11 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 11 blueprint n. 蓝图,设计图,计划(a detailed plan or program of action) (类)wood· carpenter=blueprint· architect 木头·木匠(设计图·建筑师人物及其工作对象) bluff [ ?????] v. 欺骗,愚弄;吓唬,虚张声势 (例)He's only bluffing. 他只是虚张声势而已。 blunder [???????] n.大错(a gross error or mistake)v. 犯大错 (类)protocol·blunder=bumper·damage 礼节防止犯大错=保险杆防止损坏 【注:bumper:保险杠a usually metal bar at either end of an automobile】 (同)boner, bungle, lapse, mistake, slip (记)和plunder(抢劫)一起记。抢劫是大错。 blunt [?????] vt. 使变钝(to make less sharp or definite) (类)attenuation·strength=bluntness·sharpness 使浓度变稀薄=使锐利的变迟钝] (反)blunt◆whet 使变钝◆磨快 (同)disedge, obtund, dull blur [????] v. 使模糊(to make indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance;obscure) (类)blur·definition=subjugate·independence 使模糊以消除清晰度=使屈服以消除独立性 (同)besmirch, discolor, smudge, stain, tarnish blurb [?????] n. 简短的公告a short publicity notice (as on a book jacket) (类)blurb·notice=gloss·explanation=cameo·appearance 简短公告·公告=简短解释·解释=简短表演·表演(前者是后者的简化版) 【注:gloss· a brief explanation ;cameo:Broadly:any brief appearance】 blurt [?????] vt. 突然说出,冲动的说出(to utter abruptly and impulsively, usually used with out) (类)flit·move=blurt·utter 迅速飞过·移动=突然说出·出声(快·正常) (同)exclaim, ejaculate blush [????] v. n. 脸红(a reddening of the face especially from shame, modesty, or confusion) (类)blush·embarrassment=smile·pleasure 因困窘而脸红=因高兴而微笑 bluster [???????] v.吵闹;狂妄自大地说或做(to be windy and boisterous) (类)blustering·speak=swaggering·walk 狂妄的说话·说话=大摇大摆的走路·走路(种属) bluster·loud=pontificate·pompous 吵闹·高声的=装模做样地说话·华而不实的 boast [?????] n. v. 自夸(the act or an instance of boasting) (同)blowhard·boastful=toady·obsequious 吹牛的人·自夸的=拍马屁的人·谄媚的 boast·pride=complain·discontent 夸耀·骄傲=抱怨·不满(前者表达后者) boding [???????] n.前兆,特别是凶兆(an omen, prediction, or presentiment) (类)auspicious ◆ boding ill 吉祥的 ◆ 凶兆的 (同)ominous, ill-omened, inauspicious, unpropitious (记)bode(预示)+ing → 前兆,凶兆 bodyguard [?????????] n. 警卫(a usually armed attendant whose duty is to protect a person) (类)bodyguard·person=soldier·country 警卫保护人=士兵保卫国家 (记)body(身体)+guard(受到保护)→ 警卫 boggle v. 因为怀疑,恐惧而犹豫(to hesitate because of doubt, fear, or scruples) (类)boggle ◆ embolden 犹豫 ◆ 使大胆 (同)balk, demur, scruple, stumble bogus [ ??????? ] adj. 假冒的,伪造的(spurious) bohemian [ ??????????? ] adj. 放荡不羁的,波希米亚的 n.吉普赛人 (记)源自波希米亚(该地居住着不同于世俗生活方式的吉卜赛人) boisterous [ ???????????] adj. 吵闹的(noisily turbulent) (类)boisterous ◆ quiet 吵闹的 ◆ 安静的 (同)vociferous, blatant, clamorous (记)boister(吵闹的)+ ous → 吵闹的 bolster [????????] 支持(a structural part designed to eliminate friction or provide support) (类)bolster·support=tackle·hoist 支撑物用来支撑=吊索用来提升(事物及其作用) (反)thwart ◆ foment/ foster/ bolster 阻挠 ◆ 煽动/鼓励/支持 bolster ◆ decrease support of 支持 ◆ 减少支持 bolster ◆ undermine 支持 ◆ 破坏 (同)support, brace, buttress, prop, uphold bombast [????????] n. 夸大的言辞(pretentious inflated speech or writing) (类)nonsensical·drivel=pompous·bombast 荒谬的·胡言乱语=夸大的·夸大的言辞 bombast·pompous=tirade·critical 夸大的话·夸大的=长篇攻击性的演说·批评的 (反)bombast ◆ down to earth language 夸大的言辞 ◆ 实事求是的话 bombastic ◆ understated 夸大的 ◆ 不夸张的,朴素的 bombastic ◆ unpretentious 夸大的 ◆ 谦逊的 (同)fustian, rodomontade, rant, rhapsody, rhetoric (记)bomb+ast→说话像炸弹,很夸张 bonhomie [????????] n.温和,和蔼(good-natured easy friendliness) (类)genial·bonhomie=diplomatic·tact 温和的·温和 =老练的·老练(形名同义) (记)bon(好的)→ 温和的 bonus [???????] n. 奖金,红利 (类)bonus·employee=decoration·soldier 奖金·雇员=勋章·战士(奖励关系) boo [????] v. 嘘(表示不满或嘲笑)(express contempt, scorn, or disapproval of by booing) (反)snare ◆ boo 诱捕,诱惑 ◆ 嘘,轰赶 【注:诱惑是往里面拉;嘘是往外头赶】 boon [????] n. 恩惠, 福利(benefit,favor) (反)boon ◆ misfortune 恩惠 ◆ 灾祸 (同)gift, benevolence, largess boor [???] n.迟钝的人, 粗野的人(a rude or insensitive person) (类)insensitive·boor=mischievous·imp 迟钝的·迟钝的人=淘气的·顽童 (反)boor ◆ civil person 粗人 ◆ 有修养的人 (记)boo(被嘲笑)→ 迟钝的人被嘲笑 boost [ ????? ] v. 推动,提高,增加 (例)We need to boost our spirits. 我们需要鼓舞士气。 bootless [????????] adj. 无用的 (useless,unprofitable) (类)bootless·futility=effulgent·resplendence 无用的·无用的=辉煌的· 辉煌的 interesting·intriguing=bootless·futile 有趣的·有趣的=无用的·无用的 bootless·futility=void·empty 无用的·无用的=空的·空的 (记)参考:boot(靴子) (同)futile, ineffective, useless, vain bore [???] vt.钻孔,厌倦 (to make a hole by or as if by boring) (类)die · shaping=drill · boring 冲模用来整形=钻孔机用来打洞 food · hunger=stimulation · boredom 食物消除饥饿=刺激物消除厌倦 (反)entrance ◆ disappoint/ disgust/ repel/ repulse/ bore 使人入神的 ◆ 使失望/使厌恶/抵制/憎恶/使烦扰 (同)ennui, pall, tire, weary bound [?????] n. 限制(to confine, restrain, or restrict as if with bonds) (类)boundless·limit=impeccable·flaw 无限制的·限制=没缺点的·缺点 boundless·extensive=interminable·lengthy 无限的·宽广的=无限的·冗长的(程度) (反)boundless ◆ limited 没有限制的 ◆ 有限制的 boundary ◆ unrestrainedness 界限 ◆ 无限制 bouquet [???????] n. 花束 (类)bouquet·flowers=woodpile·logs 花束·花=木料堆·圆木 (组成) bouquet·flowers=constellation·star 花束·花=星座·星星 (组成) boycott [???????] vt. 联合抵制 (反)boycott ◆ patronize 抵制 ◆ 资助 bracing [????????] n.支持;adj.令人振奋的(giving strength, vigor, or freshness) (反)bracing ◆ vapid 令人振奋的 ◆ 乏味的 denounce ◆ bracing 指责 ◆ 支持 (记)brace(支撑)+ing → 支持 (同)exhilarating, stimulating,tonic, vitalizing, animating bracket [???????] n. 支架, 托架 (类)buttress·wall=bracket·shelf 扶壁用来支持墙壁=支架用来支撑架子 braid [breId] v.编织(made by intertwining three or more strands) (类)grooved·striated=braided·stranded 开槽的·有条纹的=编织成的·梳成辫子的(同义) brake [?????] n.刹车(to retard or stop by a brake) (类)divert·shunt=retard·brake 转移·使转轨=减速·刹车(行为及其特定目的) brake·decelerate=clamp·compression 刹车·减速=夹钳·压缩(行为及其后果) 【注:clamp :Any of various devices used to join, grip, support, or compress mechanical or structural parts. 某种设备用来连接、抓住、支持或压缩结构性的部件】 (同)hinder, bar, block, impede, obstruct brash [????] adj 轻率的,仓促的(done in haste without regard for consequences) (类)frivolous·gravity=brash·discretion 琐碎的·重大=轻率的·慎重周到 candor·subterfuge=brash·deliberate 坦白·托词=仓促的·深思熟虑的 (同)rash, hasty, incautious, inconsiderate, reckless, thoughtless brassy [???????] adj. 厚脸皮的 ,不知羞耻的(being shamelessly bold) (反)diffident 羞怯的 furtive 秘密的 humble 谦逊的unassertive 谦逊的 (记)brass(铜的)+y → 铜的皮很厚→ 厚脸皮 (同)shameless, barefaced, brazen, brazenfaced, impudent, unabashed brattish [???????] adj. 小孩被宠坏的;淘气的,无礼的(ill-mannered annoying) (类)tightfisted·parsimonious=brattish·mischievous 吝啬的·吝啬的=宠坏的·恶作剧的(同义) (记)brat(小孩,顽童)+tish → 小朋友比较淘气 bravado [ ?????????? ] n, 假装勇敢,虚张声势 (类)courageous·bravado=complimentary·fulsomeness 勇敢的·虚张声势=称赞的·不真诚的称赞(褒贬) 【注:fulsome:offensively flattering or insincere. 令人不快地恭维的或不真诚的 例:He was too fulsome in his praise. 他的赞美太虚假。】 bravura [?????????] n. 出色的表演(a show of daring or brilliance) (类)bravura·performance=resplendent·appearance 出色的表演·表演=华丽的外表·外表 brazen [????????] adj.厚颜无耻的(marked by contemptuous boldness) (类)impudence·brazen=deadpan·impassive 厚颜无耻·厚颜无耻的=无表情的脸·冷漠的 (反)brazen ◆ modest 厚颜无耻的 ◆ 谦虚的 brazen ◆ self effacing 厚颜无耻的 ◆ 害羞的 brazen ◆ diffident 厚颜无耻的 ◆ 缺乏自信的 (记)brass(厚脸皮的)+en → 厚颜无耻的 (同)shameless, barefaced,brazenfaced, impudent, unabashed breach [??????] v. 使破裂, 破坏(to make a breach in) (类)breach·continuity=disturb·repose 破坏连续性 =扰乱休息(动宾关系) (反)breach ◆ solder 破裂 ◆ 焊合 (同)break, fissure, fracture, rupture breezeway [?????????] n. 有屋顶的通路 (类)breezeway·building=stairway·floor 有屋顶的通路·建筑物=楼梯·楼层(事物及相关对象) brevity [????????] n.简短,简洁(shortness or conciseness of expression) (类)brevity·aphorism=distortion·caricature 格言比较简短=滑稽模仿比较歪曲 exaggeration·caricature=brevity·epigram 讽刺画通常比较夸张=箴言通常比较简短 (反)brevity ◆ lengthiness 简短 ◆ 冗长 (记)bret(短的)+ ity → 简短 (同)conciseness, shortness - 11 - - 11 -
12 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 12 [?????] v. & n. 贿赂,收买(to induce or influence by or as if by bribery) (类)bribe·incorruptible=affect·insensible 不腐败的的不会行贿=无知觉的的不会感动 bridle [???????] v. 限制(to restrain, check, or control with or as if with a bridle) (类)bridled ◆ without restraint 受限制的 ◆ 没有限制的 brisk [?????] adj. 活泼的(keenly alert) (反)brisk ◆ ponderous 活泼的 ◆ 沉闷的 【注:ponderous :lacking grace or fluency 缺乏优雅和连贯,沉闷的】 (记)b+risk(冒险)→ 敢冒险的比较活泼 (同)agile, active, lively, sprightly, spry bristle [??????] v.怒发冲冠(to take on an aggressive attitude or appearance) (类)bristle·anger=vacillate·unresolution 怒发冲冠·愤怒=忧郁不定·不坚决(动名同义) 干扰:(condone·mercy)(condemn·warning) (反)bristle ◆ cower 怒发冲冠 ◆ 畏缩 (同)anger, boil, burn, fume, rage, seethe (记)bristle 原义鬃毛,因发怒鬃毛直立,被称作怒发冲冠。 brittle [??????] adj. 易碎的,脆弱的,易坏的(easily broken, cracked, or snapped) (类)manifest·perceive=brittle·break 明显的容易认识到=易碎的容易破碎 (同)crisp, crumbly, crunchy, friable (记)与bottle(瓶子)一起记,瓶子是容易碎的。 broach [??????] v.开启;开矿;论文开题(open up) (反)broach ◆ close off 开启 ◆ 关闭 (记)与breach(缺口;突破)一起记,打开缺口。 bromide [?????????] n.陈腐的意见(a commonplace or hackneyed statement or notion) (类)equivocation·misleading=bromide·hackneyed 模棱两可的话·易引起误解的=陈腐的意见·陈腐的(正面特征) (反)bromide ◆ unhackneyed 陈腐的 ◆ 新奇的 (同)commonplace, banality, platitude, tag brook [????] v. (只用于否定句)忍受,容许;(to stand for ;tolerate)n. 小河 (反)brook ◆ refuse to tolerate 容忍 ◆ 拒绝忍受 (例)He would brook no interruptions. 他不容许别人打岔。 browbeat [?????????] vt. 威吓(to intimidate by a stern manner or arrogant speech) (类)instigator·incite=bully·browbeat 煽动者善于煽动=欺凌弱小者善于威吓 (记)brow(眉毛)+beat(打架)→ 皱起眉毛进行恐吓 (同)intimidate, bluster, bully, cow bruit [??????] vt. 散播(to noise abroad) (反)bruit ◆ keep secret 散播 ◆ 保持秘密 (同)declare, announce, annunciate, broadcast, proclaim, promulgate buck [???] v. 反对(to refuse assent;balk) (反)buck ◆ assent to 反对 ◆ 赞成 (同)oppose, resist, dispute, repel, traverse bucolic [??????????] adj. 乡村的,田园的(relating to or typical of rural life) (类)hovel·palatial=city·bucolic 小屋·宏伟的=城市·乡村的 palatial·hovel=bucolic·metropolis 宏伟的·小屋=乡村的·大都市 (反)bucolic ◆ urban 乡村的 ◆ 都市的 bucolic ◆ sophisticated 乡土的 ◆ 世故的 (记)buc(牛)+olic(养)→ 养牛的→乡村 (同)rural, countrified, outland, pastoral, rustic budge [????] vi. 移动(move;shift)退让 (to give way;yield) (类)palter·candor=diehard·budge 敷衍不会坦白=顽固分子不会退让 vagary·predict=diehard·budge 奇特行为是难以预知的=顽固的人是难以退让的 buffoon [???????] n.小丑(a ludicrous figure;clown) (类)ludicrous·buffoon=dissolute·libertine=humorous·wag 滑稽的·小丑=放纵的·放荡的人=幽默的·搞笑者 inexperience·neophyte=ludicrous·buffoon 缺乏经验·新手 =滑稽·小丑 (记)谐音“布冯” 意大利守门员,这次世界杯的表演象小丑一样。 bulge [?????] n. 凸出部分(a protuberant or swollen part or place) (反)bulge ◆ depressed region 凸出部分 ◆ 凹陷部分 bulk [ ?????] n.(巨大)体积,容量;主体,绝大部分 (记)The great bulk of necessary work can never be anything but painful 大量必须做的工作真令人痛苦 bully [?????] n. 欺凌弱小者(one habitually cruel to others who are weaker) (类)instigator·incite=bully·browbeat 煽动者善于煽动=欺凌弱小者善于威吓 bully·intimidate=stupid·gullibility 欺凌弱小者善于威吓=笨人容易上当 sabotage·subvertness=bull·intimidation 破坏·颠覆=暴力·威吓(前是后的手段) 【注:bull n.公牛 v.暴力行事(to act on with violence)】 (反)underdog ◆ bully 被欺负的人 ◆ 欺凌弱小者 (同)browbeater, harrier, hector, intimidator v.碰(伤), 撞(破), 颠簸 bump [ ???? ] v. 碰撞,冲撞 (bumper汽车保险杠) bumptious [????????] adj. 傲慢的,自夸的(presumptuously, noisily self-assertive) (类)impetuous·vacillation=dour·geniality=bumptious·humbleness 冲动的人不会犹豫=严厉的人不亲切=傲慢的人不谦逊 bumptious·assertive=garish·colourful自大的·非常自信的=炫耀的·华丽的(褒贬程度) 干扰:(compendious·succinct)(exuberant·happy) bungle [??????] vt.vi. 办糟,失败(to act or work clumsily and awkwardly) (反)bungle ◆ bring off 失败 ◆ 成功 (记)谐音:笨狗→把事情办糟 buoy [???] vt.支撑 (support;uplift) bribe (反)buoyed ◆ unsupported 支撑的 ◆ 没有支持的 (同)support, bolster, prop, sustain, uphold buoyant [???????] adj.有浮力的(capable of floating),快乐的(cheerful,gay) (类)bend·rigid=submerge·buoyant 坚硬的不会弯曲=有浮力的不会沉 buoyant·sink=insoluble·dissolve 有浮力的不会下沉=不溶的不会溶解 buoyant·float=heavy·drop 有浮力的·漂浮=重的·落下(前者容易实现后者) (反)buoyant ◆ hangdog /aggrieved 快乐的 ◆ 垂头丧气的/ 痛苦的 buoyant ◆ leaden 轻快的 ◆ 沉重的 (同)bouncy, effervescent, resilient, volatile burgeon [????????] v. 萌芽(to send forth new growth);迅速成长(to grow rapidly)
(类)grow·burgeon=beat·palpitate 成长·生长=跳动·跳动(同义) (反)wither,subside,subdue,wane,waste away 衰退 (同)increase, augment, expand, heighten, multiply, (记)bur(谐音:播)+ geon(=germ 种子,萌芽,细菌)→播种子→萌芽,迅速生长 参考:the germ of a project. 计划的雏形 burlesque [????????] n. 讽刺的嘲笑(mockery usually by caricature)滑稽戏 (类)diatribe·abuse=burlesque·mockery 恶骂·辱骂=讽刺的嘲笑·嘲笑(同义)
doggerel·verse=burlesque·play 打油诗·诗=滑稽的戏剧·戏剧(种属) burra[ wool ] 源自 burra[ 模糊的 burnish [???????] v. 擦亮,磨光(to make shiny or lustrous especially by rubbing)
(类)numb·insensible=burnish·lustrous 失去知觉·无知觉的=磨光·有光泽的 burnish·dull=mar·flawless 磨光·暗淡的=损坏·无缺点的(前者消除后者) (记)burn(烧)+ish → 烧热了会发亮 (同)polish, furbish, gloss, rub, shine burrow [??????] n. 动物所掘的洞(hole) (类)ditch·canyon=burrow·cavern 沟·峡谷=地洞·大洞(程度) (记)bu(谐音:扒)+ row(排)→一排一排的扒→兔子扒的洞 bust [????] v. 使破产或资金短缺(run out of money)n. 半身像,妇女胸部 (例)often, the promise of a high-tech design leads to a weapon that busts the budget 一项高技术设计方案的承诺常是导致预算短缺的元凶 butter [?????] n. 黄油 (类)butter·margarine=sugar·saccharin 黄油·人造黄油=糖·糖精(天然·人造) buttress [???????] n. 扶墙 vt. 支持 (类)strut·wing=buttress·wall 支杆用来支持机翼=扶墙用来支持墙壁 buttress·edifice=splint·limb 扶墙用来支持大厦=夹板用来支持四肢 (反)contravene ◆ buttress 反对 ◆ 支持 challenge ◆ buttress 质疑 ◆ 支持 【注:challenge :to take exception to; call into question; dispute:表示异议;质疑;争议】 (同)support, bolster, brace, prop, sustain, uphold (记)butt=bout 原义抵抗。后发展为两个方向 1、bout较量,回合 2、支持,支撑 bygone adj. 过去的 n. 过去的事 (例)Let bygones be bygones! 过去的事就让它过去吧! byline [?????????] n. 标题下的署名 (类)article·byline=movie·credits 文章·作者署名=电影·演员署名 【注:credits:recognition by name of a person contributing to a performance as a film】 (记)by(=bi 第二)+line(行)→ 第二行写人名 byzantine [??????????] n. 诡计多端的(characterized by a devious manner of operation)
(反)byzantine ◆ straightforward 诡计多端的 ◆ 坦率的 (记)byzantine(拜占庭)→拜占庭人诡计多端 list 5 cabal-------- chagrin cabal [??????] n. 阴谋小集团(small group secretly united to promote their own interests) (类)cast·actor=cabal·conspirator 剧团·演员=阴谋集团·阴谋家(组成) cabal·association=plot·plan 阴谋小集团·协会=阴谋·计划(秘密与正常) cabal·association=spat·quarrel 阴谋小集团·协会=小争吵·吵架(小与正常) (同)plot , conspiracy, intrigue, machination, scheme cabinet [ ???????? ] n. 橱柜;内阁 cache [???] n.隐藏处所(a hiding place used especially for storing provisions) (类)cache·hoard=summit·inaccessible 隐藏处·储藏=顶峰·难以接近(后者是前者的特点) (记)cache(电脑缓存)电脑缓存专门储藏信息 cacophony [??????????] n. 刺耳的声音(harsh or discordant sound) (类)cacophony·sound=malodor·scent 刺耳的声音·声音=恶臭·气味 cacophony·voice=gaucherie·skill 刺耳的声音·语音=笨拙的·技能 cacophony·sound=glare·light 刺耳的声音·声音=耀眼的光·光 (反)cacophonous ◆ dulcet/ euphonious 刺耳的 ◆ 悦耳的/悦耳的 (记)caco(坏)+phony(声音)→声音不好 cadge [????] v.行乞,乞求(beg,sponge) (反)cadge ◆ earn 乞求 ◆ 赚得 cajole [????????] v.哄骗(to persuade with flattery especially when reluctance)
(类)blandishment·cajole=obstacle·impede 甜言蜜语·哄骗=障碍·阻止(同义) wheedle·cajolery=extort·coercion 用甜言蜜语骗·诱骗=敲诈·强迫 (同义) (同)coax, blandish, blarney, wheedle calcify [?????????] vi. 钙化(to make inflexible or unchangeable) (类)calcium·mineral=sugar·carbohydrate 钙·矿物质=糖·碳水化合物 (种属) calcify ◆ make malleable /make pliant/ make more flexible 使钙化 ◆ 使柔顺,灵活 (记)calc(钙)+ify(化)→钙化 calibrate [??????????] vt. 测量,校准(to rectify,mark the graduations of) (类)measure·dimensions·calibrate·diameter量·尺寸=确定口径·直径 (反)calibrated ◆ unstandardized 校准的 ◆ 不标准的 - 12 - - 12 -
13 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 13 calibrated ◆ unsubstantialized 校准的 ◆ 不标准的 calligraphy lettering) [??????????] n. 书法(artistic, stylized, or elegant handwriting or capricious·whim=objective·fact 善变·善变的=客观的·事实的(同义) caprice·whimsical=insight·discerning 善变·善变的=洞察力·有洞察力的 (同义) caprice·whimsical=insight/foresight·prudent 任性·反复无常的=洞察力·明智的 (反)caprice ◆ confirmation 善变 ◆ 确认 (反)steadfast /constant 固定不变的 pertinacious 固执的 resolute 坚决的 (同)crank, freak, vagary, whim, whimsy (记)根据price联想,价格的变化是反复无常的。 captivate [??????????] vt.着迷(to influence by special charm with an irresistible appeal)
(反)captivate ◆ repulse 着迷 ◆ 厌恶 (记)captive(俘虏)+ate →被俘虏了→着迷 (同)attract, allure, charm, enchant, fascinate, magnetize caress [ ???????] vt.抚爱;珍视 caret [??????] n. 插字符号^(文章中插字使用) (类)caret·insertion=comma·pause 插字符号代表插入=逗号代表停顿(符号代表意义) careworn [????????] adj. 伤心的(showing the effect of grief or anxiety;worn) (反)careworn ◆ lighthearted 伤心的 ◆ 心情愉快的 (记)care(心)+worn(疲倦)→心都疲倦了→ 伤心 cardinal [?????????] adj. 主要的(of basic importance · main, chief, primary) (反)cardinal ◆ minor 主要的 ◆ 次要的 (记)card(心脏)→心脏是最主要的。参考:cardiologist(心脏病专家) caricature [????????????] n.漫画,滑稽模仿(exaggeration by means of ludicrous distortion) (类)brevity·aphorism=distortion·caricature 格言比较简短=滑稽模仿比较歪曲 aphorism · pithiness= caricature· exaggeration 格言比较精炼=讽刺画比较夸张 caricaturist·illustrator=satirist·essayist 漫画家属于插图家=讽刺作家属于评论家 (同)mockery, farce, mock,burlesque, parody carnal [??????] adj. 肉体的,物质的(bodily, corporeal) (反)carnal ◆ spiritual 物质的 ◆ 精神的 (同)corporal, fleshly, physical, somatic (记)carn(肉) 参考:carnivore 食肉动物 carnation 肉色康乃馨 carouse [???????] vi. 畅饮,狂欢作乐(to drink liquor deeply or freely ) (类)roisterer·carouse=recluse·withdraw 喝酒喧哗者·畅饮=隐士·隐退 (记)中间加h变成car+house;车房俱备,值得狂欢庆祝一下。 carp [????] n.鲤鱼 vi. 吹毛求疵,挑剔(to find fault or complain querulously) (类)caviler·carping=libertine·licentious 吹毛求疵者·吹毛求疵的=浪荡者·放肆的 complain·carp=drink·guzzle 抱怨·吹毛求疵=喝·狂饮 (程度对比) (同)nag, fuss, henpeck (记)carp原义鲤鱼。鲤鱼刺多,吃的时候要多多挑刺。引申为挑剔。 cartographer [???????????] n. 地图绘制者(one that makes maps) (类)cartographer·map=tailor·clothing=lexicographer·dictionary 绘制地图者·地图=裁缝·衣服=词典编纂者·词典 (后者是前者的工作对象) (记)cart(图表)+graph(写)+er(人)→画地图的人 carve [????] v. 切(to cut into pieces or slices)雕刻(to shape by cutting) (类)carve·turkey=slice·cake 切火鸡=切蛋糕 cast [????] n. 演员,演员阵容 vt. 选派(演员) (类)appoint·official=cast·actor 任命·官员=选派·演员(动作及其相关对象) letter·signature=playbill·cast 信·签名=节目单·演员阵容(后者是前者的一部分) castigate [??????????] v.强烈反对,苛责(to subject to severe punishment, reproof)
(类)castigation·disapproval=crime·misbehave=blasphemy·irreverence 强烈反对·反对=犯罪·举止不当=亵渎:不敬(程度) castigation·reproof=loathing·dislike(干扰:denunciation·denial指责·否定) 强烈谴责·谴责=嫌恶·不喜欢(程度) peccadillo·sin=admonishment·castigation 小过失·罪过=警告·强烈谴责(程度) (反)castigation ◆ approbation认可accolade 称赞extol赞美 (同)lambaste, excoriate, scathe, scorch, scourge, slash catalyze [?????????] vt. 促进,催化(bring about, inspire) (类)supervisor·oversight=catalyst·initiate管理者·监督=催化剂·催化 【注:catalyst:agent that brings about a chemical change while it remains unchanged】 enzyme·catalyst=bacterium·microbe 酶属于催化剂=细菌属于微生物 (反)catalyze ◆ retard 阻挠 prevent 阻止 inhibit抑制 (反)inhibitor ◆ catalyst 抑制剂 ◆ 催化剂 (同)goad, incentive, incitement, motivation, spur, stimulant catastrophe [???????????] n. 大灾难(a momentous tragic event) (类)catastrophe·mishap=humiliation·embarrassment 大灾难·不幸=羞耻·尴尬(程度) oxymoron·contradictory=mishap·catastrophic 矛盾修饰法·矛盾的=不幸·灾难的 (同)disaster, calamity, cataclysm, misadventure categorical [????????????] adj. 无条件的,绝对的 (absolute, unqualified) (类)categorical·qualified/conditional 受限制的/ 有条件的 (同)ultimate, explicit, definite, unambiguous catholic [????????] adj.普遍的(comprehensive)包容的(broad in sympathies, interests)
(反)catholic ◆ narrow 包容的 ◆ 狭隘的 (记)Catholic(天主教)→ 范围广泛 (同)universal, cosmic, cosmopolitan, ecumenical, global, worldwide caustic [????????] adj.腐蚀性的,刻薄的(marked by incisive sarcasm) (类)barb·caustic=pan·harsh 尖刻的言论·刻薄的=严厉的批评·严厉的 caustic·eat away=desiccant·dry 腐蚀的·腐蚀=干燥剂的·干燥 caustic·burn=solvent·dissolve 腐蚀性的·灼烧=可溶解的·溶解(因果关系) (反)palliating 减缓的 genial 亲切的 smooth 安详的 kind 仁慈的 innocuous亲切的 (同)sarcastic, acerb, acerbic, corrosive (类)calligraphy·scribble=sonnet·doggerel 书法·乱写=十四行诗·打油诗 (正常·乱) (记)cali(=kalli 美丽)+graphy callous [??????] adj.无情的, 冷漠的(feeling no sympathy for others) (类)callous·impassive=dupe·duplicity 冷漠的·冷漠的=欺骗·不诚实 (同义) (反)callous ◆ sympathetic 无情的 ◆ 有同情心的 (同)coldhearted, heartless, obdurate, stony, uncompassionate, unemotional, (记)callo 谐音“开了”+us 联想:老板动不动就开了我们→冷酷的,无情的 callow [??????] adj.未成熟的(lacking adult sophistication) (类)frank·secretiveness=callow·maturity 坦白的·隐匿=未成熟的·成熟 apoplectic·calm=callow·mature 狂怒的·平静的=未成熟的·成熟 callow ◆ behaving with adult sophistication 年轻而无经验的 ◆ 行为富于经验的 (同)inexperienced, fresh, green, raw, unversed, young callus [??????] n. 皮肤的硬结,老茧(a thickening of area on skin) (类)gully·erosion=callus·friction 小峡谷由冲蚀产生=老茧由摩擦产生 (记)call 传呼+us 联想:呼我们已经非常老土了,现在都用手机了→老土→老茧 calorie [???????] n. 卡路里,热量单位 (类)watt·power =calorie·heat=decibel·sound=volt·electricity 瓦·功率=卡路里·热量=分贝·声音=伏·电流(事物及其度量单位) heat·calories=liquid·gallons=distance·odometer 热量·卡路里=液体·加仑=距离·里程表 calumniate [???????????] v. 诽谤,中伤 (to utter maliciously false statements about) (类)corroborate·evidence=calumniate·falsehood 用证据证明=用谎言诽谤 calumny·representation=perjury·testimony 中伤·陈述 =伪证·证词(假·正常) (反)calumniate ◆ vindicate 诽谤 ◆ 辩护 calumnious ◆ flattering 中伤的 ◆ 谄媚的 calumny ◆ approbation 诽谤 ◆ 嘉许 (同)malign, defame, denigrate, slander, vilify camaraderie [???????????] n. 友情(a spirit of friendly good-fellowship) (反)camaraderie ◆ enmity 友情 ◆ 敌意 (记)来自camarade 同志 cameo [???????] n. 小雕塑,特写 (类)peccadillo·offense=cameo·sculpture 轻罪·犯罪=小雕塑·雕塑(小·正常) camouflage [??????????] n. 伪装(behavior or artifice designed to deceive or hide) (类)camouflage·deception=flattery·ingratiating 伪装为了欺骗=奉承为了逢迎 malinger·duty=camouflage·detection 装病以逃避工作责任=伪装防止被发现 (记)ca+mou+flag+e→开始+蒙上+旗子,为了伪装 canard [ ??????? ] n. 谣传,误传 (类)aspersion·discredit=canard·deceive 诽谤·玷辱=谣言·欺骗(行为与目的) (记)can+nard(能拿)联想:GRE考1600分“能拿”奖学金是“谣言” candor [?????] n. 坦白,直率,诚挚(unreserved, honest, or sincere expression) (类)palter·candor=diehard·budge 敷衍不会坦白=顽固分子不会退让 candor·subterfuge=brash·deliberate 坦白·托词=仓促·深思熟虑 (反)artifice ◆ candor计谋 ◆ 直率 mendacity ◆ candor谎言 ◆ 诚挚的话 (记)cand(白)+or(状态)→ 白的状态→坦白 参考:candid adj. 坦率的;公正的 canny [ ????? ] adj. 谨慎的,精明的,节约的(clever,shrewd;prudent) canon [??????] n. 圣典(a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council) (类)religion·devoutness=canon·orthodoxy 信仰要求虔诚=圣典要求正统 (反)canonical ◆ heterodox / nontraditional 正统的 ◆ 非正统的/非传统的 canon ◆ apocrypha 正典 ◆ 伪经 canonical ◆ nontraditional 传统的 ◆ 不符合传统的 (同)law, decree, ordinance, precept, regulation, rule, statute (记)日本佳能公司的商标名。与cannon 大炮区别。 canopy [???????] n.蚊帐, 遮篷(a protective covering;awning, marquee) (类)canopy·cover=tag·identify 遮篷用以遮盖=标签用以识别 (记)由cannon(大炮)联想歇后语:大炮打蚊子——大材小用。 cant n 隐语,黑话,行话 (记)联想can’t 不能;不能听懂的话→隐语,黑话 cantata [ ????????? ] n.清唱剧, 大合唱 canvas [???????] n. 帆布,画布(a piece of cloth framed as a surface for a painting) (类)canvas·painter=marble·sculptor 画布·油画家=大理石·雕塑家(前是后的工作用具) easel·canvas=tripod·camera 画架支撑画布=三角架支撑照相机(前者支撑后者) canvass [???????] v. 细查;民意调查(to conduct a survey of (public opinion)) (类)pollster·canvass=exponent·advocate 民意测验者·民意调查=倡导者·提倡(正面特征) canyon [???????] n. 峡谷(a deep narrow valley with steep sides) (类)ditch·canyon=burrow·cavern 沟渠·峡谷=小山洞·大山洞 (小和大) capitulate [????????????] v. 投降(surrender) 不再抵制(to cease resisting·acquiesce) (反)capitulate ◆ resist / oppose 不再抵制 ◆ 抵制 / 反对 (同)yield, cave, defer, submit, succumb caprice [????????] n.反复无常,善变(a sudden, impulsive notion or action) (类)caprice·whimsical=stealth·furtive=discontent·unsatisfied 反复无常· 反复无常的=秘密行动·偷偷摸摸的=不满·不满意的(名形同义) impromptu·rehearsal=apophasis·claim=caprice·deliberate 即席演出·排练=故抑其词·断言=反复无常·深思熟虑 (反义) - 13 - - 13 -
14 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 14 cautionary [??????????] adj. 劝人谨慎的;警戒的 (例)cautionary advice. 忠告 caveat [???????] n.警告; 告诫(a warning enjoining one from certain acts) (类)overture/preamble·introductory=caveat·warning/ cautionary 序曲·介绍性的=告诫·警告的 (同)warning, caution, forewarning, monition cavern [??????] n. 大洞,洞窟 (one cave of large or indefinite extent) (类)cavern·spelunker=star·astronomer 洞穴· 探洞者=星·天文学家(后研究前) (同)cave, grotto, subterranean (记)来自cave cavil [??????] v.挑剔,吹毛求疵(to raise trivial and frivolous objection) (类)cavil·criticize=probe·investigate 吹毛求疵·批评=仔细探察·调查(程度) nitpick·criticize=cavil·object 吹毛求疵·批评=吹毛求疵·反对(程度) caviler·carping=libertine·licentious 吹毛求疵者·吹毛求疵的=浪荡子·放肆的 faultfinding·criticize=quibble·cavil 挑毛病:批评=挑剔:吹毛求疵(同义) encomiast·eulogize=nitpicker·criticize=preacher·sermon=quibbler·cavil 赞美者·赞颂=吹毛求疵的人·批评=传教士·传道=挑剔者·吹毛求疵 【注:quibble:v. 1.to evade the point of an argument by caviling about words 2.cavil,carp】 cavort [???????] vi. 欢跃(to walk or move in a spirited manner) (类)dodder·unsteady=cavort·sprightly 摇摆的不稳定=欢跃的很轻快 (反)cavort ◆ trudge 欢跃 ◆ 艰苦跋涉 (同)gambol, caper, frisk, frolic, rollick cede [????] vt. 放弃,割让(to yield or grant typically by treaty)n.cession (反)cede ◆ possess 放弃 ◆ 拥有 (同)relinquish, abandon, resign, surrender, waive, yield celebrity [??????????] n. 名人(a celebrated person) (反)celebrity ◆ obscurity 名人 ◆ 无名小辈(one that is obscure) (记)celeb(名人)参考:celebrated 著名的 cement [???????] n.水泥 v. 巩固(to unite or make firm by or as if by cement) (反)cement ◆ fracture 巩固 ◆ 破裂 (记)水泥过去被称为音译为水门汀。 censor [??????] vt. 审查(to examine to suppress anything considered objectionable) (类)censorship·communication/information=preservative·decay=sanitation·disease 审查·信息 =防腐剂·腐烂=公共卫生·疾病 (前者防止后者) vendor·purvey=censor·expurgate 卖主·供应=审查员·删除(人物的典型动作) (同)expurgate, screen censorious [???????????] adj. 挑剔的(critical) (类)pliable·influence=ticklish·offend/ annoy 易受影响的·影响 =易触怒的·冒犯/骚扰 【干扰:censorious·condemn 挑剔的容易去谴责别人,是正面主动非被动】 (反)censorious ◆ eulogistic 挑剔的 ◆ 赞美的 (同)carping, caviling, hypercritical, overcritical,faultfinding (例)censorious people delight in casting blame. 挑剔之人乐于责备。 censure [??????] v. 责难,谴责(to find fault with and criticize as blameworthy) (类)lamentable·pity=reprehensible·censure 可悲的·可怜=应该谴责的·谴责 remonstrance·dissuade= reprehension·censure 反对·劝阻=斥责·责难(同义) censure·blameless=approbation·reprehensible 责难·无可指责的=认可·应斥责的 (反)exonerate 免除责备 extol赞美 commend赞美 (同)criticize, blame, condemn, denounce, denunciate, reprobate census [???????] n. 户口普查 (a count of the population) (类)census·population=inventory·merchandise=inventory·stock 户口普查·人口=存货清单·商品=存货清单·存货 (前者为后者的清单) ceremonious adj. 礼仪的,隆重的,过分讲究礼节的,拘泥的(punctilious) cessation [ ????????? ] n. 终止,暂停(a temporary or final ceasing;stop) (反)cessation ◆ commencement 开始 start 开始 continuation 继续 chaff [????] n. 谷壳,糠 (类)winnow·chaff=filter·impurities 扬谷为了去除糠=过滤为了去除杂质 chaff·wheat=shell·pecan 谷壳·小麦=果壳·核桃 (果子及其壳) dross·metal=chaff·grain 金属屑·金属=谷糠·谷物 chagrin [????????] n . 懊恼(distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure) (类)chagrin·mind=grimace·face 懊恼·情绪=痛苦的表情·脸(行为及其产生部位) (反)elated 兴高采烈的 cheerful 高兴的 proud satisfaction 非常满足 delight 快乐 list 6 chameleon ------complaisance chameleon [??????????] n. 变色龙,善变的人 (类)salmon·ichthyologist=chameleon·herpetologist 鲑鱼·鱼类学家=变色龙·爬虫学家 champion [?????????] vt. 拥护,保卫(to act as militant supporter of) (反)disparage 蔑视 impugn 打击 oppose 反对 (同)support, advocate, backstop, uphold chaotic [????????] adj.混乱的, 无序的(in utter disorder) (类)chaos·predictability=pallor·color 无序的不可预言=苍白没有颜色 (反)strictly structured 构造严谨的 strictly featured 特征严谨的 charade [???????] n. 看手势猜字谜游戏;装模作样 (类)charade·word=mime·story 用手势表示的字谜·字=哑剧·故事(前者用后者来表达) charade·dissimulate=void·emptiness 装模作样·假装=空洞·空(同义) charlatan [?????????] n. 江湖郎中(pretender to knowledge)骗子(quack) (类)juggernaut·crush=charlatan·deceive 压倒一切的力量·压服=骗子·行骗 (例)the medical establishment called him a charlatan 医疗界把他叫做江湖郎中。 (记)谐音:杀了他。联想:对骗子恨不得杀了他。 chary [???????] adj. 谨慎的(discreetly cautious) (类)chary·caution=imperturbable·composure 谨慎的:谨慎=冷静的:沉着 (反)rash卤莽的 bold大胆的 (同)cautious, circumspect, considerate, discreet, gingerly, wary (记)char 谐音—察。联想:明察秋毫—>谨慎的 chase [ ????? ] n.追赶, 追击 vt.追赶, 雕镂 chasm [?????] n. 深渊,断裂带(a deep cleft in the surface of a planet) (类)cleft·chasm=cut·gash 裂缝· 断裂带=小切口·大伤口 chastise [ ????????? ] v. 严责,惩戒(to punish, as by beating) (记)来自chaste贞洁的;使贞节,纯洁所以要用严厉惩罚。 chauvinistic [?????????????] adj. 沙文主义的,爱国主义的 (类)patriotic·chauvinistic=receptive·gullible 爱国主义的·沙文主义的=乐于接受的·易受骗的(褒贬程度) check [????] n. 阻止(to block the progress of) (类)jolt·move=check·stop 晃动·移动=阻止·停止(同义) (反)propagate 传播 goad 唆使 hasten 促进 (同)arrest, buck, foil, thwart, frustrate chef [???] n. 厨师(a skilled cook who manages the kitchen) (类)author·novel=sculptor·marble (干扰:chef·banquet 厨师·宴会) 作家·小说=雕塑家·雕刻品(人物及其创作工作对象) 【注】chef·banquet(厨师·宴会) 是干扰选项。厨师的直接工作对象当然是食物,宴 会与厨师有关但并非厨师是主角。marble :a sculpture made from this rock雕刻品 chef·kitchen=chemist·laboratory 厨师·厨房=化学家·实验室(后者是前者的工作场所) (记)chef 谐音车夫。联想:车夫和厨师都是有技术的劳动人民。 cherubic [ ???????????] adj. 天使的,可爱的(innocent-looking usually chubby and rosy) (反)cherubic ◆ somber 天使般可爱的 ◆ 阴郁的 (记)cherub(小天使)+ic→天使的,可爱的 chevron [???????] n. v形臂章 (类)chevron·badge=caisson·cart v形臂章·徽章=载炮车·大车(种属) chiaroscuro [??????????????] n. 明暗对照法 (类)chiaroscuro·contrast=filigree·delicacy 明暗对照法特点是对照=金银丝工艺特点是精美 chicanery [??????????] n.诡计多端,欺骗 (deception by artful subterfuge)
(类)chicanery·clever=tactlessness·truthful 诡计多端的·机灵的=不圆滑的·真诚的 (反)aboveboard action正大光明的honest dealing诚实forthrightness坦白 (记)chic(聪明)→ 耍聪明→ 诡计多端 (同)deception, chicane, dishonesty, fraud, highbinding, trickery chide [?????] v. 责备 (to reproach in a usually mild and constructive manner) (类)chide·pillory=humor·mollycoddle 责备·示众=迁就·纵容(程度) (反)chide ◆ praise 责备 ◆ 称赞 (同)reprove, admonish, monish, rebuke, reprimand, reproach chimera [ ????????? ] n. 吐火怪物,妖怪,狂想 (记)谐音:痴梦→狂想 chivalry [??????????] n.骑士精神, 骑士制度 choleric [????????] adj. 易怒的,暴躁的(hot-tempered) (类)cowardice·intimidate=choler·antagonize 懦弱会被胁迫=愤怒会产生敌对 choleric·rile=volatile·rouse(干扰:partial·bias 偏爱的·偏爱) 易怒的容易被惹怒=易变化的容易被激起(rouse :to excite,as to anger or action;stir up)
(反)choleric ◆ difficult to provoke 难以被激怒的pacific平静的 (同)choleric, crabbed, cranky, irascible, irritable choir [??????] n. 唱诗班(an organized company of singers) (类)choir·singer=cast·actor=bouquet ·flower 唱诗班·唱诗者=演员表·演员=花束·花(组成) chord [????] n.和弦(three or more musical tones sounded simultaneously) (类)constellation·star=chord·note=grove·tree (干扰:queue·person 行列·人)
星座·星星=和弦·音符=小树林·树木 参考:colonnade·pillar=queue·person 强调整齐一致而且形似 choreography [???????????] n. 舞蹈编排(the arrangement of dances),舞蹈(art of dancing)
(类)choreography·dance=plot·story 舞蹈编排·舞蹈=小说情节·小说 choreographer·movement=architect·building 舞蹈编排者·舞蹈动作=建筑师·建筑
【注:sculptor·statue 雕塑家·雕像为干扰选项;舞蹈编排者和建筑师管设计不管施工, 雕塑家既设计又施工】 chorus [???????] n. 合唱队(a body of singers who perform choral compositions) (类)troupe·perform=chorus·sing 剧团·表演=合唱队·演唱 (团体及其典型行为) chromatic [?????????] adj. 彩色的 (反)chromatic ◆ colorless 色的 ◆ 无色的 chronic [???????] adj. 长期的,慢性的(long established, as a disease) (反)chronic ◆ sporadic 长期的 ◆ 偶然的 (记)chron(时间)参考:chronological(按年代顺序的)chronicle(编年史) (同)usual, accustomed, habitual, routine, wonted chuckle [?????] n. 轻声笑(to laugh inwardly or quietly) (类)chuckle·laughing=whisper·speaking 轻声笑·笑=耳语·说话 (小·正常) churlish [????????] adj. 粗野的 (lack of civility or graciousness;boorish; rude) (类)uncouth·churl=conspiratorial·conniver 粗俗的·粗野的人=阴谋的·阴谋家 cacophony·melody=genteel·churl 刺耳的音调·悦耳的音调=文雅的·粗野的人
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15 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 15 (反)complaisance ◆ churlishness 彬彬有礼的 ◆ 粗野的 genteel ◆ churlish 文雅的 ◆ 粗野的 (同)surly, clownish, coarse, loutish, uncultured, unpolished cineast [????????] n. 电影迷(a film or movie enthusiast) (类)cineast·film=gourmand·food 电影迷·电影=美食家·食物(前者追求后者) (干扰:sharpshooter·target 射手·目标) (记)和cinema(电影)一起记。 cipher [?????????] n. 密码(a method of transforming a text to conceal its meaning) (类)cipher·cryptic=precis·concise 密码·秘密的=大纲·简要的 (记)参考:decipher 破译 circuitous [???????????] adj. 迂回的(not being forthright or direct in language or action) (类)immaterial·relevance=circuitous·directness 不重要的·重要=迂回的·直接(反义) circuitous·directness=irresolute·decision 迂回的·直接=犹豫不决的·决定(反义) (反)circuity ◆ straightforwardness 迂回 ◆ 坦率 (同)indirect, circular, oblique, roundabout circular [?????????] adj. 圆形的(having the form of a circle;round) (类)circular·asymmetrical=protean·rigid 圆形的·不对称的=变化多端的·僵硬死板的(反义) circumference [?????????????] n. 圆周(the perimeter of a circle) (类)circumference·circle=perimeter·rectangle 圆周·圆=周界·矩形 (图形及其边界) border·country=circumference·circle 国界·国家=圆周·圆(事物及其边界) circumlocution [????????????????] n. 说话绕圈子;迂回(indirect or roundabout expression) (反)circumlocution ◆ pithy utters/ straightforword utter 绕圈子 ◆ 简练直接的话 circumlocution ◆ direct encounter 绕圈子 ◆ 直接面对 circumlocutory ◆ straightforward 迂回的 ◆ 直接的 circumlocution ◆ express succinctly 说话绕圈子 ◆ 表达简练 circumscribe [?????????????] vt. 限制(limit; confine) (反)circumscribed ◆ unlimited 限制的 ◆ 无限的 (同)limit, confine, delimitate, prelimit, restrict (例)our activities were often circumscribed. 我们的行为经常被限制。 circumspect [????????????] adj.慎重的;小心的(careful to consider all circumstances (类)rash·circumspective=imperious·servile 轻率的· 慎重的=专横的·卑屈的(反义) circumspect·prudency=urbane·polish 慎重的:慎重=彬彬有礼的:优雅 (同义) (反)circumspect ◆ audacious/ reckless 小心的 ◆ 大胆的/鲁莽的 temerity ◆ circumspection 蛮勇 ◆ 慎重 rash ◆ circumspective 鲁莽的 ◆ 谨慎的 (同)prudent, chary, considerate, discreet, gingerly, (例)We should be circumspect and always investigate before acting,. 我们应该仔细慎重,做事之前要调查一番。 (记)circum 四周+spect 看→四周看看→谨慎的 参考:spectator 观众 circumvent [???????????] vt. 绕行,智取(to manage to get around especially by stratagem) (反)circumvent ◆ confront /direct encounter 绕行 ◆ 直接面对 (同)skirt, bypass, circumnavigate, detour (记)circum周围+vent(=vend) 走→沿着周围走→绕行,智取 vendor 沿街走的小贩 cistern [???????] n. 贮水器,水箱 (类)cistern·liquids=landfill·refuse 水箱·液体=垃圾填埋场·垃圾(放置场所) (记)音近字:system 联想:水箱是一种处理水的系统 civility [?????????] n. 礼貌(courtesy, politeness) (反)civility ◆ rudeness 礼貌 ◆ 无礼 claim [?????] n. v. 要求 n. 权利(a right to something) (类)claim·legitimated=hypothesis·confirmed 要求是需要合法化的=假设是需要证实的 lien·claim=subpoena·command 扣押权是一项权利=传票是一种命令 (反)claim ◆ renounce 要求 ◆ 放弃 clairvoyant [???????????] adj. 透视的, 有洞察力的(unusually perceptive;discerning) (类)dexterous·manipulate=prescient·predict 灵巧的·熟练操作=预见性的·预言 (记)clair(清楚)+voy(看)→看的清楚→有洞察力的 clam [ ???? ] n. 蛤,沉默寡言的人 (类)She clammed up whenever I mentioned her husband. 每当提到他丈夫,她就不说话了。 (记)蛤(拼音:ge 2声)的形状象嘴紧紧闭着→沉默寡言 clamor [ ?????? ] v. 吵闹,喧嚷 (例)The representatives clamored their disapproval. 代表们吵嚷着不赞同 clandestine [???????????] adj. 秘密的(secret ;surreptitious) (类)clandestine·secretly=overt·openly 秘密的·秘密地=公开的·公开地 clandestine·secrecy=harmony·congruity 秘密的·秘密=一致的·一致 (反)clandestine ◆ open 秘密的 ◆ 公开的 (同)secret, covert, furtive, stealthy, surreptitious (记)clan 部落,小集团+ destine 命运→→秘密的 clannish [???????] adj. 氏族的, 宗族排外的 clarion [ ???????? ] adj. 清澈响亮的(loud and clear) (反)clarion ◆ soft and undistinct 清澈响亮的 ◆ 低声不可辨的 clarity [????????] n. 清楚, 透明 (the quality or state of being clear;lucidity) (类)ambiguous·clarity=mendacious·truth 不明确的不清楚=虚假的不真实 consensus·factionalism=clarity·confusion 一致同意·党派争执=清楚·混淆(反义) equivocation·clarity=prevarication·truth 含糊的话·清楚=搪塞的话·真实(反义) misunderstood·clarify=erroneous·retract 误会的·澄清=错误的·撤消(后者消除前者) ramshackle·soundness=garbled·clarity 摇摇欲坠的·坚固=混淆的·清楚(反义) (反)equivocation 模棱两可 muddy 浑浊的 opaque 不透明的 (同)clearness, limpidity, lucidity, perspicuity, plainness clasp [??????] n. 扣子(a device for holding objects or parts together) (类)lathe·shape=clasp·fasten 车床用来成形=扣子用来扣紧 cleft [?????] n. 裂缝 (a usually V-shaped indented formation) (类)cleft·chasm=cut·gash 裂缝· 断裂带=小切口·大伤口(程度) (同)arroyo, chasm, clove, gap, gulch clement [????????] adj.仁慈的,温和的(inclined to be merciful;lenient) (反)clement ◆ pitiless 仁慈的 ◆ 无情的 clemency ◆ ruthlessness 仁慈的 ◆ 无情的 (同)forbearing, charitable, merciful, tolerant cliche [????????] adj. 陈腐的 a trite phrase or expression (类)hodgepodge·uniformity=cliche·original 混合物·一致=陈腐的·原创(反义)
equivocate·misleading=cliched·hackneyed模棱两可的:易误解的=陈腐的:陈腐的(同义) (例)compositions are often marred by such cliches as \文章经常被诸如“强壮如牛”这样的陈腐的表达方式破坏。 clique [?????] n. 小团体(a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons) (类)clique·intimates=flock·sheep 小团体·密友=羊群·羊(组成) (同)cabal, camp, clan, coterie, mafia clog [????] n. 障碍, 阻塞 something that shackles or impedes (类)clog·drainage=stalemate·negotiations 阻塞·排泄=僵局·谈判 (后者消除前者) (同)encumbrance, hindrance, impedance, impediment clot [????] n. 凝块,群 v.(使)凝结(a coagulated mass produced by clotting of blood) (类)clot·dissolved=crowd·dispersed 凝块·溶解的=人群·散开的 (后者由前者发生) solvent·dissolve=coagulant·clot 溶剂·溶解=凝结剂·凝结 (物品作用) freeze·water=clot·blood 使结冰·水=使凝结·血 (后者为前者动作对象) cloture [????????] n. 表决程序(一项议会程序,辩论结束后立即就所辩问题进行投票表决)
(类)voting·roll call=termination·cloture 选举·点名程序=结果·表决程序(点名程序后可以选举=表决程序后可以出结果) 【注:termination:结果(outcome, result)】 (记)来自closure 关闭,使终止 cloudburst [???????????] n. 倾盆大雨 a sudden copious rainfall (类)gust·wind=cloudburst·rainfall 狂风·风=倾盆大雨·雨 (记)cloud(云)+burst(爆炸)→要下大雨了 clout [?????] n. 权力,影响力(great influence,especially political or social) (反)impuissance 无权,无能 impotence 无力,衰弱 (记)来自cloth;工业革命时期,布匹的生产中心具有最高的影响力,如曼彻斯特 (例)All the evidence showed that Russia does not have that kind of clout in the Far East any more 所有证据都表明在远东地区俄罗斯不再具有那样的影响 cloying [???????] adj. 甜得发腻的(excessively sweet or sentimental ) (类)garrulous·talkative=cloying·sweet 饶舌的·健谈的=甜得发腻的·甜的(过度·正常) clumsy [???????] adj. 笨拙的(lacking dexterity, nimbleness, or grace) (反)clumsy ◆ adept 笨拙的 ◆ 灵巧的 (同)awkward, gawky, lumbering, ungainly coagulant [????????????] n. 凝结剂(something that produces coagulation) (类)astringent·pucker=coagulant·congeal 收缩剂使收缩=凝结剂使凝结(药剂作用) (反)coagulate 凝结 ◆ liquefy溶解 dissolve溶解 thin变稀薄 coalesce [????????] v.合并,融合(to unite into a whole;fuse) (反)disaggregate 分解 polarize 两极分化 break apart 分开 (同)join, bracket, combine,relate, unite, wed coax [?????] vt. 用巧言诱哄(to influence or persuade by artful ingratiation) (类)equivocation·coax=explanation·enlighten=threat·intimidate 含糊的话为了诱哄=解释为了开导=威胁为了胁迫 (类)blandishment·coax =medal·honor=prevarication·deceive 哄诱的话用来诱哄=奖章用来给以荣誉=搪塞的话用来欺骗 (同)blandish, cajole, wheedle coda [??????] n. 终结句,乐章结尾(a concluding musical section) (类)dessert·meal=epilogue·play=coda·sonata 餐后甜点·餐食 =收场白·戏剧=乐章结尾·奏鸣曲 (事物及其尾部) (反)overture前奏 prelude序曲 (记)与coma 昏睡一起记。听交响乐时,许多人到乐章结尾时早已昏睡过去。 coerce [???????] vt. 强制, 强迫(to bring about by force or threat) (类)wheedle·cajolery=extort·coercion 用甜言蜜语骗·诱骗=强取·强迫 (同义) squander·expend=coercion·intimidate 浪费·花费=威压·胁迫(过分与正常) (反)voluntary ◆ coercion 自愿的 ◆ 强迫的 (use of force to get someone to object) (同)force, compel, concuss, constrain, oblige (记)co 共同 erce 谐音:饿死→共同饿死→因为被强制 coeval [????????] adj. 同时代的(of the same or equal age, antiquity, or duration)
(类)congruent·dimension=coeval·age 全等的·尺寸=同时代的·时代 (记)co(共同)+eval(时代)→ 同时代 cogent [?????????] adj. 使人信服的(appealing forcibly to the mind or reason) (类)cogent·convince=repugnant·repel 有说服力的·令人信服=让人讨厌的·令人厌恶(形动同义) (反)cogent ◆ unconvincing 有说服力的 ◆ 不令人信服的 (同)valid, convincing, satisfying, sound cogitate [ ?????????? ] v.思考, 考虑 cognizant [??????????] adj. 知道的(knowledgeable of something through personal - 15 - - 15 -