1 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 1 List 1 abandon-----align abacus [???????] n. 算盘(frame with balls for calculating) (类)abacus·calculated=balance·weighted 算盘·计算=天平·称量(工具及其作用) abacus·calculate=sextant·navigate算盘·计算=六分仪·航海(工具及其作用) abandon [????????] vt. 放弃(to give up without intent to return)n. 放任,放纵 (类)abandon·inhibition=voluble·terseness 放纵·压抑=罗嗦的·简洁(反义) abandon·inhibition=conscious·numbness 放任·压抑=有意识的·麻木(反义) abandon·inhibition=tranquility·agitation 放纵·压抑=冷静·激动(反义) abandon·inhibition=despair·hope 放纵·压抑=绝望·希望(反义) (反)salvage ◆ abandon 救助 ◆ 放弃(to withdraw one's support or help from) (例)He abandoned himself to despair. 他自暴自弃。 abase [??????] v. 贬低降低地位、威望或尊严(to lower in rank, prestige, or esteem) (类)abase·prestige=damp·ardor 降低·声望=抑制·热情 (动作及其相关对象) abase·status=shorten·length 降低·地位=缩短·长度 (动作及其相关对象) curtail·duration=abase·strength 缩减·持续时间=降低·力量 (动作及其相关对象) (记)a+base(降低)→贬低 (同)bemean, degrade, demean, humiliate (例)A man who betrays a friend abases himself. 叛友者实为自贬身份。 abash [?????] vt. 使不安,使愧疚(to destroy the self-possession沉着 or self-confidence of) (类)unabashed·embarrassment=unheralded·announcement 不知羞耻的·局促不安=未预告的·宣告(反义) 【注:unabashed:not abashed 意思是不知羞耻的。同undisguised, unapologetic, brazen, shameless, barefaced, blatant, brassy, brazenfaced, impudent, overbold, unblushing】 (反)embolden ◆ abash/ faze 使大胆 ◆ 使不安/ 使狼狈 (同)confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, faze (记)bash联想:bath洗澡→在别人面前洗澡是令人害羞的 abate [??????] v. 减轻,减低(to reduce in degree or intensity) (类)abate·tax=alleviate·distress 减轻·税=减轻·压力(动作与其相关对象) abate·force=fade·loudness 减轻·力量=减弱·声音(动作与其相关对象) abate·intensity=taper·width 减轻·强度=逐渐变细·宽(动作与其相关对象) abate·degree=discount·price 减轻·程度=减价·价格(动作与其相关对象) (反)intensify 强化 promote促进 augment 增加 increase in intensity 剧烈增长 (例)the storm abated slowly 暴风雨逐渐减弱。 (同)lull, moderate, relent, slacken, subside, wane (记)ab(否定)+ ate(吃)联想:不吃是为了减轻体重。 abbreviate [???????????] v. 缩写,缩短,(to make briefer) (类)abridge·word=abbreviate·letter 删减·词语=简化·文字(动作及其相关对象) abbreviation·sentence=synopsis·narrative 句子缩写·句子=叙述摘要·叙述(动作及其相关对象) abbreviation·sentence=abridgment·essay 句子缩写·句子=文章删节·文章(动作及其相关对象) (反)extend 扩增 protract 延长 (同)abridge, curtail, cut,retrench, slash (例)to abbreviate the December to Dec 把December 简写为 Dec abdicate [?????????] v. 让位,放弃(to relinquish formally) (类)abdicate·throne=recant·belief让位·王位=放弃信仰·信仰(动作及其相关对象) (反)abdicate ◆ constitute 让位 ◆ 任命 abdicate ◆ assume 放弃 ◆ 采纳 abdicate ◆ usurp 让位 ◆ 篡位 (记)ab+dic(说话,命令)+ate 联想:不再命令→退位 (同)discard, shed,slough, renounce, resign abdomen [????????] n. 腹,下腹(stomach and bowels) aberrant [????????] adj. 异常的,非常规的(deviating from the usual or natural type) (类)aberrant·standard=digressive·topic 异常的·标准=离题的·主题 (反)aberrant ◆ normal 异常的 ◆ 正常的 (记)ab+err(=error错误)+ant→走向错误→越轨的 (同)anomalous, atypical, deviant (例)a rocket on an aberrant course 逸出轨道的火箭 abet [?????] v. 帮助、支持、怂恿(to assist or support in the achievement of a purpose) (类)abet·assistance=counsel·guidance 协助·帮助=顾问·指导(同义) abet·encouragement=elucidate·clarity 协助·鼓励=阐明·清晰(行为及其结果) (反)stymie;frustrate;obstruct;thwart;impede;forestall(阻挠) (记)联想:因为一个赌,所以要帮助 (例)abetted the thief in robbing the bank. 怂恿盗贼抢劫银行 abeyance [????????] n. 中止,暂停,搁置(temporary inactivity) (反)abeyance ◆ continuance 暂停 ◆ 继续 abeyance ◆ fulfillment 中止 ◆ 施行 (同)doldrums,latency, quiescence, suspension (记)abey=obey 遵守。联想:遵守停火(暂停)协议。 (例)The law go into abeyance. 这项法律停止生效。 abhor [??????] vt. 憎恶,痛恨(to regard with extreme repugnance) (类)abhorrence·dislike=adoration·fondness 厌恶·不喜欢=崇拜·爱(程度) (反)abhor ◆ greatly admire 痛恨 ◆ 非常崇拜 (记)ab+hor(恨,怕) 参考:horrible 可怕的 (同)detest, execrate, loathe, contemn, disdain abiding [????????] adj. 永久的,持久的(to remain stable or fixed in a state) (反)evanescent;ephemeral(短暂的) (同)enduring, firm, steadfast, steady (记)来自abide容忍 联想:能忍的人能够持久地做一件事 (例)an abiding love of music. 对音乐持久的爱好an abiding friendship 永恒的友谊 abject [????????] adj. 卑微的;精神不振的(cast down in spirit) (反)exultant(得意洋洋的) spirited(生气勃勃地) exciting(兴奋的) (记)ab+ject(抛扔)→抛掉的→可怜的,精神不振的 参考:reject拒绝,丢弃;project投射 (例)He was made abject by suffering他被痛苦折磨得无精打采。 abjure [???????] v. 发誓放弃(renounce upon oath) (反)affirm 肯定 espouse支持 embrace支持(干扰:insist) (记)ab+jure(发誓)→发誓不要 参考:jury 陪审团perjury 伪证adjure恳请 conjure 恳求 (例)He abjured the errors of his former faith他发誓放弃以前信念的错误。 ablution n. 洗澡;洗礼(a washing of the body, especially as part of a religious rite) (记)词根:lut(洗)参考:dilute 稀释;另类记忆:参看pollution 联想:被污染所以要洗干净。 abnegation [??????????] v. 放弃,自我牺牲(renunciation;self-sacrifice) (反)abnegate ◆ reaffirm 放弃 ◆ 重新肯定 (记)neg(反对,否认)→放弃; 参考:negative(消极的)renege(背信,否认) abolition [????????] n. 废除,废除奴隶制 (类)anarchist·government=abolitionist·slavery 无政府主义者反政府=废奴主义者反奴隶制 (反)abolition ◆ persist in slavery 废除奴隶制 ◆ 坚持奴隶制 (记)参考:abolish(废除) abolish ◆ establish 废除 ◆ 建立 abominate [ ???????????] v. 憎恶(to hate or loathe intensely) (反)abominate ◆ esteem 憎恶 ◆ 尊敬 (同)abhor, detest, execrate, loathe (记)ab+omin(=词根:omen 预兆)→不好的兆头→憎恶;参考:ominous:预兆的,恶兆的
另类记忆:bomb(炸弹)联想:人们都很憎恶炸弹。 aboriginal [ ????????????l ] adj.土著的, 原来的n.土著居民 (记)ori(=起源,升起)参考:origin起源oriental东方的 abortive [????????] adj. 早产的, 流产的, 失败的(failing to accomplish an intended objective; fruitless) (例)We had to abandon our abortive attempts. 我们不得不放弃我们失败的尝试。 (记)Abort,Retry,Fail?异常中断,重试,失败?计算机上经常出现的提示 abound [???????] vi. 多, 大量存在, 富于, 充满(to be great in number or amount) aboveboard adj. 无欺诈的(free from all traces of deceit)adv. 光明磊落地(forthright,straight) (反)surreptitious ◆ barefaced/ aboveboard 暗中的 ◆ 公然的/ 无欺诈的 chicanery ◆ aboveboard action 欺诈 ◆ 光明磊落 abrade [?????????] v. 磨损(to rub or wear away especially by friction:erode) (类)abraded·friction=vaporized·heat 磨损由于摩擦=蒸发由于加热 (反)abrade ◆ augment 磨损 ◆ 增加 (同)corrade, erode, gall, graze, rub, ruffle, wear abreast [ ??????? ] adv 并排地,齐头并进的,比肩的(up to a particular standard or level)
(例)keeps abreast of the latest trends 与最新的潮流齐头并进。 (记)a+breast 胸 abridge [???????] v. 删减,缩短,压缩(to reduce the length of a written text;condense) (反)condensed ◆ unabridged 浓缩的 ◆ 未压缩的 (反)amplify(扩大) extend in length;protract(延长) (记)参考:abbreviate缩写;brief简报 (例)The rights of citizens must not be abridged. 公民权利不能擅予削减。 abrogate [??????????] v. 废除(法令等);取消(to abolish by authoritative action) (反)embrace支持 uphold支持 institute创立 (记)ab(否定)+rog(问)+ate→不再值得过问→干脆取消;参考:interrogate(审问) (例)This custom was abrogated years ago. 这一惯例多年前业已废除。 abrupt [????????] adj. 突然的, 陡峭的, 生硬的(unexpectedly sudden) (记)rupt折断 参考:rupture 破裂,裂开bankrupt破产corrupt v. 腐败,堕落 abscission [???????] v. 切断 (反)abscission ◆ process of grafting 切断 ◆ 嫁接 abscond [????????] v. 潜逃(to depart secretly and hide oneself) (类)abscond·leave=(steal/ pilfer)·take 潜逃·离开=偷·拿(偷偷与正常) abscond·depart=secrete·store=lurk·wait 潜逃·离开=隐藏·储藏=埋伏·等待
scheme·plot =follow·shadow=leave·abscond 策划·阴谋=跟随·尾随=离开·潜逃 (记)abs(离开)+cond(隐藏) 参考:recondite(深奥的)condiment (调味品) absentminded adj.心不在焉的,茫然的 absolute [?????????] v. 绝对的,无限制的(complete;totally unlimited;certain) (类)inevitable·chance=absolute·variability不可避免不会偶然=绝对不会改变(反面特征) (反)absolute ◆ qualified 绝对的 ◆ 有限制的 absolve [???????] v. 赦免;使无罪(to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt)
(类)exculpatory·absolve=motivational·stir=hortative·encourage 辩解的·赦免=激发的·煽动=劝告的·鼓励(目的) (反)inculpate 治罪 indict起诉 (记)ab+solve(解决) 联想:问题解决→无罪赦免 参考:solvent(可溶解的) (同)exempt, discharge, dispense, excuse, relieve (例)They agree to absolve us from our obligation. 他们同意免除我们的责任。 absorb [ ??????? ] vt. 吸收, 吸引;对光线吸收(不反射) (反)exude流出;dissipate驱散 reflect反射 abstain [????????] v. 主动戒绝,自我抑制 (to refrain from something by one's own choice) (类)mandatory·comply=forbidden·abstain 强制的·服从=禁止的·戒除(前者要求后者) (记)ab(否定)+ stain(污点) 联想:不要污点→主动戒绝坏毛病 (例)abstain from traditional political rhetoric. 避开不用传统的政治修辞 abstemious [???????????] adj. 有节制的(restraint especially in the consumption of food) (类)reticent·talk=abstemious·gorge 沉默寡言的很少谈论=节制的不贪吃 (类)abstemious·indulge=austere·decorate有节制的不放纵=简朴的不修饰(反面特征) 参考:timeworn·novelty=convolution·simplicity 陈旧·新颖=复杂·简单(反义) 【干扰:austere·decorate】(注意反面特征关系与反义关系的不同) (反)abstemious ◆ indulgent 节制的 ◆ 放纵的 abstract [?????????] vt. 1. 摘要,提炼, 抽象化 2. 心不在焉 (反)abstract ◆ elaborate 提炼 ◆ 使复杂 abstraction ◆ attention 心不在焉 ◆ 关注 (记)abs+tract(往外拉)联想:摘出 参考:tractor 拖拉机 retract 撤回,收回 abstruse [?????????] adj. 深奥的(difficult to comprehend;recondite) (类)abstruse·comprehension=indiscernible·vision 深奥的·理解=看不见的·显现(难以) (反)accessible(可了解的)patent(明显的) (记)abs(不)+trus(进入,推)→不能进入→深奥的 参考:protrusion伸出 intrusion侵扰
truss (支架:起到支撑,推一把的作用) (例)Your statement is a bit too abstruse. 你的话很难理解。 absurb [ ??????? ] adj.荒谬的, 荒唐可笑的(insane,loony;preposterous) (反)rational 理性的sensible有判断力的 abundant [?????????] adj. 丰富的,盛产,富于 (反)infrequent, rare, uncommon; inadequate, scanty , scarce abuse [???????] v. 辱骂,毁谤(to attack in words;revile)滥用,虐待 (类)declamation·grandiloquence=diatribe·abuse 雄辩·夸夸其谈=恶骂·辱骂(同义) 【注】grandiloquence:a pompous style in language;declaim:to speak pompously (类)polemic·disputatious=invective·abusive 好争论的·好争辩的=漫骂的·辱骂的(同义) diatribe·abuse=burlesque·mockery 恶骂·辱骂=讽刺的嘲笑·嘲笑(同义) (例)verbal abuse. 污言秽语 to abuse a privilege 滥用特权 to abuse a horse虐待一匹马 (记)ab(表否定)+ use(用)不怎么好好用→滥用 abut [ ????? ] v. 邻接, 毗邻(lie adjacent) (类)contiguous·abut=simultaneous·coincide毗邻的·毗邻=同时发生的·同时发生(形动同义) (记)观察:a和b在字母表中毗邻;u和t 在字母表中也毗邻→邻接, 毗邻 abysmal [????????] adj. 深不可测的,无底的(immeasurably low or wretched) (类)stygian·dark=abysmal·low 极黑的·黑=极深的·低的(程度) (记)来自:abyss(深渊)a+byss(谐音:必死)联想:一个人跳入深渊必死。 acarpous [?????????] adj.不结果实的(effete, no longer fertile, worn out) (记)carpo-前缀,表示果实 参考:carpodermis果皮 accede [???????] v. 同意(concede)加入(条约)(to become a party to an treaty) (反)demur (反对) (记)cede(放弃,割让)→放弃自己的意见→同意;参考:concede让步 recede后退 academic [ ?????????? ] adj. 学院的,学术的,理论的 (记)参考:academician 学会委员,院士,大学生 accelerate [???????????] v. 加速,促进(to move faster:gain speed) (类)accelerate·speed=prolong·duration 加速·速度=延长·持续时间(动作及其相关对象)
expedite·process=accelerate·pace 促进·过程=加速·步调(动作及其相关对象) (反)accelerate ◆ retard 促进 ◆ 阻碍 - 1 - - 1 -
2 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 2 (记)celer (速度)→加速 参考:celerity(敏捷,速度) accentuate [????????????] v. 重读, 强调(to stress or emphasize; intensify) (记)ac(加强)+cent(=cant唱,说)+uate→重读;参考:accent 重音 access [??????] n. 通路(passage),入口 vt. 接近 accessible [?????????] adj. 易接近的;可理解的(easy to approach;obtainable) (类)cache·hidden=summit·inaccessible 隐藏处是隐藏的=顶点是难以达到的(正面特征) (反)abstruse ◆ accessible/ patent 深奥的 ◆ 容易理解的/ 明显的 (记)来自access (通路,入门)cess(走)参考:success,process accessory [?????????] adj.附属的(additional object;useful but not essential thing) (反)accessory ◆ of primarily importance 附属的 ◆ 主要的 (记)刚入门(access)一般都要当下属。参考:process 过程 (例)accessory of a bicycle 自行车的附件 accidental [???????????] adj. 意外的,偶然的(occurring unexpectedly or by chance) (类)inventiveness·accidental=effect·casual 创造发明·意外的=必然结果·偶然的(反面特征) 【注】effect:something that inevitably follows an antecedent 必然结果 (反)safeguard·accident=hedge·loss 安全装置·事故=篱笆·丢失(防止关系) intentional·accidental=arrogant·humble 故意的·意外的=傲慢的·谦逊的(反义) (记)cid(落下)→意外的 联想:苹果落下是意外的,但牛顿从中发现必然的规律。 参考:incident(事件,事变) deciduous(每年落叶的) acclaim [ ??????? ] n/v. 称赞,欢呼(to praise enthusiastically and often publicly) (同)commend,applaud,compliment,hail,kudize,praise,recommend (派)acclaimed adj. 受欢迎的 acclimate [?????????] vt. 使适应气候环境(to adapt to a new climate, environment) (反)acclimate ◆ make unfamiliar with 使适应 ◆ 使不熟悉 (记)ac+climate(气候) 联想:适应气候、环境 acclivity [ ??????????] n. 向上的斜坡(an upward slope, as of a hill) accolade [????????] n. 推崇备至,赞扬(an expression of praise) (反)accolade ◆ cutting remark / speak ill/ derogate 称赞 ◆ 苛评/ 挑毛病/ 贬损 accolade ◆ criticism/ excoriate /disapprobation 赞扬 ◆ 批评/ 严厉的责难/ 不赞成 accolade ◆ reprobate/ reproof /denigration 极力赞扬 ◆ 斥责/ 谴责/ 毁誉 accolade ◆ swearword / denunciation / castigation 极力赞扬 ◆ 咒骂/ 谴责/ 斥责 (记)cola 联想可乐,可乐产品在全球得到赞誉 (例)The play received accolades from the press. 这部戏受到报纸的称赞。 accommodate [??????????] v. 提供方便(to provide with something desired as a helpful service) (类)obliterate·remove=accommodate·supply 删除·除去=提供方便·供给(同义) (记)参考:commodity n.日用品,商品(用来提供生活上的方便) accomodating adj. 能够通融的,乐于助人的 accompany [?????????] vt. 陪伴, 伴奏 accomplice [?????????] n.同谋,帮凶(one associated with another especially in wrongdoing) accomplish [?????????] vt. 完成, 实现(to succeed in doing; bring to pass) (记)参考:accomplished 娴熟的;有造诣的:毫无疑问的;不容置疑的 accord [ ???????] vt.使符合,使一致(to cause to conform or agree; bring into harmony)n.一致 (记)参考:in accord with 和?一致 accost [??????] vt. 问候,致意(greet, hail, salute)大胆靠近(to approach boldly or in a challenging or sometimes a defensive manner) (类)accost·approach =importune·request 大胆靠近·接近=不断要求强求·要求 (前者是后者的特殊方式)干扰:(bequest·give)(glorify·praise) (例)We were accosted by a beggar who demanded money. 我们大着胆子靠近一个要钱的乞丐。 accountability n. 有责任,有义务 (记)来自account 帐目,说明 accret [???????] v. 逐渐增长(to make larger or greater, as by increased growth) (类)accrete·growth=erode·destruction=inch·advance 渐增是逐渐增长=腐蚀是逐渐破坏=缓慢移动是逐渐前进 强调逐渐的过程(干扰:endure·tolerance同义) (反)accrete ◆ wear away 渐增 ◆ 销蚀 accretion ◆ reduction in substance caused by erosion 渐增 ◆ 因腐蚀减少 accrue [ ?????? ] vi.自然增加, 产生 accumulate [?????????????] vi. 积聚,堆积(to gather or pile up especially little by little;amass) (反)dissipate ◆ accumulate 消散,浪费 ◆ 积累 accurate [????????] adj. 正确的, 精确的 accuse [ ??????? ] v. 谴责,指责(to charge with a shortcoming or an erro) acerbic [?????????] adj. 酸的,涩的(acid in temper, mood, or tone) (反)acerbic ◆ sweet 酸的 ◆ 甜的 acerbity ◆ saccharin 酸 ◆ 糖精 (记)a+cer(谐音:涩)或者从形近词acid(酸的,刻薄的)角度进行记忆 acidulous [ ?????????? ] adj. 微酸的,尖酸刻薄的(slightly sour in taste or in manner) (记)acid酸 参考:acidity 酸度,酸性 achromatic [???????????] adj. 非彩色的, 无色的(possessing no hue) (类)achromatic·hue=extraneous·essence=transitory·permanence 无色的·色调=无关的·本质=短暂的·永久 (记)a(表示无)+chroma(色彩)→无色的 acknowledge [?????????] vt.承认(to admit the existence, reality, or truth of) acme n.顶点,极点(the highest point or stage) (类)acme·mountain=crest·wave 山顶·山=浪尖·海浪 (事物及其顶点) acme·surpass=impossible·execute 顶点无法超越=不可能的无法执行 (同)apex , apogee climax, peak, pinnacle, summit zenith acolyte [????????] n.侍僧, 助手 (记)谐音“爱客来的” 联想:爱客人来的助手 accorn [???????] n.橡树果, 橡子 acoustic [?????????] adj.有关声音的, 声学的 acquaint [????????] vt. 使熟知,通知(to make familiar : cause to know firsthand) (记)参考:acquaintance认识,熟人 acquiesce [???????] v. 勉强同意;默许(to accept tacitly or passively) (类)intransigent·acquiesce=deferential·offend 不妥协的·默许=恭敬的·冒犯(反面特征) (反)resist 抵制 defy 抗拒 (记)ac+quiesce(=quiet安静) 联想:保持沉默→默许 (同)assent, accede, agree, consent (例)We acquiesced in their plan. 我们只得默认他们的计划。 acquisition [?????????] n. 获得(the act of acquiring) (反)divestiture ◆ acquisition 剥夺 ◆ 获得 【注:divest :v. to deprive or dispossess especially of property, authority, or title】 (记)来自acquire 获得,得到。参考:acquired 后天努力得到的acquisitive渴望获得的,贪婪的 acre [?????] n. 英亩 (类)ream·paper=acre·land 纸的单位·纸=亩·土地 acquit [ ?????? ] vt. 宣告无罪(to free or clear from a charge or accusation) acrid [??????] adj. 辛辣的,刺鼻的(sharp and harsh in taste or odor) (类)acrid·odor=grating/ piercing·sound 刺激的·味道=刺耳的·声音(形修饰名)
acrid·gentleness=forthright·guile 辛辣的·温和的=直率的·狡诈(反面特征) (反)acrid ◆ gentle 辛辣的 ◆ 温和的 acrimonious [????????????] adj. 刻薄的(caustic especially in feeling, language, or manner)
(反)acrimonious ◆ harmonious 刻薄的 ◆ 和谐融洽的 (记)acri(尖,酸)→刻薄的 (例)His tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his audience. 说话刻薄的习惯使他疏远了听众。 acrobat [ ?????????] n.杂技演员, 随机应变者 (记)acro高+ bat走 →高空行走(如阿迪江)→杂技演员 参考:acrophobia恐高症acronym首字母缩写词 actuate [ ????????? ] vt. 促使 (记)act行为+uate→使有作为→促使 参考:activate 刺激,使活泼 acuity [ ?????????] n. 锐利,视力或观察力敏锐;敏捷(acuteness of vision or perception; keenness) acumen [?????????] n.敏锐,聪明(keenness and depth of perception) (类)alacrity·prompt=acumen·shrewd 敏捷·快速=敏锐·干练(同义) (反)acumen ◆ unable to discerning 敏锐 ◆ 不能辨别的 (记)acu(尖)+men →敏锐 参考:acupuncture 针灸 (例)His business acumen helped him to succeed where others had failed. 他在商业上的敏锐帮他在其他人失败的地方获得成功。 acute adj. 敏锐的,锐角的;(医)急性的(having a sudden onset 发作, sharp rise, and short course)
(类)perspicacity·acute=caprice·whimsical 敏锐·敏锐的=反复无常·多变的(名形同义) (反)acute ◆ mild 急性的 ◆ 温和的 (例)acute disease. 急性病 adage [??????] n. 谚语(a saying often in metaphorical form that embodies a common observation)
(同)saying, word, proverb, saw 谚语, byword 格言,谚语,笑柄 (记)ad+age(时代)联想:谚语在不同时代都禁得起检验。易混淆:badge徽章 adamant [????????] adj. 坚硬的;固执的,不动摇的(unshakable especially in opposite) (类)adamant·flexibility=refractory·control 坚固不柔软=难以操作的不可控制 impossible·execute=adamant·move 不可能的不可操作=顽固的不改变路线 (反)vacillatory 动摇 incline to yield 容易妥协的 (记)a+dam大坝+ant 一个大坝上的蚂蚁;如果不够固执和坚强,千里之堤,如何毁于蚁穴呢? (例)He was adamant in his determination to punish the corrupt officials. 他下了决心,坚决惩治那些贪官污吏。 adapt [??????] vt. 修改,使适应(to bring into correspondence or make suitable) (反)adapt 修改 ◆ remain unchanged 保持不变的 (例)a species that has adapted well to winter climes. 很适应冬天气候的物种 (记)ad+apt(灵巧的,适当的;本身就是一个词啊) addendum [??????????] n. 附录,补遗(a supplement to a book) (类)addendum·document=postscript·letter 附录附属于文件=附言附属于信件 (记)由add 而来,参考另外一词:append 附加,添加 addict [??????] v. 沉溺,上瘾(to devote(oneself)to something habitually) (类)disabuse·error=rehabilitate·addiction 打消错误念头·错误=回到从前状态·上瘾(动作与其相关对象) inured·tolerance=addicted·dependency 习惯的容易忍受=上瘾的容易依赖 (记)ad+dict(要求)→不断要求→上瘾 参考:dictator独裁者 addition [???????] n. 加;增加物 (例)Our baby brother is an addition to our family. 新出生的弟弟使我们家多了一口人。 (记)in addition (also;as well as也;另外,加之) in addition to(over and above; besides 加于?之上;除?之外又) additive:adj. 附加的n.添加剂 address [ ?????? ] v. 致词(to deliver a formal speech to)对付,处理,着手解决(to deal with)
(例)He addressed himself to the problem. 他忙于处理问题。 adhere [??????] v. 依附,粘着(to hold fast or stick by gluing or grasping) (反)adhere ◆ detach 依附 ◆ 分离 adherent ◆ forerunner 追随者 ◆ 先行者 adjacent [??????????] adj.邻近的,接近的,毗邻的(close to;lying near) adjourn [???????] vi. 延期,休会(to suspend a session indefinitely or to another time or place)
(类)convoke ◆ adjourn 召集,召开会议 ◆ 休会,中止 (记)ad+journ(=journey旅行)→ 因为旅行停止开会。参考:journal 刊物 journalism新闻学 (例)The meeting will be adjourned till next Wednesday. 会议暂停,下星期三继续举行。 adjudicate [ ???????????? ] v. 判决, 宣判, 裁决 (记)来自judge法官 参考:judicious明智的;prejudice偏见,成见 adjunct [????????] n. 附属物,附件(something added to another thing but not essentially a part of it)
(类)adjunct ◆ essential element 附属部分 ◆ 基本部分 (记)ad(增加)+junct(结合,连接) 联想:加上连接→附属物 参考:conjunct 结合的,共同的 adjure [??????] vt. 恳请,(以起誓或诅咒等形式)命令 (记)参考:perjury 伪证 abjure发誓放弃 conjure 恳求 adjust [ ??????? ] vt.调整,使适合 adjutant [ ??????????] n. 副官,助手 ad-lib [???????] adj. 即兴的(spoken, composed, or performed without preparation) (类)ad-lib·impromptu=side·divergent 即兴的·即兴的=偏向一侧的·偏离的(同义)
administration [ ??????????????? ] n. 管理, 行政部门 admission [???????] n. 许可入场,录取(the act or process of admitting) (记)参考:admit允许admissible可容纳的,可允许的 admonish [????????] v. 告诫,责备 (to reprove or express warning in a gentle, earnest manner)
(类)peccadillo·sin 小罪·罪(小和正常) 不确定:admonishment·castigation =告诫·苛责(程度) admonish·denounce=punish·pillory 告诫·公开责备=惩罚·示众(一般/ 公开关系) pretense·deceive=admonition·reprove 伪装是一种欺骗=告诫是一种责备 alibi· exculpate=warning·admonish 用托词的方式来辩解=用警告的方式来告诫 (记)参考:monitor 班长,监视器(负责监督) (同)reprove, chide, monish;rebuke, reprimand, reproach (例)He admonished those frantic football fans to change their wicked ways. 他告诫那些疯狂的足球迷们改变那种捣蛋的做法。 adobe [ E5dEubi ] n.砖坯, 土坯 (记)美国Adobe公司, 是著名图形软件photoshop等的生产商 区别:abode住所 adolescent [ ??????????? ] adj.青春期的 n.青少年 adopt [ ?????? ] vt. 收养,采用 (记)ad+opt选择→采用 参考:option 选择 adore [?????] vt. 崇拜,热爱,非常喜欢(to regard with loving admiration and devotion) - 2 - - 2 -
3 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 3 (类)adoration·affection=abhorrence·dislike=fascination·interest 崇拜·好感=痛恨·讨厌=强烈爱好·爱好(程度) adulate·fawn=woo/ love·adore 谄媚·奉承=热爱·崇拜(程度) (记)ad+ore说→表白崇拜之情 参考:inexorable无情的oration演说,致词 (派)adorable 可崇拜的,可爱的 adorn [ ?????? ] v.装饰 (记)ad+orn装饰 参考:ornament 装饰 suborn贿赂 adroit [ ????????] adj.熟练的,敏捷的 adulate [?????????] v. 谄媚,奉承(to flatter or admire excessively or slavishly) (类)fulminate·criticize =adulate·flatter 严责·批评=谄媚·奉承(程度)(干扰:relate·narrate同义) aversion·disinclination=adulation·admiration 厌恶·不愿=谄媚·赞赏(褒贬程度) (反)scorn 咒骂 disdain 轻蔑蔑视 vituperate辱骂 disparage 贬损 adulation ◆ somber affection 热烈的赞扬 ◆ 低沉的感情 adulterate [???????????] vt. 掺杂,掺假 adj. 伪造的,掺杂的 (类)embellish·austere=adulterate·pure 装饰·朴素=掺杂·纯净 (消除关系) adulterate·purity=enervate·vigor 掺杂·纯度=衰弱·活力(消除关系) adulterate·pure=bolster/ brace·weak=dismantle·unity 掺杂·纯净=支持·不牢固=拆除·整体(消除关系) demanding·satisfactory= closed-mind·sway (注:词性不对) 苛求的·满意=死心塌地的·动摇(难以)(干扰:adulterate·pristine掺杂的不纯净) (反)tainted ◆ unadulterated 弄脏的 ◆ 没有搀杂的 adulteration ◆ purification 掺假 ◆ 净化 (例)adulterate coffee with ground acorns; 在咖啡中掺入磨碎的橡树子 (记)与adulate和adulter(成年人)一起记;成年人爱干一些阿谀奉承,掺假使坏的事情。 adumbrate [??????????] vt. 隐约预示(to suggest or disclose partially) (反)revelation ◆ adumbration 显示,揭露 ◆ 有保留的揭示 (记)ad+umbra(=shadow 影子)+ate 联想:事情有影子→预示 参考:umbrella 伞 advent [ ????????] n.不寻常事物的出现,到来 (例)the advent of the computer. 计算机的出现 adventitious [????????????] adj. 外来的,非与生俱来的(not inherent but added extrinsically) (反)constitutional, essential, intrinsic; inborn, inbred, innate, inherent adventure [ ??????????] n. 冒险, 冒险的经历 v. 冒险 (派)adventurous adj.喜欢冒险的, 敢做敢为的 adversary [?????????] n. 敌手,对手(an opponent; an enemy) (类)supplicant·humility=adversary·resistance 恳求者·谦卑=对手·反抗(正面特征) (反)ally ◆ adversary 联盟 ◆ 敌手,对手 (记)参考:adverse 敌对的, 相反的 adversiy 不幸,灾难 versus与?相对 简写:vs adversity [ ?????????? ] n.不幸, 灾难, 逆境(a state of hardship or affliction; misfortune) advert [???????] vi. 注意,留意 n. 广告(to turn the mind or attention) (反)advertent ◆ inattentive 留意的 ◆ 不注意的 inadvertence ◆ careful attention 疏忽 ◆ 仔细留意 (例)advert to a problem. 注意到一个问题 advertise [?????????] vt. 广告(to announce publicly esp. by a printed notice or a broadcast) (类)advertising·commercial=publishing·journal 广告·电视或广播广告=出版·期刊(种属) advisable [ ?????????? ] adj.可取的, 明智的(worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent) advisory [ ???????????] adj. 顾问的, 咨询的, 忠告的 advocate [????????] vt. 主张,提倡(to plead in favor of) (反)advocate ◆ denounce 主张 ◆ 谴责 (记)ad(增强)+voc(声音,叫喊)+ate 联想:大声叫喊→主张;参考:revoke 废除 (例)He advocates building more schools. 他主张多建几所学校。 aegis [ ??????? ] n. 盾,保护,庇护 (例)a child whose welfare is now under the aegis of the courts. 儿童福利现在处于法庭的保护之下 aerate [???????] v. 充气(to supply or impregnate with air) (类)aerate·oxygen=hydrate·water 充气·氧气=使成水化合物·水 (反)aerate ◆ remove air from 充气 ◆ 放出空气 (记)aer(气:air的变形)+ate(表动作)→充气 参考:aerial空气的aeronautics航空学 aesthetic hero: cynical 英雄:玩世不恭的 [?????????] n. martyr: impatient 烈士:不耐烦的 美学 philanthropist : selfish 慈善家:自私的 (类)agnostic: intuitive 不可知论者:直觉的 aesthetitraitor : careful 叛徒:谨慎的 cs·beauty=epistemology·knowledge 美学·美=知识起源学·知识 gourmet·food=aesthetic·art 美食家·食物=美学·艺术 (记)esthete:词根“感觉”;本身是一个词:美学家。参考:anaesthesia 麻醉(无感觉) affable [??????] adj.易于交谈的,和蔼的(characterized by ease and friendliness) (反)rascible易怒的 testy暴躁的 (记)参考fable(寓言,说)联想:通过寓言向人们和蔼的讲道理。参考:ineffable 不能说的 (例)an affable smile. 慈祥的微笑 affectation [ ?????????????] n.假装, 做作(a show, pretense, or display;artificiality) affected [????????] adj. 假装的,做作的(assumed artificially or falsely) (类)posturer·unaffected=bigot·tolerant 装腔作势的人不矫揉造作=顽固不化的人不宽容 (反)affected ◆ natural 做作的 ◆ 自然的 affected ◆ artless 做作的 ◆ 朴实的 affection [????????] n. 爱,情感 (类)kiss·affection=shrug·indifference 吻表达友爱=耸肩表达冷漠 swagger·bravado=caress·affection 大摇大摆出于虚张声势=爱抚出于爱情 mercurial·mood=fickle·affection 多变的情绪=善变的感情 (反)antipathy 厌恶 (记)affect (影响) 好影响(affection),坏影响(affectation)参考:affectionate爱的 affidavit [??????????] n. 宣过誓的书面陈述(a sworn statement in writing made esp. under oath)
(类)affidavit·statement=wedding·ceremony 宣誓过的书面陈述·陈述=婚礼·仪式(种属) (记)fid(相信)参考:confidence 信心,保密 confide vt. 倾诉,委托 perfidy 背叛 affiliate [??????????] v. 使成为会员,结盟(to bring or receive into close connection as a member) (反)affiliation ◆ dissociation 结盟 ◆ 分裂 (记)fili(子女)参考:filial子女的 affinity [????????] n. 天然倾向或喜好(implies a susceptibility or predisposition on something)
(反)aversion厌恶 repugnance厌恶 antipathy 厌恶 (例)He have an affinity for mathematics. 他天生喜欢数学。 affirm [ ?????? ] v. 断言, 确认, 肯定 affix [ ?????? ] vt. 使附于, 粘贴 n. 词缀(prefix前缀;suffix后缀) affluent [????????] adj. 丰富的, 富裕的(having a generously sufficient material possessions)
(反)needy 非常贫困的 impecunious贫困的 (记)flu(流动)+ent 联想:不断流入→富裕的 afflict [ ??????? ] vt.使痛苦, 折磨 affront [ ??????? ] n/ vt. 公开侮辱, 冒犯, 面对 (例)Such behavior is an affront to society. 这种行为是对社会的蔑视 aftermath [?????????] n.结果, 后果(a consequence, especially of a disaster or misfortune) agenda [????????] n. 议程(a list or outline of things to be considered or done) (类)minute·agenda=log·itinerary 会议记录·议程=航海日志·行程安排 syllabus·course=agenda·meeting=itinerary·trip=program·concert 教学大纲安排课程=议程安排会议=行程表安排旅程=节目程序安排音乐会 agape [ ?????? ] adj.adv. 大张着嘴的;目瞪口呆地 agglomerate [ ??????????? ] n.大团, 大块 adj.成块的, 凝聚的vt. 使成团, 使成块, 使凝聚 aggrandize [??????????] vt. 增加,夸大(to make appear great or greater:praise highly)
(反)disparage贬低 relegate降级 efface抹掉 (干扰:undermine破坏) (记)grand (大) 参考:grandiloquent 夸张的,夸大的 aggravate [?????????] vt. 加重,恶化(to make worse, more serious, or more severe) (反)console ◆ aggravate grief 抚慰,安慰 ◆ 加重悲伤 (反)alleviate 减轻 succor援助,减轻(to go to the aid of :relieve) (记)grav(重)→加重 aggregate [?????????] n. 集合体 v. 集合,合计(to collect or gather into a mass or whole)
(反)disaggregate ◆ coalesce 分散 ◆ 接合 aggregate ◆ isolated units 集合体 ◆ 隔离的单位 aggregate ◆ disperse 聚集 ◆ 分散 disaggregate ◆ join together 分解 ◆ 连接,结合 (记)greg(团体) 联想:集合;参考:gregarious(社交的,群居的) list 2 aggressive ------- arachnid aggressive [????????] adj. 好斗的,侵略性的(Inclined to behave in a hostile fashion) (反)even-tempered 性情平和的 【注】even adj. 平的,公平的,偶数的 参考:even-handed 公平的 (例)an aggressive young executive. 一个进取心很强的年轻管理人员 aggrieve [???????] vt. 使委屈,使苦恼(to give pain or trouble to) (反)gratify 使满足 (同)distress,constrain, grieve, hurt (派)aggrieved 悲痛的,被错误对待的,受委屈的(Treated wrongly) aghast [???????] adj. 惊骇的, 吓呆的 (记)源自 ghost 鬼 agile [???????] adj. 敏捷的, 轻快的, 灵活的 agitate [ ????????? ] v. 搅动, 煽动,激动;使不安,使焦虑 (类)agitated·frenetic=literate·erudite 激动的·极度激动的=有文答案:(C) 化的·博学的(程度) insurgent·rebel=incendiary·agitate 叛乱分子·叛乱=煽动
者·煽动 (正面特征) agnostic [ ????????? ] n. 不可知论者 COWARD: BRAVE 懦夫:勇敢的 agog [?????] adj 热切渴望的;极度兴奋的(eager) (类)interested·agog=careful·meticulous 感兴趣的·热切的=仔细的·小心翼翼的(程度) agony [??????] n. 苦恼,极大的痛苦(intense pain of mind or body) (类)painful·agonizing=important·paramount 痛苦的·极大痛苦的=重要的·最重要的(程度) - 3 - - 3 -
4 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 4 agonized·distress=obsessed·concern 极大痛苦的·苦恼=困扰的·关心(程度) agrarian [ ?????????? ] adj.有关土地的, 耕地的,农业的 (类)agrarian·farming=mercantile·trade 农业的·农业=商业的·商业(名形同义) (记)agr(农业)参考:agriculture农业;agronomy农学 agreeable [ ???????? ] adj. 使人愉快的, 惬意的, 适合的(to one's liking;pleasing) ailment [ ???????? ] n. 小病, 不适(a mild illness)(注ail :trouble;be ill生病) airborne [ ??????? ] adj.空气传播的, 空降的, 空运的 airtight [???????] adj. 密闭的,不透气的(impermeable to air or nearly so) (类)foolproof·fail=airtight·leak 极其可靠的不会出故障=密封的不会泄漏 【注】foolproof :adj. so simple or reliable as to leave no opportunity for error or failure alabaster [ ?????????? ] n.雪花石膏 adj.雪白的 (记)ala—上海方言;联想:上海人的皮肤白→雪白的 airy [ ??????] adj. 通风的(open to the air);轻快的(light-hearted; gay);空洞的,不切实际的 alacrity [?????????] n. 敏捷,轻快;渴望,乐意(promptness in response:cheerful readiness) (类)alacrity·prompt=acumen·shrewd 敏捷·快速=敏锐·干练(同义) alacrity·apathetic=temerity·timid 渴望·缺乏感情的=卤莽蛮勇的·胆怯的(名形反义) husbandry·dissipate=alacrity·procrastinate 节约·浪费=敏捷·延迟(反义) (反)alacrity ◆ hesitance and reluctance 乐意(敏捷,欣然) ◆ 犹豫和不情愿 (反)dilatoriness 迟缓,拖延 hesitance 犹豫,踌躇 (例)He accepted the invitation with alacrity 他欣然接受了邀请。 albeit [?????????] conj. 尽管,虽然(表示让步和转折) (例)clear albeit cold weather. 虽然天冷但仍很晴朗 albino [?????????] n. 白化病 (an organism exhibiting deficient pigmentation) (类)albino·pigment=prairie·tree 白化病缺乏色素=大草原缺乏树 alchemy [???????] n. 炼金术(medieval chemistry) (类)alchemy·chemistry=false drug·treatment 炼金术·化学=假药·治疗(种属,特征\假\) alcove [ ??????? ] n.凹室, 壁橱(niche,recess) alert [ ?????? ] adj.提防的, 警觉的(vigilantly attentive)n. 警报 alias [ ??????? ] n.别名, 化名(an assumed name) alibi [???????] n. 托辞,借口,辩解(an excuse usually intended to avert blame or punishment) (类)alibi· exculpate=warning·admonish 托词目的是辩解=警告目的是告诫 alibi·exculpate=sophism·deceive 托词目的是辩解=诡辩目的是欺骗 alienate [????????????] v. 疏远(to make unfriendly, hostile, or indifferent) (反)unite 联合 reunite 重新联合 (同)estrance, alien, disaffect, disunify, disunite, wean alight [ ???????] vi. 飞落,下车 adj.点着的(lighted)照亮的(Illuminated) align [??????] vt排成一行,调准(to be in precise adjustment or correct relative position);结盟 (反)aligned ◆ improperly adjusted 准确调整的 ◆ 调整不当的 aligned ◆ irregular 排成一行的 ◆ 不规则的 aligned ◆ askew/ awry 排成一行的 ◆ 歪斜的 aligned ◆ warped 排成一行的 ◆ 弯曲的 (例)aligning the wheels of a truck. 调整卡车的轮子 We must align ourselves with the workers. 我们必须和工人们站在一起。 (记)a+lign(=line直线,排队) alimentary [ ?????????????] adj.食物的, 营养的(concerned with food, nutrition, or digestion) allay [?????] vt., 缓解(assuage) (反)(excite/ arouse/ foment)激化,激起 (干扰:compel 强迫) increase the intensity of 加重 exacerbate恶化 (例)We expect a breeze to allay the heat.我们希望一阵风能够缓解热浪。 (记)all+lay谐音“累”→都累了 联想:大家都累了,需要缓解一下压力。 allege [ ?????? ] vt.宣称,断言,指控 (例)The police allege that the man was murdered but they have given no proof. 警方称这名男子被人谋杀,但并未提供任何证据。 (派)allegedly adv.依其申述;涉嫌 alleged声称的,所谓的,涉嫌的allegation无证据的指控 allegiance [??????????] n.忠诚,拥护(devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause) (类)renegade·allegiance=apostate·faith 背信弃义者缺乏忠诚=背教者缺乏信念 pundits·authoritativeness=partisans·allegiance 博学者权威=拥护者忠诚 (记)谐音all+legiance 全立正,表达忠诚 比较:allegation·allegiance·allergy·allege 主张/拥护/过敏/宣称 allegory [ ???????? ] n.寓言 allergy [ ??????? ] n. 敏感症;反感 (派)allergic过敏的,对??反感的 alleviate [??????????] v.缓和,减轻to make(as suffering) more bearable (类)alleviate·strength=dampen·ardor 减轻·强度=使沮丧·热情 alleviate·intensity=console·grief 减轻·强度=安慰·悲痛 (反)exacerbate恶化 increase intensity加强 (记)lev(轻)参考:levity(轻率) alley [????] n 小巷,胡同 alliterate [??????????] v. 押头韵(the repetition of initial consonant sounds) (类)alliterate·remove=blazon·efface 押头韵难以删除=纹章难以拭除 (例) \ allocate [ ??????????] vt.分派, 分配(to distribute according to a plan;allot) allopathy [ ?????????] n.【医】对抗疗法(反:homeopathy 顺势疗法) allowance [????????] n. 定量(a fixed or available amount) (类)pittance·allowance=rivulet·stream 少量·定量=小溪·溪流 (小与正常) (例)We were provided an allowance of time for recreation. 我们拥有定量的娱乐时间。 alloy [ ??????] n.合金,混合物 vt. 融合,混合(to combine; mix:) (派)unalloyed 纯粹的 allude [??????] vi. 暗示,间接提到(to make indirect reference) (类)intimate·communicate=allude·refer 暗中传达·传达=间接提到·提及 【注】intimate :to make known subtly and indirectly;hint 暗示 (反)allude ◆ mention explicitly 暗示,暗指 ◆ 明白的提及 allure [ ?????? ] v. 诱惑,引诱(to attract with something desirable;entice) (派)alluring诱人的 allusion [?????????] n.间接提及,暗示(an implied or indirect reference especially in literature)
(例)Without naming names,the candidate criticized the national leaders by allusion. 没有指出姓名,候选人间接批评了国家领导们 alluvial [ ????????? ] adj. 冲积的, 淤积的 ally [?????] n. 同盟(a sovereign or state associated with another by treaty or league) (反)adversary / rival 敌手 (记)与alley小巷,小径易混。从读音上区分:all+ly(=lie)→都撒谎 联想:盟国之间都撒谎
almond [ ??????? ] n.杏树, 杏仁 aloft [??????] adv. 在空中(in the air;especially:in flight) (反)founder ◆ stay aloft 沉没 ◆ 在空中 grounded ◆ aloft 着陆的 ◆ 在空中 (记) loft(阁楼)联想:空中楼阁→在空中 参考:lofty崇高的,高傲的 aloof [??????] adj. 孤高的, 不合群的(removed or distant either physically or emotionally) (类)politic·offend=aloof· associate 精明的难以得罪人=孤高的难以联合 gregarious ◆ aloof 爱社交的 ◆ 孤高的 (例)the aloof composer neither worried nor cared about public opinion. 这个孤高的作曲家既不担心也不关心公众的意见。 (记)a+ loof(=roof):一个人在屋顶上,又孤又高。 alphabetical [???????????] adj. 按字母顺序的(arranged in the order of the letters) (类)dictionary·alphabetical=annals·chronological 字典按字母顺序排列=编年史按时间顺序排列 (记)alpha和bet 是希腊字母A和B的读音。(学数学时经常用到啊) alter [ ?????? ] v.改变 alternate [ ?????????? ] adj. 交替的, 轮流的, 取代的,供替换的v. 交替, 轮流 n.候选人,替代性选择 alternative [ ???????????? ] n. 替代性选择,选择余地 adj. 二中选一的;标新立异的 (记)一定要与alternate区别开。两者词义有交叉也有不同 (例)We have no alternative but to go on. 除了继续下去,我们没有选择的余地 altercation [???????????] n.争论, 口角 altitude [ ?????????? ] n.海拔高度;高处 altruism [?????????] n. 利他主义(devotion to the welfare of others) (类)altruist·selflessness=connoisseur·expertise 利他主义者具有无私品格=鉴赏家具有专门技术 (反)altruism ◆ egocentric 利他主义 ◆ 利己主义 (egoism) (记)alter(=other 其他)参考:alternate 交替的,轮流的 aluminium [ ????????????? ] n. 铝 adj.铝的 amalgamate [???????????] v. 合并,混合(to merge into a single body) (反)separate 分开 isolate 隔离 amass [ ????? ] vt. 收集, 积聚(尤指财富) amateur [ ?????????] n.业余爱好者 (记)ama(=amor爱)参考:amorous恋爱的 amateurish 业余的 enamored倾心的 ambience [ ?????????] n.气氛,情调(a feeling or mood associated with a particular place) ambiguous [??????????] adj. 含糊的,不明确的(doubtful from obscurity) (类)equivocation·ambiguous=platitude·banal 模棱两可的话·含糊的=陈词滥调·陈腐的 ambiguous·understand=blatant·ignore 不明确的不容易被理解=明显的不容易被忽视 ambiguous·clarity=mendacious·truth 模棱两可·清楚=虚假的·事实 equivocation·ambiguous=oxymoron·incongruous 模棱两可·不明确的=矛盾修饰法·不调和的 (反)watershed◆routine 重要转折点◆日常生活 (记)ambi(二)→双重意义→含糊的 ambivalent [???????????] adj(对人、事物)有矛盾心理的,摇摆不定的 amble [?????] vi. 漫步,溜达(to walk slowly or leisurely;stroll) (类)amble·walk=chat·talk=doodle ·draw 漫步·步行=闲聊·谈话=乱画· 画 tint·suffuse=amble·wander 轻微着色·弥漫充满=溜达·到处溜达,漫游(程度) (反)amble ◆ step quickly 漫步 ◆ 快走 (记)amble(=ambul 走) 参考:ambulance 急救车 ambulatory 走动的,流动的 ambrosial [???????????] adj. 特别美味的(delicious) (类)mellifluous·music=ambrosial·food 悦耳的音乐=美味的食物 - 4 - - 4 -
5 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 5 【注:skit (a brief burlesque) anecdote (a short interesting narrative)】 [????????????] vt. 改善,改良,变好(to make better or more tolerable) (类)ameliorate·improve=admonish·caution 改善·改进=告诫·警示(同义) anemic [????????] adj. 贫血的, 乏力的(lacking force, vitality, or spirit) (反)ameliorate ◆ aggravate 改善 ◆ 使恶化 (反)anemic ◆ strong/ hale 贫血的◆强壮的/ 健康的 damper ◆ amelioration 抑制 ◆ 改进 (记)a+nem(血)+ia 联想:无血的疾病→贫血 比较:amnesia·anemia 健忘·贫血 (记)ameli 谐音:爱美丽 联想:爱美丽所以要不断改善自己。 anesthetic [??????????] n. 麻醉剂,麻药(lacking awareness or sensitivity) amenable [?????????] adj. 愿服从的,通情达理的(responsive to advice, authority;tractable) (类)analgesic·pain=anesthetic·sensation 止痛剂·疼痛=麻醉剂·感觉 (反)intransigent 不妥协的 inimical 敌意的 aseptic·disinfections=anesthetic·numbs 防腐剂·消毒=麻醉剂·麻木 (记)a-men联想基督教祷告语阿门,再联想基督教徒是通情达理的。 pain·analgesic=sensation·anesthetic 疼痛·止痛剂=感觉·麻醉剂 aseptic·disinfections=anesthetic·numbs 防腐剂·消毒=麻醉剂·麻木 amendment [ ???????????] n. 改善, 改正;修正案 (反)sensation ◆ anesthesia 感觉 ◆ 麻醉 (记)an(否定)+esthete(感觉) 联想:没有感觉→麻醉 amenity [?????????] n. 适意(agreeableness),礼仪(courtesy)便利设施(convenience, facility) (类)amenity·comfortable=honorarium·grateful 便利设施令人舒适=谢礼用以表达感谢 anguish [ ??????? ] n. 极度痛苦(agonizing physical or mental pain; torment)v. 使痛苦 (记)由a-men继续联想,基督教徒是讲礼仪的。 angular [????????] adj有角的;瘦骨嶙峋的 amiable [????????] adj. 亲切的,和蔼可亲的(being friendly, sociable, and congenial) (记)来自angle角 (反)inimical 有敌意的 anhydrous [??????????] adj. 无水的(free from water) amicable [????????] adj. 友善的,和平的(friendly, neighborly) (反)anhydrous◆wet 无水的◆潮湿的 (反)asperity ◆ amicableness 粗暴◆友善 (记)an(无)+hydr(水)→无水的 参考:hydrate与水化合 (记)观察amiable;amicable两词的区别在中间的a和ca,ca谐音为客。联想amicable 为好 客的,即强调对外界人物的态度友好,而amiable强调本身的性格。 animate [ ???????? ] adj. 活的,有生气的 v. 鼓励 (反)lassitude◆vim/ animation 疲倦,疲乏◆精力/ 生气 amity [?????] n.友好, 亲善关系(friendship;especially: friendly relations between nations) (记) 联想animal,动物不知疲倦,有着勃勃生机。比如我们往往用“野兽”形容一个人精力(反)enmity, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, hostility; conflict, contention, discord, dissension 旺盛 amnesia [ ????????? ] n. 健忘症 ankle [ ??????] n. 踝,脚脖子 (记)a(否定)+mnes(记忆)+ia(病)→记不住的病→健忘症 animosity [ ????????????] n.仇恨, 憎恶 amnesty [ ?????????] n. 特赦 (记)a(否定)+mnes记忆→不再记着罪过→赦免,特赦 animus [???????] n.敌意(hostile feeling or intent) amoral [ ???????? ] adj. 与道德无关的;不懂是非的 (反)animus ◆ friendliness 敌意 ◆ 友好 (例)Young children are amoral. 小孩子是不懂是非的。 (记)anim=animals动物+us我们 联想:动物与我们之间存在着深深的敌意。 (记)区别:immoral不道德的,邪恶的 amorous [ ??????? ] adj.色情的, 含情脉脉的, 表示爱情的 annals [?????] n. 纪年表,年鉴,年报(a record of events arranged in yearly sequence) (记)amor爱神丘比特 参考:amateur业余爱好者 amour偷情 (类)dictionary·alphabetical=annals·chronological 字典·依字母顺序的=年鉴·按年代顺序的(事物及其编排方式) amorphous [????????] adj. 无定形的(having no definite form ) (记)ann(年,一年)参考:annual 每年的,一年一次的 (类)amorphous·shape=errant·course=wandering·course=equivocal·meaning 无定形的·形状=路线不定的·路线=漫游的·路线=模棱两可的·意义 annoy [?????] vt. 使苦恼,骚扰,惹恼(to disturb especially by repeated acts) (记)a(无)+morph(形状)→无形状的 (类)testy·annoy=tractable·control 易怒的·惹恼=易于管教的·控制,管理(容易被) patronizing·condescending=peeved·annoyed amortize [?????????] v. 分期付款 使领情的·使领情的=气恼的·恼怒的(同义) (记)a+morti(谐音:茅台)联想:茅台很贵,所以一瓶茅台也要分期付款 annexation [ ???????????? ] n.合并 ample [ ????? ] adj. 充足的, 丰富的 annihilate [ ???????????] vt. 消灭, 歼灭(to destroy completely) (记)ampl(大)参考:amplitude 广阔,丰富 amplify 放大,增强 (记)nihil (无)参考:nihil无,虚无 nihilism虚无主义nil没有,零 amputate [ ????????????] vt.截肢(amputee截肢者) annotate [ ??????????] v.注释, 评注(to make critical or explanatory comment) amulet [????????] n. 护身符(an object worn as a charm符咒 against evil or injury) (类)amulet·evil=helmet·injury 护身符防邪恶=头盔防伤害 announce [ ??????? ] vt. 宣布,宣告 amuse [ ????????] vt. 娱乐,使发笑,使愉快 annoy [ ??????] vt.使苦恼, 骚扰(to disturb or irritate especially by repeated acts) anachronistic [??????????????] n. 时代错误,不合时代的人或事 adj.时代错误的 annul [?????] v. 宣告无效,取消(to declare or make legally invalid or void) (记)ana(错)+chron(时间)参考:chronic慢性的 (反)annul ◆ make legal 宣告无效 ◆ 使合法 annul ◆ reaffirm 宣告无效 ◆ 重新确认 anaerobic [???????????] adj. 无氧能活的(living in the absence of free oxygen) (记)an+nul(=null零)→取消 参考:nullify取消 (反)anaerobic ◆ living in oxygen 无氧能活的 ◆ 生活在氧气里的 anaerobic ◆ require oxygen 无氧能活的 ◆ 需要氧气的 anomalous [?????????] adj. 不规则的,反常的(abnormal;irregular) (记)an(无)+ aero(空气)→无氧能活的 (类)anomaly·paradigmatic=blemish·flawless 异常的人·模范的=缺点·无缺点的 (反)anomalous ◆ typical/ conformity to norms 反常的 ◆ 典型的/ 符合规范的 analgesic [????????????] n. 镇痛剂(insensibility to pain without loss of consciousness) (记)a(不,无)+nomal(正常的)→不正常的 (类)analgesic·pain=anesthetic·sensation=simplify·complexity 止痛剂·疼痛=麻醉剂·感觉=简单化·复杂性(消除关系) anonymous [?????????] adj. 匿名的(not named or identified) pain·analgesic=sensation·anesthetic=symptom·palliative (类)anonymous·identify=nonchalant·excite 匿名的·识别=冷淡的·使兴奋(难以) 疼痛·止痛剂=感觉·麻醉剂=症状·缓和的(消除关系) (记)an(无)+onym(名称)+ ous 联想:没有名称的→匿名的 tonic·invigorate=analgesic·deaden 补药·使健壮=止痛剂·使麻木(药品及其作用) soporific·alertment=analgesic·pain 安眠药·警醒=止痛药·疼痛 (药物及其消除对antagonize [???????????] vt. 使成敌人,敌对,反对(to incur or provoke the hostility of) 象) (类)cowardice·intimidate=choler·antagonize 懦弱·胁迫=愤怒·敌对(容易被) (记)an(否定)+alg(痛)→镇痛剂 参考:algetic adj. 疼痛的 nostalgia n. 乡愁,思乡病 (反)antagonize ◆ placate/ mollify/ propitiate 引起敌意 ◆ 抚慰,消除敌意 synergic ◆ antagonistic 协作的,合作的 ◆ 敌对的 analogy [ ????????? ] n.类似,相似;类推,类比 (记)ant(反)+agon(打斗,比赛) 联想:对抗 analyze [ ???????? ] vt.分析, 分解 antedate [ ???????????] vt. 将时间提前;先于,前于 (例)That event antedated World WarⅡ. 那事件发生在第二次世界大战之前。 anarchist [????????] n. 无政府主义者(one who rebels against any authority or established order)The cold weather antedated their departure. 寒冷的天气使他们提前离开。 (类)anarchist·rebel=apologist·defend 无政府主义者·谋反=辩护者·辩护(正面特征) antediluvian [??????????????] adj. 上古的, 史前的(antiquated;ancient) (反)anarchy ◆ order 无政府状态,混乱 ◆ 次序,规则 (类)antediluvian·age=colossal·size 古老的·年代=巨大的·尺寸 (记)an+archy(统治)→无政府 参考:anarchy无政府状态 (记)ante(前面)+diluv(洪水)→洪水来临之前→上古(大禹后来开始治水) anathema [????????] n. 诅咒,咒逐(one that is cursed by ecclesiastical authority) antenna [ ??????? ] n. 天线,触角 (类)anathema·curse=theocracy·state 神的诅咒·诅咒=神权国家·国家 (反)panegyric ◆ anathema 赞扬 ◆ 诅咒 anterior [?????????] adj. 前面的, 在前的(coming before in time or development) (反)anterior ◆ ensuing 前面的 ◆ 后来的 ancestor [ ???????? ] n.祖先, 祖宗 (同)antecedent n. 先辈;先例 adj.先行的 former,precedent, previous, prior anchorite [?????????] n.隐者, 隐士 anthology [??????????] n. 诗集,文选(a collection of selected literary works of art) (类)compendium·summary=anthology·collection 概略·概要=文选·文集(同义) ancillary [?????????] adj. 补助的, 副的(SUBORDINATE, SUBSIDIARY) (记)antho-(前缀:花)+ log(=leg 采摘,聚集)→花的集合→文选 (反)ancillary ◆ paramount 辅助的,次要的 ◆ 最主要的 参考:anthomania 花痴 legion 军团,众多,大批 (记)an+cillary 谐音:一个希拉里。联想:希拉里是克林顿的助手 antic [??????] adj 古怪的, 滑稽可笑的(characterized by clownish absurdity) anecdote [?????????] n. 轶事,趣闻(a usually short narrative of an interesting incident) (类)facetious·speech=antic·behavior 爱开玩笑的·谈话=滑稽的·行为(修饰关系)
(类)anecdote·amusement=lecture·instruction 轶闻·娱乐=演讲·教导 (同)fantastic,bizarre,grotesque skit·play=anecdote·narrative 滑稽短剧·戏剧=趣闻·叙事(双重对应:短且有趣) (记)ant+ic 联想:蚂蚁也用ic卡 →可笑 ameliorate - 5 - - 5 -