)in+cess(停止)ant 不停的,不断的 (同)continual, constant, perpetual,perennial inch [????] v. 慢慢前进,慢慢移动(to move by small degrees: progress slowly) (类)inch·advance=accrete·grow 慢慢前进·前进=增长·生长(种属) inch·move=drawl·speak 慢慢移动·移动=懒洋洋地说·说(程度) 缓慢 (记)一寸一寸的移动引申为慢慢前进 inchoate [????????] a.刚开始的,未完全发展的(being only partly in existence or operation) (类)inchoate/incipient·realized=immature· developed 未形成的/初始的·形成的=未完全发展的·完全发展的(反义) (反)inchoate ◆ explicit/ completely formed/ enduring/ fully formed/ fully realized 不完全的 ◆ 明确的/ 完全发展的/ 完全发展的/ 完全发展的/ 完全发展的 (记)in+cho(col)ate巧克力从凉的地方取出来-未完全(融化)的 incidence n.发生;影响范围,发生率 (例)a high incidence of malaria in the tropics. 热带地区疟疾的高发率 did not expect criticism and was surprised by its incidence. 受到未预料的批评而感到吃惊 incinerate [???????????] vi. 烧成灰烬(to cause to burn to ashes) (类)singe·incinerate=erode·destruction 烧的微焦·烧成灰烬=腐蚀·毁灭 (程度) (记)in+ciner(灰)+ate incipient [??????????] adj. 开始的(beginning to come into being or to become apparent) (类)incipient/ inchoate·realized=immature·developed 开始的·完成的=不成熟的·成熟的(反义) incipient·realized=tangible·indefinite=hypothetical·proven(争议:moribund·dead) 开始的·完成的=切实的·不确定的=假说的·被证明的(反义) (反)incipient ◆ full-blown/ full realized/ plentiful 开始的 ◆ 成熟的/完全实现的/丰富的 (记)in+cip(零)ient刚是零的-开始的 (同) initial, inceptive, introductory, nascent incisive [?????????] adj. 深刻的, 尖锐的, 一针见血的 (记)来自incise v. 切,切割;incision切口 incite [???????] v 煽动,刺激(to move to action:stir up:spur on:urge on) (类)instigator·incite=bully·browbeat 煽动者·煽动=侍强凌弱的人·恫吓(特征行为) persiflage·incite=exhortation·motivate 恶意抨击·刺激=劝告·促进(动作及表现) (反)incite ◆ pacify 煽动 ◆ 抚慰 incitant ◆ insensible 兴奋的 ◆ 无知觉的 (记)in+ cite(词根·)注意和excite(兴奋的)区别 (同)instigate, abet, foment inclement [??????????] a.(天气)严酷的,严厉的(lacking mildness) (类)draconian·inclemency=fret·vexation 严峻的·严酷=(使)烦恼·烦恼(同义) inclemency·evade 险恶,严酷·逃避(因果关系) inclement ◆ balmy/ mild 险恶严酷的 ◆ 温和的 (同)severe, bitter, harsh, intemperate, rigorous incogitant [????????????] adj. 考虑不周的(thoughtless; inconsiderate) (类)incogitant·thoughtful=restive·calm 考虑不周的·深思的=不安的·安静的(反义) incogitant·thoughtfulness=restive·calmnes 考虑不周的·深思=不安的·安静(反面特征) (同)rash, brash, inconsiderate, reckless, thoughtless (记)来自cogitate深思,慎重考虑 incongruent [????????????] adj. 不协调的,不合适(not superposable to be coincident throughout) (类)incongruent·conform=recalcitrant·obey=scatter·overlap 不协调的·顺从=反对的·顺从=分散的·重叠(反义) (记)in+congruent(适合的;数学:全等的) (同)inconsonant , discrepant, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent inconsequential [?????????????????] adj. 不合逻辑的,不合理的;不重要(of no significance) (类)inconsequential·illogical=apocalyptic·prophetic 不合逻辑的·不合逻辑的=天启的·预言的(同义) (反)crucial ◆ inconsequential 重要的 ◆ 不重要的 (记)in+consequential(因果的,重要的) (同)inconsequent, inconsiderable, paltry, trifling, trivial incontrovertible [?????????????????] adj. 无可争议的(not open to question) (类)incontrovertible·dispute=untenable·defend 无可争议的·争议=无法抵抗的·防卫(反面特征) incontrovertible·disputed=matchless·equaled 无可争议的·争议的=无法比拟的·相等的(反义) (反)controvert ◆ substantiate 争论 ◆ 证实 (记)in+controvertible(可辩论的) (同)certain, incontestable, indisputable, indubitable incorporate v. 包含,吸收(to blend or combine thoroughly) 体现(embody) incorrigible [????????????] adj. 无药可救的,固执的(incapable of being corrected or amended) (类)incorrigible·amend=irradicable·remove 固执的·改正=不能根除的·移动(难以)
incorrigible·reform=inscrutable·understood 固执的·革新=难以了解的·理解(难以) (反)incorrigible ◆ tractable 固执的 ◆ 温顺的 incorrigibility ◆ tractability 固执 ◆ 温顺 (记)in(不)+corrig(= correct改正)+ible→不能改正的→固执的 incriminate [????????????] vt. 归罪,使负罪,控告(to proof of involvement in a crime or fault)
(反)incrimination ◆ exoneration 使负罪 ◆ 免罪 (记)in(加强)+criminate(使负罪) (同)accuse, charge, criminate, impeach, inculpate incubator [???????????] n. 孵化器 (类)incubator·infant =greenhouse·plant 孵化器培育婴儿=温室培养植物 (记)cub幼兽,不动规矩的年轻人 联想:把幼兽放进去→孵化 inculcate [ ?????????? ] v. 反复灌输,谆谆教诲 inculpate [??????????] vt. 使?有罪(to incriminate) (反)exonerate免罪/ absolve赦免/ exculpate使无罪 (同)accuse, arraign, criminate, impeach, incriminate incumbent adj. 职责所在的,富有?义务的(imposed as a duty:obligatory) incursion [?????????] n.侵犯,入侵 (a hostile entrance into a territory) (反)incursion ◆ retreat 入侵 ◆ 撤退 (记)in+curs(词根·跑)跑进来→入侵 indebted [????????] adj. 有义务的,感激的 indelible [????????????] adj. 擦试不掉的,不可磨灭的(ineradicable, inerasable, inextrpable)
(类)indelible·forget=astounding·expect 不可磨灭的·忘记=令人吃惊的·预期(反义)
indelibility·erasure=impermeability·passage 不能消除·擦除=不渗透性·透过 (反)indelible ◆ erasable 去不掉的 ◆ 可抹去的 indelibility ◆ eras ability 擦试不掉 ◆ 擦掉 (记)in(不)+delible(删除) indemnity [??????????] n. 赔偿,补偿;保护(security against hurt, loss, or damage) (类)mollification·soothe=indemnity·secure 减轻·缓和=保护·使安全(动作及其目的) (记)in+demn(词根:损坏)+ity (同)amends, compensation, recompense, redress, restitution indicate [?????????] vt. 指出, 显示, 象征 indicative [??????????] adj. 象征的,显示的 (例)Is a high forehead indicative of great mental power? 前额高表示智慧高吗? indict [???????] vt. 起诉,控告,指控(to accuse of wrongdoing; charge) (类)indict·accused 起诉·被起诉的(反面特征) (反)absolve ◆ indict 赦免 ◆ 控告 (记)in+dict(词根:说)参考: dictator独裁者 (同)accuse, charge, impeach, incriminate, inculpate list 18 indifferent -------inveigle indifferent [??????????] adj. 漠不关心的(marked by a lack of interest) (类)shrug·indifference=embrace·affection 耸肩·漠不关心=拥抱·爱(动作体现情感) (反)indifferent ◆ avid/ fervor/ enraptured 漠不关心的 ◆ 热心的/ 热情的/ 狂喜的 zealot ◆ indifference 狂热 ◆ 不关心 (记)in(不)+different(不同) 与平时无两样的-漠不关心的 (同)arraign, charge, impeach, incriminate, inculpate (例)was indifferent to suffering and poverty indigenous [???????????] adj.土产的,本地的;先天的,天生的(innate;inborn) (反)indigenous ◆ exotic/ foreign/ nonnative 本地的 ◆ 异国的,外来的 indigenous ◆ acquired 先天的 ◆ 后来获取的 (记)注意和indigent(贫穷的) 区别 (同)innate , connatural, inherited, native, natural indigent [??????????] adj. 贫穷的(suffering from indigence) (类)indigent·wealth=redundant·indispensability 贫穷的·富裕=多余的·不可缺少 (反)indigent ◆ affluent/ wealth 贫穷的 ◆ 富裕的 (同)poor, destitute, impecunious, impoverished, necessitous, penurious indispensability n. 不可缺少(absolutely necessary) (类)indigent·wealth=redundant·indispensability 贫乏的·富裕=多余的·不可缺少 (反)indispensable ◆ trivial 不可缺少的 ◆ 微不足道的 (记)in(不)+dispensability(不必要)→并非不必要→不可缺少 indisposed [ ?????????????] adj.身体不舒服的(mildly ill)不愿的,不喜欢的(averse; disinclined)
(例)He was clearly indisposed to grant their request. 他明显不想答应他们的要求 (记)disposed adj 愿意的;甘愿的;dispose布置,处理 indoctrinate [?????????????] v. 灌输思想(to instruct especially in fundamentals) (类)stickler·exacting=pedagogue·indoctrinate 吹毛求疵者·苛求的=教育者·灌输 (记)in+doctrine(教条)+ate用教条去灌输 indolent [?????????] adj. 懒惰的(averse to activity) (类)indolent·shirk=miserly·hoard 懒惰的·逃避=吝啬的·密藏 (正面特征) rectitude·transgress=keen·obtuse{ impeccable·flaw=indolent·stir} 正直·违法=锋利·钝的{无瑕的·缺点=懒惰·激动}{事物及其反义} (同)lazy, faineant, slothful, slowgoing inducement [????????????] n.诱导,引诱(the act or process of inducing) (反)inducement ◆ deterrent 引诱 ◆ 制止 (记)induce 诱导,引起 indulgent [???????????] adj. 纵容的(lenient:);自我放纵的 (类)abstemious·indulge=【austere·decorate】(干扰:简朴的·修饰) 参考:timeworn·novelty=convolution·simplicity(干扰:austere·decorate) indulge·ascetic=restrain·libertine 自我放纵·苦行的=抑制·放荡的 glutton·overindulgence=ascetic·self denial 暴食者·放纵=禁欲者·自我约束 (反)indulgent ◆ ascetic 放纵的 ◆ 苦行的 martinet ◆ indulgent person 严守纪律者 ◆ 放纵的人 - 41 - - 41 -
42 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 42 draconian ◆ indulgent / mild 苛刻的 ◆ 纵容的/ 温和的 【注】放纵有两层意思:自我放纵和放纵别人。Indulgent包含这两层意思。 (同)forbearing, charitable, clement, lenient, merciful indurate [???????????] vt. 使坚固(to make hard ;concrete,solidify) (反)indurate ◆ soften 使坚固 ◆ 使软化 (记)参考:endure坚持duration持续时间 industriousness [ ??????????? ] adj. 勤勉的, 刻苦的(constantly, regularly, or habitually occupied) (类)industriousness·activity=fastidiousness·selectivity 勤勉的·活动=严格·选择 ineffable [????????] adj.不能说的,不应说出的(incapable of being expressed in words) (类)ineffable·description=irradicable·obliterate 不能说的·描述=不能根除的·删除 (记)in(不)+effable(可以说的)参考:fable寓言 ineluctable [???????????] adj.无法逃避的(not to be avoided,resisted) (类)ineluctable·chance=serendipitous·effort 无法逃避的·偶然=善于挖宝(有发掘天赋的)·努力(事物及其反面特点) ineluctable·avoid=irrevocable·repeal 不可避免的·避免=不可撤回的·撤回 impervious·penetrate=ineluctable·avoid =untenable·defend 密封的无法穿透=无法逃避的无法逃避=无法防卫的无法防卫 【注】untenable:being such that defense or maintenance is impossible (同)incommunicable, indefinable inept [??????] adj. 不适当的;无能的,笨拙的(generally incompetent) (类)inept ◆ judicious/ proficient/ masterful愚笨的 ◆ 明智的/ 精通的/ 技术精湛的 finesse ◆ ineptitude 灵巧 ◆ 愚笨 (记)in(不)+ept(熟练的) 参考:eptitude能力 (同)awkward, gauche, lumbering, maladroit inert [??????] adj. 惰性的,行动迟钝的(deficient in active properties) (类)inertia·react=persistence·vacillate惯性·反应=坚持·犹豫 (反面特征) ephemeral·endure=inert·react {ineffectual·proceed} 生命短暂的(事物)难以持久=惰性的(事物)难以反应 (反)inert ◆ active / dynamic 惰性的 ◆ 充满活力 inertia ◆ activity/ tendency to change motion 惯性 ◆ 活力/ 改变方向的趋势 reactant ◆ inert material 反应物 ◆ 惰性物质 (记)inertia(物理中的惯性) (同)inactive, idle, passive, quiet inevitable [??????????] adj. 不可避免的,必然的(incapable of being avoided or evaded) (类)inevitable·chance=absolute·variability 必然的·偶然性=绝对的·可变性(反面) impervious·penetrate=inetable·avoid =untenable·defend 密封的无法穿透=无法逃避的无法逃避=无法防卫的无法防卫 (记)in(不)+evitable(逃避)不可逃避的 (同) ineluctable, ineludible, inescapable, inevasible inexorable [???????????] adj. 无情的,无法说服的(not to be persuaded by entreaty) (类)inexorable·dissuasion=indomitable·conquest 无法说服的·说服=无法征服的·征服 (反)inexorable ◆ relenting 无情的 ◆ 怜惜的 (记)ora(口,说)exorable可说服的 参考:oration演说 (同) adamant, obdurate, relentless, rigid, unyielding infamy [???????] n. 声名狼藉(evil reputation) (反)infamy ◆ good repute 声名狼藉 ◆ 好名声 (记)in(不好)+fame(名声)→不好的名声→声名狼藉 参考:famous著名的 (同)disesteem, disrepute, ignominy, obloquy, odium infatuate [???????????] vt. 使迷恋,使糊涂(to cause to be foolish) (类)sabbatical·leave=flattering·infatuation 周期性休息的·休假=讨人喜欢的·令人痴迷之物(后者的正面特征是前者) (反)odium ◆ infatuation憎恨 ◆ 迷恋 (记)in(使)+fatu(糊涂)ate人常说爱情使一个人糊涂 参考:fatuous愚昧的,糊涂的 (同)besotted, dotty, enamored inferior [ ????????? ] adj. 低等的,下级的(lower);质次的,较差的 inferno [?????????] n.火海,地狱般的场所(a place that resembles or suggests hell) (类)fire·inferno=storm·hurricane 火·火海=暴风·飓风(程度) (记) infer(低下)→低下的地方→地狱 参考:inferior下等的,次级的 (同)hell, blazes, netherworld, perdition infiltrate [???????????] v. 渗透;秘密潜入(to passsurreptitiously into enemy-held territory) (类)infiltrate·enter=conspire·plan=insinuate·say=stalk·follow 秘密潜入·进入=阴谋·计划=含沙射影的说·说=暗中追踪·跟随(秘密·正常) (记)filtr(滤器) 参考:filtrate渗透 filter 过滤,渗透;过滤器 infinite [????????] adj. 无穷的(immeasurably or inconceivably great or extensive) (类)infinite·end =unique·precedent 无穷的没有结束=独一无二的没有前例 infinite·exhaust=discrete·overlap 无穷的无法用尽=离散的无法重叠 infinity ◆ bounded space 无限 ◆ 有限空间 (记)in+fini(限制)→无限制的→无穷的 参考:infinity无限时空infinitesimal无穷小的 infirm [???????] adj. 虚弱的(of poor or deteriorated vitality) (反)hale ◆ infirm 强壮的 ◆ 柔弱的 (记)in(不)+firm(结实的,强壮的)→不强壮的→虚弱的 (同)weak, decrepit, feeble, flimsy, fragile inflame [????????] v. 使燃烧,激怒(某人)(to excite to uncontrollable action or feeling) (反)inflame ◆ assuage/ subdue 激怒 ◆ 缓和/ 减弱 (记)in(进入)+flame(燃烧) (同)aggravate, provoke, rile, roil infelicitous [????????????] adj. 不幸的;不适当的(not appropriate in application) (反)infelicity ◆ appropriateness 不合适 ◆ 合适 happy ◆ infelicitous 幸福的 ◆ 不幸的 (记)in+felicitous(幸福的) (同)wkward, graceless, inept, unfortunate (例)made a very infelicitous remark influx [????????] n. 涌入(a coming in) (反)exodus ◆ influx 大批的离去 ◆ 涌入 (同)inflow, influxion, inpour, inpouring, inrush informed adj. 见多识广的,消息灵通的(based on possession of information) infuse [????????] vt. 灌输,使?充满,鼓舞 (类)inspire·infuse=obliterate·remove 鼓舞·鼓舞=删除·除去(同义) (反)infuse ◆ drain away/extract 注入 ◆ 排空/ 榨出,提取 (记)in+fuse(流)流进去→灌输 infuriate [????????????] vt. 激怒(to make furious; enrage) (类)infuriate·rage=commend·esteem 激怒引起愤怒=赞美引起尊重(行为及其影响)
infuriate·rage=nonplus·perplexity 激怒使人大怒=使困惑使人困惑(行为及其影响) (干扰:scrounge·possession乞讨,搜寻·占有(目的关系)) (同)enrage, incense, umbrage (记)in(使)+furi(=fury愤怒)→使愤怒→激怒 ingenuity [??????????????] n.机灵, 独创性(inventive skill or imagination) (反)lack of inventiveness ingenious [???????????] adj. 聪明的,有独创性的(marked by originality, resourcefulness, and
cleverness in conception or execution) (类)ingenious ◆ awkward 机灵的 ◆ 笨拙的 ingenious ◆ prosaic 有独创性的 ◆ 平凡的 (同)adroit, canny, cunning, dexterous ingenuous [???????????] adj.直率的,单纯的(showing innocent simplicity and candidness)
(类)ingenuous·dissemble=raffish·preen=polite·snub 直率的·掩饰=粗俗的·打扮=礼貌的·怠慢(事物及其反面特征) fabricate·ingenuous =discompose·placid 捏造·直率的=使不安·平息的(反面特征) ingratiating·win favor=disingenuous·deceive 逢迎的·使喜欢=虚伪的·欺骗(目的) pernicious·injure=disingenuous·mislead 有害的·伤害=虚伪的·欺骗(正面特征) ingenue·sophistication=cynic·trustfulness阅历不深者·老练=悲愤嫉俗者·信赖(反特) (反)ingenuous ◆ cunning/ sly/ hypocritical 直率的 ◆ 狡猾的/ 狡猾的/ 伪善的 disingenuousness ◆ guilelessness 无诚意 ◆ 坦诚 (记)ingenious和ingenuous 区别在中间的 i和 u 联想:i 聪明,you 单纯 (同)naturalL,artless,naive, unaffected, unsophisticated ingest [????????] vt. 摄取,咽下,吸收(to take in for or as if for digestion) (反)ingest ◆ expel 摄取 ◆ 排出 ingrained [?????????] adj. 根深蒂固的(to work indelibly into the natural texture) (反)ingrained ◆ easily to change/ extrinsic 根深蒂固的 ◆ 易于改变/外表的 (记)in+grain(木头的纹理)+ed入木三分-根深蒂固的 (同)congenital, constitutional, inbred, indwelling, innate ingrate [????????] n. 忘恩负义者(an ungrateful person)adj. 不知恩的,忘恩的 (反)ingrate ◆ thankful person 忘恩负义者 ◆ 感恩的人 (记)in(不)+ grate感激→不感激的→忘恩负义 参考:grateful感激的,感谢的 ingratiating [??????????????] adj. 讨人喜欢的(agreeable)逢迎的,讨人欢心的 (类)ingratiating·win favor=disingenuous·deceive 迷人的·赢得喜欢=虚伪的·欺骗(正面特征) (记)in+grati(感激)+ate使(观众等)感激;联想:讨人喜欢的作品或演员让读者和观众感激。 (同)deferential, ingratiatory, insinuating (例)Reading requires an effort?Print is not as ingratiating as television 阅读是要费劲的?印刷品终究不如电视那么讨人喜欢 inhale v. 吸气(to breathe in;inspire) (记)hale 呼吸 参考:exhale 呼气 inherent [??????????] adj. 固有的, 内在的(belonging by nature or habit) (反)extrinsic ◆ inherent 外在的 ◆ 内在的 (同)congenital, essential, inborn, ingrained, innate, intrinsic inimical [?????????] adj.敌意的(having the disposition of an enemy) (反)inimical ◆ friendly/amiable/amicable/amenable 敌意的 ◆ 友好的/亲切的/友善的/服从的 (记)inimi(=enemy敌人)+cal →敌意的 (同)hostile, inimicable, unfriendly inimitable [??????????] adj. 无法模仿的,独特的(not capable of being imitated) (类)indubitable·question=inimitable·copy 不容置疑的·怀疑=无法模仿的·模仿 (反)inimitable ◆ commonplace/ordinary 独特的 ◆ 平凡的 (记)in(不能)+imitable(模仿的) iniquity [???????????] n. 邪恶,不公正(gross injustice ;evil) (反)iniquity ◆ rectitude/disinterestedness 不公正 ◆ 公正 initiate [?????????] vt. 开始,发动,传授(to cause or facilitate the beginning of) (类)catalysis·initiate=supervisor·oversight 催化剂·发动=管理者·小心照顾 eccentric·conventional=doyen·initiated 行为古怪者·常规的=老前辈·刚入门的(反面特征) (反)initiate ◆ follow up 开始 ◆ 跟随 inveterate ◆ uninitiated 熟练的 ◆ 无经验的 inkling [???????] n. 略知,模糊概念(a slight knowledge or vague notion) (类)inkling·indication=lapse·error 略知·知识=小错误·错误 (少与正常) inkling·knowledge=modicum·quantity 略知·知识=小量·量 (少与正常) innocuous [?????????] adj.(行为,言论等)无害的(not likely to give offense) (类)placebo·innocuous=salve·unctuous=venom·toxious 安慰剂·无害的=油膏·油质的=毒液·有毒的(正面特征) - 42 - - 42 -
43 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 43 (反)innocuous ◆ injurious/noxious 无害的 ◆ 有害的 (记)in(没有)+nocuous(有毒的)参考:noxious有害的 innovation [??????????] n. 改革,创新(the introduction of something new) (类)contumaciou·authority=reactionary·innovation 顽固的反对权威=反动的反对革新 (同)change, mutation, novelty, permutation inquisitive [???????????] adj. 过分好奇的(improperly curious about the affairs of others) (类)inquisitive·curious=painful·agonizing 好奇的·过分好奇的=疼痛的·疼痛难忍的(程度) insensate adj. 1. 无感觉的,无生气的(lacking sensation)2. 无知觉的(unconscious) 3. 缺乏感情的(lacking sensibility)4. 缺乏理性的(lacking sense)5.愚蠢的 (记)由这个词可体会sense的派生词不同的用法。这些词词义互相重叠又有差异, 关键是要结合他们的考法来记,如下面的insensible,8个词义仅考到其中一个。 Insensible adj. 无知觉的,麻木的(devoid of physical sensation or the power to react, as to pain or cold;numb) (类)numb·insensible=burnish·lustrous 使麻木是使无知觉的=磨光是使有光泽的(使动) bribe·incorruptible=affect/rouse·insensible 贿赂·清廉的=影响 / 激起·麻木的(难以) insensitive [ ????????????] adj. 不懂事的(lacking feeling or tact);麻木的(numb) (类)obstinate·persevre=tactless/insensitive·offend 固执的·坚持=不老练的/不懂事的·冒犯(个性及其结果) insensitive·boor=mischievous·imp 不懂事的·粗人=调皮的·顽童(正面特征) (反)insensitive ◆ tender 麻木的 ◆ 敏感的,过敏的(sensitive) insentient adj. 无感觉的或知觉的(devoid of sensation or consciousness) (反)insentient ◆ perceiving 无知觉的 ◆ 有知觉的 insider n. 内部人员 知情者,了解内幕的人 insight [??????] n. 洞察力(the capacity to discern the true nature of a situation;penetration) (类)insight· discern=mettle· endure 洞察力·洞悉=毅力·忍耐 (正面特征) 【注】mettle :staying quality :stamina毅力,持久力(还有勇气的意思) insight· discerning=deadpan·impassive 洞察力·洞悉=无表情·消极(正面特征) insinuate vt. 暗示,使潜入 (例)insinuate oneself into the crowd 逐渐地挤进人群 (记)sinu弯曲→曲折进入→潜入 参考:sinuous adj. 蜿蜒的, 错综复杂的 insipid [????????] adj. 平淡的(lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate);难吃的 (类)insipid·invention=prosaic·imagination 平淡的·创造=平淡的·想象力(缺乏关系) (反)insipid ◆ piquant 难吃的 ◆ 开胃的 (记)in+sip(吸吮)+id →没法吸(吃)的→平淡,难吃的 (同)vapid, flat, jejune, banal, inane ,arid, tedious, uninteresting (例)an insipid romance with platitudes on every page insolent [?????????] adj. 粗野的,无礼的(exhibiting boldness or effrontery) (反)insolent ◆ polite/courteous 无礼的 ◆ 有礼貌的 insolent ◆ respectful 粗野的 ◆ 恭敬的,有礼貌的 (例)an insolent child with no respect or regard for anyone insouciant [???????????] adj. 无忧无虑的(lighthearted unconcern) (类)tenacious·yield=insouciant·worry 不屈不挠的·屈服=无忧无虑的·担忧 (同)carefree, lighthearted, lightsome (记)in+souci(= solicit恳求)+ant→万事不求人→无忧无虑的 inspired a.吸入的;得到灵感的,有灵感的;被人授意的,被鼓动的 (例)inspired poem有感而作的诗;inspired views体现别人意志的意见 instate [????????] vt. 任命(to set or establish in a rank or office) (反)instate ◆ oust 任命 ◆ 剥夺 (记)in(进入)+state(政府)进入政府任职→任命 (同)inaugurate, induct, install, invest instigate [??????????] vt. 教唆,怂恿,煽动(to goad or urge forward) (类)instigator·incite=bully·browbeat 煽动者· 煽动=欺凌弱小者·欺凌(人物及其动作) (反)quell ◆ foment/ instigate/ rouse 镇压 ◆ 煽动/ 教唆 /煽动 (同)abet, foment, provoke instill [???????] v. 滴注,慢慢地灌输(to impart gradually) (反)instill ◆ drain away 慢慢地灌输 ◆ 渐渐枯竭 instill ◆ remove 慢慢地灌输 ◆ 移开 (记)in(进入)+still=(drop 滴)→一滴一滴的进入 参考:distill 蒸馏 (同)inculcate, infix, inseminate instinct [ ??????????] n. 本能,天性直觉(a natural aptitude, impulse, or capacity) institute [??????????] n. 学院 vt. 创立,开始,制定(to originate and get established) (反)institute ◆ abrogate / rescind / efface 创立 ◆ 废除 (记)最著名的是MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (同)constitute, create, establish, organize instrumentalist [????????????????] n. 乐器演奏家 (类)instrumentalist·orchestra=actor·troupe 乐器演奏家·管弦乐队=演员·剧团 instrumentalist·symphony=dancer·ballet 乐器演奏家·交响乐=舞蹈家·芭蕾舞 (记)instrumenta+list insubordinate [?????????????] adj.不服从的,反抗的(disobedient to authority) (类)insubordinate·submissive=capricious·deliberate不顺从的·顺从的=易冲动的·深思熟虑的 【注】capricious:characterized by or subject to whim;impulsive and unpredictable (反)tractable ◆ insubordinate/ intransigent/ incorrigible/ obstinate 易于管教的 ◆ 反抗的/ 不妥协的/ 顽固的/ 倔强的 (同)contumacious, insurgent, rebellious, seditious (记)in(不)+subordinate(服从)不服从的→反抗的 insular [????????] adj. 岛的,孤立的,岛特有的 (反)insular ◆ cosmopolitan 孤立的 ◆ 世界性的 insularity ◆ cosmopolitanism 岛国性质 ◆ 世界大同主义 (同)parochial, provincial, sectarian insulate [????????] v. 使绝缘,使隔离(to place in a detached situation) (反)insulate ◆ expose 使隔离 ◆ 暴露 (记)insul(词根:岛)+ate 使成为岛,隔离 (同)isolate, island, separate, sequester insurgent [???????????] adj. 叛乱的,起事的n. 叛乱分子 (类)rebelliousness·insurgent=parsimony·miser 叛乱的·叛乱分子=吝啬·吝啬鬼(正面) (记)in(加强)+surge(=rise升起)→叛乱 参考:insurrection n. 造反;surgent 汹涌的
intangible [???????????] adj. 难以明了的,无形的(incapable of being perceived by the senses)
(类)impracticable·effected=intangible·known不可行的·有效的=难以明了的·知道的 (反义) (反)corporeal ◆ intangible 有形的 ◆ 无形的 (记)in(不能)+tangible(触摸的)不可触摸的引申为无形的,难以明了的 (同)impalpable, imponderable, inappreciable, indiscernible, invisible integral [????????] adj. 完整的,应有的(essential to completeness) (反)integral ◆ superfluous /redundant 完整的 ◆ 多余的 (记)动词形式是integrate数学上这是积分的意思;参考:integrating 结合的,完整的,整合的 (同)whole, complete, entire, full, perfect integrity [??????????] n. 正直,诚实,完整(the quality or state of being complete or undivided)
(类)entire·integrity =ecumenical·generality=genuine·authenticity 完整的·完整=一般的·一般性=真实的·真实性(形名同义) (反)taint ◆ integrity / wholesomeness 污点 ◆ 正直/健康 integrity ◆ incompleteness 完整 ◆ 不完全 (记)和integrate(使成为整体) (同)honesty, honestness, honor, incorruption intellectual [ ???????????????] adj. 知识的,智力的,理智的(rational)n. 知识分子 intelligible [???????????????] adj. 可理解的,易理解的(capable of being understood)
(类)garble·unintelligible=correct·accurate 正确·精确=混淆·难解的(正面特征) (记)注意和intelligent(聪明的)区别 (同)apprehensible, comprehendible, graspable, lucid, luminous intemperate [???????????] adj. 无节制的,放纵的(not temperate especially) (反)intemperate ◆ equable/ constrained 放纵的 ◆ 平静的/ 受约束的 (记)in(无)+temperate(有节制的) (同)excessive, inordinate, unrestrained, untempered intensify [???????????] vi. 加强(to make intense or more intensive) (类)abate·intensity=taper·width 减轻·强度=逐渐变细·宽度(减轻关系) alleviate·intensity=abate·tax 减轻·强度=降低·税 (动宾) moderate·intensity=extenuate·seriousness 缓和·强度=减轻·严重性(动宾) (反)intensify ◆ abate/ assuage/ attenuate 加强 ◆ 减轻/ 减缓/ 削弱 (同)aggravate, enhance, intensate, magnify, rise inter [?????????] vt. 埋葬(to deposit(a dead body)in the earth or in a tomb) (类)inter·burial=obliterate·removal 埋葬·葬礼=擦去·移动(事件及其关联动作) (记)意大利绿荫豪门国际米兰 intercede [?????????] vi. 仲裁,调解(to intervene between parties to reconciling differences)
(类)intercessor·mediate=translator·interpret/ augur·prediction 仲裁者·调解=翻译·解释/ 占卜者·预言(人物及其本征动作) (记)inter(中间)+cede(放弃)在中间让双方放弃各自立场,调解intercessor调解人 (同)interfere, intermediate, intervene, mediate interdict [?????????] v. 阻断,禁止(to forbid in a usually formal or authoritative manner) (反)interdict ◆ authorize 禁止 ◆ 批准 (记)inter(在中间)+dict(说) interim [????????] n. 中间时期,过渡时期,暂定(an intervening time)adj. 暂时的 (类)respite·labor=interim·concert {mediate·confliction} 间歇·劳动=中间间隔·音乐会 (反)interim ◆ permanent 暂时的 ◆ 永恒 (同)forbid, enjoin, inhibit, prohibit interlock [????????] adj. 联锁的(to become locked together or interconnected) (反)interlocking ◆ independent 联锁的 ◆ 独立 (记)inter+lock(锁) interminable [????????????] adj. 无尽头的(having or seeming to have no end) (类)innumerable·number=interminable·duration 无尽的·数目·无限的·持续时间 (形容词修饰名词) interminable·lengthy =boundless·extensive 无限的·冗长的=无限的·宽广的(程度) countless/ innumerable/ myriad/ untold·number=everlasting/ interminable·duration 无尽的/ 无数的/ 无数的/ 无法说出的·数量=永恒/ 无尽的·持续时间 (事物的反面特征) (记)in(无)+terminable(可终止的)不可终止的-无尽头的 intermittent [???????????] adj. 断断续续的,间歇的(coming and going at intervals) (反)intermittent ◆ constant 间歇的 ◆ 持续的 (记)和interminable(无尽的)一起记忆 (同)isochronal, periodic, recurrent (例)they predict intermittent rain throughout the day interregnum [????????????????] n. 过渡期政府或统治(a period during which the normal functions of government or control are suspended) (类)interregnum·government=hibernation·activity过渡期政府没有政府=冬眠停止活动 (记)inter+reg(统治)在统治之间,过度政府。参考:reign统治 - 43 - - 43 -
44 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 44 interrogate [???????????] vt. 质问,讯问,审问(to question formally and systematically) (类)question·interrogative=order·imperative 提问·质问=命令·强制的命令(程度) (记)inter(在内部)+rog(问)+ate在内部问-审讯,质问 intimate [????????] adj. 亲密的 n. 密友(a friend or confidant) (类)clique·intimates=flock·sheep 朋党集团·密友=一群·羊(组成关系) intimate·close= engrossed·absorbed =obsessed·attracted 亲密的:紧密的=全神贯注的:入神的=着迷的:吸引的(程度) (同)friend, acquaintance, confidant, familiar intimate 2 [????????] vt. 宣布,明白表示(to make known especially publicly or formally) (类)intimate·communicate=allude·refer 宣布·通信=暗指·提及(行为及其特殊方式) (同)connote, hint, imply, insinuate intimidate [???????????] vt. 威胁,胁迫(to make timid or fearful) (类)dauntless·intimidate=irrepressible·restrain 无畏的难以胁迫=无法抑制的难以抑制 bully·intimidate=stupid·gullibility 欺凌弱小者威吓别人=笨人轻信别人 sabotage·subvertness=bull·intimidation 阴谋破坏目的是颠覆=暴力强迫目的是胁迫 cowardice·intimidate=choler·antagonize 懦弱者容易被胁迫=易怒者容易招致敌对 (同)browbeat, bully, cow, hector, terrorize (例)intimidated by so many other bright freshmen 被这么多聪明的年轻人所威胁 (记)timid 本身是一个词;胆小的,羞怯的 intoxicant [ ???????????? ] v. 使醉的东西(an agent that intoxicates, especially an alcoholic beverage) (类)anesthetic·numbness=intoxicant·drunkenness麻醉剂让人麻木=使醉的东西让人醉 (记)tox毒;喝醉是酒精中毒的表现。参考:intoxicate使喝醉,使陶醉 intransigent [??????????????] adj.不妥协的,固执的(refusing to compromise or to abandon an extreme position or attitude;irreconcilable) (类)intransigent·acquiesce=deferential·offend 不妥协的不会勉强同意=恭敬的不会冒犯 (反)intransigent ◆ open to compromise 固执的 ◆ 妥协的 intransigent ◆ pliant/tractable 固执的 ◆ 柔顺的/容易驾驭的 (同)obstinate, incompliant, intractable, pertinacious, tough, stubborn, willful, unpliable, unyielding intrepid [?????????] adj. 无畏的,刚毅的(characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance) (类)genteel·vulgarity=intrepid·fear 优雅的·粗俗=无畏的·害怕 (反义) intrepid·deter=rapt·distract 无畏难以威慑=全神贯注难以分心 (反)intrepid ◆ apprehensive 无畏的 ◆ 忧惧的 (记)trep (害怕)参考:trepidation 害怕,颤抖 intrigue [????????] vt. 激起?的兴趣, 用诡计取得 (to arouse the interest, desire, or curiosity of) (类)interesting·intriguing=bootless·futile 有趣的·有趣的=无用的·无用的(同义) (反)pall ◆ interest/intrigue 厌倦 ◆ 兴趣 (记)trigue=trigger (扳机,引起)引申为“引起兴趣”。 intrinsic [??????????] adj. 固有的,内在的(the essential nature or constitution of a thing) (反)intrinsic ◆ extraneous 内在的 ◆ 无关的 intuitive [???????????] n. 直觉的(known or perceived by intuition · directly apprehended) (反)extraneous ◆ intuitive 外来的 ◆ 直觉的 【注:直觉的认知由自身得来,而外来的认知由外部得来 extraneous:inessential or unrelated to the topic or matter at hand;existing on or coming from the outside】 (例) had an intuitive awareness of his sister's feelings inundate [?????????] v. 淹没(to cover with a flood:overflow;overwhelm) (反)inundate ◆ drain 淹没 ◆ 排干 (同)deluge, engulf, overflow, overwhelm, submerge, swamp, whelm (记)unda(=wave波浪)→在波浪之中→淹没 参考:undulate v. 波动,起伏 inure [??????] vt. 使习惯(to accustom to accept something undesirable) (类)inured·tolerance=addicted·dependency 习惯的·耐性=上瘾的·依赖性(前者有后者特征) (同)accustom, familiarize, habituate, wont invective [?????????] n. 谩骂(insulting or abusive language)adj. 谩骂的 (类)exhortation·motivate=invective·discredit 劝告·促进=谩骂·使丢脸(目的) polemic·disputatious=invective·abusive 争论的·争论的=谩骂的·谩骂的(同义) (反)invective ◆ flatter 谩骂 ◆ 奉承 invective ◆ laudatory speech/ laudatory words 谩骂 ◆ 赞美之词 (同)abusive, contumelious, opprobrious, scurrile inveigh [??????] vi. 痛骂,漫骂,臭骂(to protest or complain bitterly or vehemently:rail) (反)inveigh ◆ verbally provide support 漫骂 ◆ 口头支持 (同)inveigh against =object, except, expostulate, kick, protest, remonstrate inveigle [????????] v. 诱骗,诱使 (to win over by wiles:entice;to acquire by ingenuity or flattery) (类)plot·plan=inveigle·interest 密谋·谋划=诱骗·使感兴趣(不正当·正常) (反)inveigle ◆ request directly 诱骗 ◆ 直接要求 inveigle ◆ openly seek to persuade 诱骗 ◆ 公开劝说 (同)lure, allure, bait, decoy, entice, entrap, lead on, seduce, tempt, toll list 19 inventory-------lethal inventory [?????????] n. 存货清单(an itemized list of current assets) (类)census·population=inventory·stock 人口普查·人口数=存货清单·库存 inventory·merchandise=manifest·cargo 存货清单·存货=运货单·货物 inveterate [??????????] adj. 根深的,成癖的,积习的(firmly established by long persistence) (反)inveterate ◆ uninitiated 根深蒂固的 ◆ 无经验的 inveterate ◆ one-time 根深蒂固的 ◆ 一次,偶尔的(干扰:casual偶然的,不经意的) (同)confirmed, entrenched,irradicable,settled, sworn invidious [?????????] adj. 容易引起不满的,招人嫉妒的(tending to cause discontent,animosity,or envy) (反)invidious ◆ beneficial 容易引起不满的 ◆ 有益个人或社会的 【注:beneficial :conducive to personal or social well-being】 (同)calumnious, defamatory, detracting (例)the invidious task of arbitration 这个容易引起不满的裁决 invigorate [???????????] v. 使有活力,激励 (to give life and energy to·animate; also:stimulate)
(类)tonic·invigorate=analgesic·deaden 补品·使健壮=止痛剂·使麻木(正面特征) (反)debilitate ◆ invigorate 使衰弱 ◆ 使健壮 demoralize ◆ invigorate 士气受挫 ◆ 鼓舞 emaciate ◆ invigorate 使憔悴 ◆ 使生气勃勃 sap ◆ invigorate 使衰竭 ◆ 使生气勃勃 invincible [??????????] adj. 不能征服的,无敌的(incapable of being overcome or defeated; unconquerable) (类)invincible·conquer=negligible·perceive 不能征服的不易被征服=可以忽略的不易被察觉 invincible·subdue=impervious·damage 不能征服的·征服=不会受到损伤的·损坏 (同)impregnable, inconquerable, indomitable, invulnerable, unassailable, undefeatable (例)the team proved to be invincible 这个团队被证明是无法战胜的 inviting adj. 吸引人的 invoke [???????] vt. 恳求,调用(程序等),实施(to put into effect or operation:implement)
(反)invoke ◆ suspend 实施 ◆ 暂停 irascible [????????] adj. 易发怒的(marked by hot temper and easily provoked anger) (类)irascible·placate=insensate·conscious 易怒的难以安抚=没感觉难以察觉 (反)affable ◆ irascible 和蔼的 ◆ 易怒的 (同)choleric, cranky, hot-tempered, ireful, passionate, peppery, temperish, testy, touchy (例)an irascible fellow and hard to get along with irate [???????] adj. 发怒的,生气的(arising from anger) (类)gush·effusive=rage·irate 喷涌·流出的=暴怒·愤怒的(形动同义) (同) angry, choleric, ireful, mad, wrathful (记)i(谐音“挨”)+rate(责骂)→挨责骂 联想:挨责骂时当然是发怒的 参考:berate责骂 iridescence [???????????] n. 彩虹色(a lustrous rainbowlike play of color) (反)iridescent ◆ monochromatic 彩色 ◆ 单色 irk [???] v.使苦恼,厌烦(to make weary, irritated, or bored) (类)irk·enrage=suggest·urge 使苦恼·激怒=建议·力劝(目的) pest·irksome=expert·proficient 让人讨厌的人/事·让人讨厌的=专家·精通的(正面特征) (反)irk ◆ make someone pleased 使不愉快 ◆ 使愉快 (同)annoy, abrade, bother, exercise, fret, gall, provoke, ruffle, vex (记)谐音:饿渴。联想:又饿又渴,使人烦恼。 ironclad [?????????] adj. 装铁甲的,无懈可击的(so firm or secure as to be unbreakable)
(类)ironclad·firm=jammed·full=brilliant·smart 装甲的·坚固=拥挤的·满的=才华横溢的·聪明的(程度) (同)inflexible, constant, fixed, immovable, immutable, inalterable (例)an ironclad case against the defendant 一项针对被告的无懈可击的诉讼 irradicable [??????????] adj. 不能根除的, 根深蒂固的(impossible to eradicate:deep-rooted)
(类)ineffable·description=irradicable·obliterate 不能说的·描述=不能根除的·删除(抬杠关系) incorrigible·amend=irradicable·remove 无可救药的·改正=不能根除的·删除(抬杠关系) (同)inveterate, confirmed, deep-rooted, deep-seated, entrenched, hard-shell, settled irreducible [????????????] adj. (数)不可约的 (反)factorable ◆ irreducible 可约的 ◆ 不可约的 irrigate [ 5iri^eit ] vt.灌溉;冲洗(伤口)(to wash out (a body wound) with water or a medicated fluid)
(类)stoke·fuel=irrigate·water 添加燃料· 燃料= 灌溉·水 (利用) galvanize·stimulate=irrigate·flush 刺激·刺激=冲洗·冲洗(同义) irritate [????????] n. 刺激,烦恼,刺激物(to provoke impatience, anger, or displeasure in:annoy)
(类)antidote·poisoning=balm·irritation 解毒·毒=温和物质·刺激物 (名词反义)
haunt·familiar=harass·irritating 常去的地方是熟悉的=烦扰是烦人的 (反)balm ◆ irritant 温和的 ◆ 刺激的 salve ◆ irritant 药膏 ◆ 刺激物 (同)aggravate, exasperate, gall, grate, inflame, nettle, peeve, pique, provoke, rile, roil issue [ ???????] v. 使流出;排出(to cause to flow out;emit) (反)withdraw 收回,撤回(干扰:withhold抑制) (同)give off, give out, release, throw off, vent isthmus [??????] n.地峡 (a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas) (类)isthmus·land=strait·water 地峡联结陆地=海峡联结水 itinerary [???????????] n. 旅行日记,旅行指南(a travel diary;a traveler's guidebook) (类)itinerary·trip=syllabus·course 旅行日记·旅行=课程提纲·课程(安排关系) (记)itiner(词根:旅行)参考:itinerant巡回的 jabber [??????] v. 快而不清楚地说(to talk rapidly, indistinctly, or unintelligibly) (反)jabber ◆ speak slowly 快而不清楚地说 ◆ 慢慢地说 (同)gibber, babble, chatter, gabble jaded [????????] adj.疲惫的,过度的,厌倦的(fatigued by overwork:exhausted) (类)overexposure·jaded=vaccination·immune 曝光过度·曝光过度的=疫苗接种·免疫的(前者造成后者) (反)jaded ◆ keen 厌倦的 ◆ 热心的 (同)tired, fatigued, wearied, weary, worn jape [?????] n. v. 嘲弄(to make mocking fun of) (反)revere ◆ jape at 尊敬 ◆ 嘲笑 (记)谐音:雅皮。联想:雅皮很爱嘲笑别人俗气。 jargon [????????] n. 行话(specialized or technical language of a trade, profession, similar group)
(类)vernacular·place=jargon·profession 方言·地方=行话·行业 - 44 - - 44 -
45 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 45 (记)谐音:扎根。联想:扎根基层是所有行业的行话。 jarring [????????] adj. 刺耳的 (类)malodorous·smell=jarring·sound 恶臭的·气味=刺耳的·声音 (反)melodious ◆ jarring 音调优美的 ◆ 刺耳的 (同)harsh, grating, hoarse, rasping, raucous, rough, strident jaundice [?????????] vt. 使怀偏见(to affect with envy, jealousy, prejudice, or hostility) (反)jaundice ◆ dispose favorably 使怀偏见 ◆ 好意的处理 jaundiced ◆ unprejudiced/candid 有偏见的 ◆ 公正的 【注:jaundiced :yellowed; prejudiced; envious 黄疸的;偏见的;嫉妒的】 (记)jaundice本意是黄疸。中国有红眼病,西方是黄眼病,所有引申为因嫉妒引发的偏见。 jaunt [ ?????? ] n. 远足, 短途旅游(to make a short journey) (记)比较:haunt萦绕 taunt嘲弄daunt恐吓gaunt憔悴的 jaunty [????????] adj.愉快的,满足的(sprightly in manner or appearance:lively) (反)staid ◆ jaunty 沉静的 ◆ 轻快的 (记)来自genteel adj. 上流社会的 联想:上流社会的人生活比较满足 jejune [???????·n] adj. 空洞的,不成熟的 (devoid of significance or interest:dull) (类)labyrinthine·simplicity=jejune·interest 迷宫·简单的=内容空洞的·有趣的 (反)jejune ◆ thought provoking 内容空洞的 ◆ 促人思考的 (记)je 谐音:摘。June 六月。联想:六月摘的果子,当然是不成熟的。 jest [?????] n. v. 说笑,玩笑(an utterance intended to be taken as mockery or humor) (类)jeer·derision=reprimand·censure 嘲笑·嘲笑=.申斥·责难(同义) (反)jest ◆ solemnity 玩笑 ◆ 严肃 jest ◆ solemn utterance 玩笑 ◆ 严肃的话 (同)joke, crack, drollery, jape, quip, waggery jeopardy [????????] n. 危险(exposure to or imminence of death, loss, or injury:danger) (类)uninformative·fathom=jeopardy·overcome信息贫乏的难以彻底了解=危险难以克服 (记)谐音:窄坡地。联想:又窄又有坡的地方当然危险。 jettison [????????] vt. 丢弃(to get rid of as superfluous or encumbering · discard) (反)jettison ◆ retain 丢弃 ◆ 保留 (例)must be prepared to jettison many romantic notions 必须准备抛弃一些浪漫的想法。 jibe [?????] vi.一致(to be in accord:agree)嘲笑 (反)jibe ◆ conflict 一致 ◆ 冲突 (同)agree, accord, conform, correspond jingoist [???????????] n. 沙文主义者 (类)nepotism·kinship=jingoist·nationality 偏袒亲戚·亲戚=沙文主义者·国家 (反)dove ◆ warmonger / jingoist 鸽派 ◆ 鹰派 / 沙文主义者 (记)jingo 谐音:靖国。联想:靖国神社是沙文主义的体现。 jitter [??????] vi. 神经过敏,战战兢兢(to be nervous or act in a nervous way) (反)jittery ◆ resolute 战战兢兢 ◆ 坚定的 jocular [????????? ] adj. 诙谐的(given to jesting·habitually jolly or jocund; playful) (反)jocular ◆ lachrymose/serious 诙谐的 ◆ 爱哭的/严肃的 (同)witty, facetious, humorous, jocose jocund [????????] adj. 快乐的,高兴的(suggestive of high spirits and lively mirthfulness) (反)jocund ◆ dour / dreary / morose / serious 欢乐的 ◆ 阴郁的 / 沉闷的 / 郁闷的 / 严肃的 (同)merry, blithe, blithesome, festive, gay, gleeful jog [????] n. 慢跑(a movement, pace, or instance of jogging as for exercise) (类)jog·exercise=barter·trade 慢跑·运动=以物易物·交易(种属) (记)观察一下,词形象不象自行车。 jolt [??????] vi. 颠簸而行,震摇(to cause to move with a sudden jerky motion:shock, startle) (类)jolt·move=check·stop 颠簸·运动=突然中断·停止(动作程度) jot [????] vt. 略记,摘要(to write briefly or hurriedly·set down in the form of a note) (类)nip·eat=jot·write 小口吃·吃=略记·记下(前者是后者的小量) (同)particle, bit, grain, iota, minim, modicum, speck, tittle, whit jovial [?????????] adj. 快活(markedly good-humored esp. as evidenced by jollity and conviviality) (反)jovial ◆ drab/ lachrymose/ lugubrious/ maudlin/ morose/ mournful/ saturnine 愉快的 ◆ 悲惨的/ 悲哀的/ 伤感的/ 郁闷的/ 哀伤的/ 忧郁的 joviality ◆ moroseness 快活 ◆ 郁闷 (同)merry, blithe, festive, gleeful, jocund, jolly, lighthearted, mirthful jubilant [???????????] adj. 喜悦的,喜洋洋的(exultant) (反)dolorous ◆ jubilant 悲哀的 ◆ 喜悦的 (同)exultant, exulting, triumphant (记)谐音“卓别林”联想:喜剧大师卓别林给人带来欢乐。 judicious [????????????] adj. 明智的,慎重的(sound judgment·discreet) (类)miser·stingy=sage·judicious 吝啬鬼·吝啬=贤人·明智的(正面特征) (反)judicious ◆ daft/ unwise 明智的 ◆ 愚蠢的/无智的 judicious ◆ imprudent 慎重的 ◆ 轻率的 politic ◆ injudicious 慎重的 ◆ 不慎重的 judiciousness ◆ indiscretion 慎重 ◆ 不慎重 (同)wise, judgmatic, prudent, sage, sane, sapient, sensible juggernaut [???????????] n. 势不可挡的力量(a massive inexorable force) (类)juggernaut·unstoppable=enigma·impenetrable 势不可挡的力量是无法阻碍的=迷是难以理解的 juggernaut·stoppable=exacting·satisfied 不可挡的力量是难以可阻止的=苛求的是难以使满意的 siren·unresist=juggernaut·unstop 海妖的魅力无法抗拒=势不可挡的力量无法阻止 juggernaut·crush=charlatan·deceive=quisling·betray 势不可挡的力量·碾碎=江湖骗子·行骗=卖国贼·背叛(正面特征) kangaroo [??????????] n. 袋鼠 (类)kangaroo·marsupial=squirrel·rodent 袋鼠 ·有袋类动物=松鼠·啮齿类动物 (种属) ken [???] n. 视野范围(the range of vision) (类)earshot·hear=ken·see 听力范围·听=视野范围·看 (记)谐音:看。 kidnap [???????] vt. 诱拐,绑架,勒赎(to seize and detain by unlawful force or fraud or carry away
and often with a demand for ransom) (类)kidnap:detainment=extortion:retribution 绑架是强行拘留=勒索是强求回报 (记)kid 小孩 nap 小睡,疏忽 联想:趁小孩小睡疏忽的时候将他绑架。 kindle [??????] vt. 点燃 vi. 着火(to stir up·arouse) (反)extinguish ◆ kindle/ rekindle 熄灭 ◆ 点燃/重新点燃 (同)stir, arouse, awaken, bestir, challenge, rally, rouse, wake, waken, whet (记)由candle (蜡烛)变化而来。 kindred [????????] adj. 同族的, 类似的(of a similar nature or character) (反)kindred ◆ dissimilar 相似的 ◆ 不相似的 (记)kind本身就有种类的意思。 knack [???] n. 诀窍 (a clever trick or stratagem) (反)knack ◆ foolish 诀窍 ◆ 愚蠢 (记)与knock一起记。联想:敲脑袋让人开窍。 knave [????] n. 流氓(a tricky deceitful fellow) (类)sage·judgement=knave·deceive 贤哲·判断=流氓·行骗(正面特征) (同)villian, miscreant, rascal (记)记住这个词与扑克牌中的老K有关。联想:老K是个流氓无赖。 knead [????] vt. 揉捏(to work and press into a mass with or as if with the hands) (类)knead·malleable=penetrate·permeable 揉捏·可塑的=渗透·可渗透的 (记)谐音:泥的。联想:泥的当然可以揉捏了。 knit [???] v. 编织(to form by interlacing yarn or thread in a series of connected loops with needles)
(类)knit·yarn=plait·hair 编织·纱线=编辫子·头发(用后者实现前者) needle·knit=loom·weave 针·编织=织布机·纺织 (反)ravel ◆ knit 解开 ◆ 编织 knotty [?????] adj. 多节的,棘手的(intricate; difficult; tangled) (反)knotty ◆ easy/ simple 棘手的 ◆ 容易的/简单的 (同)complicated, elaborate, intricate, labyrinthine, sophisticated kudos [???????] n. 名望, 荣誉, 声誉(award, honor; compliment, praise) (反)kudos ◆ disparage 荣誉 ◆ 贬损 (同)accolade, badge, decoration, distinction, laurels (例)to all three should go some kind of special kudo for refusing to succumb (记)谐音:ku 酷。联想:很酷的DOS(微软最早的操作系统)为微软赢得了荣誉。 labile [????????] adj. 易变的,不稳定的(likely to change ;unstable) (反)labile ◆ stable 不稳定的 ◆ 稳定的 (记)lab 实验室。联想:实验室里的元素性质是不稳定的。 labored [???????] adj. 表达困难的(lacking ease of expression) (反)glib ◆ labored 口齿伶俐的 ◆ 表达困难的 labyrinth [?????????] n. 迷宫,难解的事物,迷路(maze;something extremely complex or tortuous in
structure, arrangement, or character:intricacy, perplexity) (类)labyrinthine·simplicity=jejune·interest 迷宫不简单=空洞的不有趣 ribald·seemly=labyrinthine·direct 下流的·适宜的=迷宫似的·直接的 (反义) labyrinth·tortuous=ornament·decorative 迷宫·曲折的=装饰物·装饰的(正面特征) lacerate [ ??????????] v.割裂;使感情严重受伤害;使悲伤(to cause deep emotional pain to;distress) (反)mitigate减轻(痛苦等)(干扰:smooth使平静) 争议很大 lackluster [??????????] n. 无光泽, 暗淡(lacking in sheen, brilliance, or vitality:dull, mediocre)
(反)lackluster ◆ radiant 无光泽 ◆ 发光的 (记)lack+luster缺乏光泽。 laconic [????????] adj.(用字)简洁的 (类)audacious·trepidation=laconic·volubility 大胆的·胆怯=简洁的·冗长(反义)
laconic·speech=austere·design 简洁的· 演说=简朴的·设计(形修饰名) (反)laconic ◆ garrulous/ loquacious/ voluble/ verbose 简洁的 ◆ 饶舌的/ 多话的/ 冗长的 laconism ◆ verbosity 简洁 ◆ 罗嗦 (同)concise, breviloquent, brief, compendiary lachrymose [??????????] adj. 爱哭的, 悲哀的(tearful; mournful) (反)lacrimose ◆ gladness 悲哀的 ◆ 快乐的 (同)tearful, teary, weeping, weepy lambaste [?????????] vt. 痛打(to assault violently),严责(to attack verbally:censure) (反)lambaste ◆ extol 严责 ◆ 表扬 (同)baste, hammer, paste, pelt, thrash (记)lam(鞭打;谐音:栏→拦住就打)+ baste(在烤肉上涂油;狠揍)→痛打,严责 参考:baste=bake+toast/ roast 三烤合一 lament [???????] n/vt.vi. 哀悼(mourn);悔恨,悲叹(to regret deeply; deplore) (类)celebrate·lament=slight·show respect 庆祝·哀悼=轻视·尊敬(反义) lamentable [??????????] adj. 忧郁的,不快的(expressing grief) (类)lamentable·pity=responsible·censure 令人惋惜的令人可惜=应责斥的应该责斥(正面特征) (同)melancholy, doleful, dolesome laminate [ ????????? ] v. 分割成薄片(to divide into thin layers)压成薄片 (类)laminate·divide 分割成薄片·分开(前者动作的正面特征是后者) - 45 - - 45 -
蓝宝书_GRE词汇突破 精排打印版



