Electron-Phonon Interaction in an Annular
Quantum Dot
XIE Wen-Fang;WU Bo;XIE Hong-Jing
【期刊名称】《理论物理通讯(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2008(049)002
【摘要】The confined longitudinal-optical (LO) phonon and surface-optical (SO) phonon modes of a free-standing annular cylindrical quantum dot are derived within the framework of dielectric continuum approximation. It is found that there exist two types of SO phonon modes: top SO (TSO) mode and side SO(SSO) mode in a cylindrical quantum annulus. Numerical calculation on CdS annulus system has been performed. Results reveal that the two different solutions of SSO mode distribute mainly at the inner or outer surfaces of the annulus. The dispersion relations and the coupling intensions of phonons in a quantum annulus are compared with those in a cylindrical quantum dot. It is found that the dispersion relations of the two different structures are similar, but the coupling intension of the phonon-eleetron interaction in quantum annulus is larger than that in quantum dot. The Hamiltonians describing the free phonon modes and their interactions with electrons in the system are also derived. 【总页数】11页(493-503) 【关键词】
Electron-Phonon Interaction in an Annular Quantum Dot