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作者:雷爱文 童华 万晓霞 来源:《科技创新导报》2016年第17期
摘 要:中国文化遗产蕴含着中华民族特有的精神价值、思维方式、想象力,体现着中华民族的生命力和创造力,是各民族智慧的结晶,也是全人类文明的瑰宝。敦煌莫高窟是著名的世界文化遗产,莫高窟壁画以其精美的图像、深刻的历史价值受到广泛的重视。然而,敦煌壁画由于受到当地的自然环境和人文环境的影响,以及壁画制作材料和制作工艺等内在因素的作用,产生了多种病害,如壁画起甲、空鼓、大面积脱落、烟熏、霉变、酥碱以及变色等。矿物颜料变色机理的研究主要有以下几个困难:(1)目前已有的实验仪器仅仅只能单一检测某一种元素的变化,而不能同时实现多种元素及多种化合物变化的检测;(2)现实生活中,矿物颜料变色是一个较为漫长的过程,不适合实验室研究,短期内无法获得较为真实确切的成果;(3)矿物颜料变色是一个多因素影响的过程,这为该研究工作带来巨大的困难。基于以上研究背景与困难,该研究对矿物颜料变色机理的研究提出了一条全新的研究思路。首先,利用X-射线同步辐射技术研究敦煌壁画颜料颜色变化的机理。X-射线同步辐射技术具有通量大、亮度高、频谱宽、连续可调等特点,在研究矿物颜料表面化学组分、表面结构、表面原子态和电子态具有其他仪器无法具备的优势。并且能够在不破坏样品的情况下分别选择性地研究各种组分的变化;其次,实现矿物颜料的加速老化实验,极大缩短了矿物颜料颜色变化时间,能够在短期内对颜料变化过程进行全面的研究,并且能够控制多因素对颜色变化的影响。基于光谱的文化遗产颜色再现的方法可以降低传统颜色再现方法所固有的同色异谱问题,实现设备无关、场景无关、观察者无关的无条件颜色再现。该报告研究了高光谱分辨率和高空间分辨率的文物颜色环境无关数据获取方法,建立了敦煌颜料光谱数据集,基本实现了基于光谱的喷墨颜色真实再现。通过色域判断的方法,建立了5类光谱分色子模型,通过光谱色域映射的方法实现了光谱真实色彩再现。以敦煌典型颜料样本集为例,进行了精度验证。光谱误差以均方根误差RMS表示,色度误差以CIEDE2000色差形式表示。实验结果为:光谱误差RMS=0.0326;色度误差DE2000(D50/2)=3.541;DE2000(A/2)=3.268;DE2000(F1/2)=3.497;该结果表明,该文提出的方法对于各类样本集皆具有理想的色彩再现精度。
关键词:文化遗产 敦煌壁画 物质基础 X-射线同步辐射 老化实验 光谱预测 颜色再现 敦煌颜料 同色异谱 喷墨再现
Abstract:The cultural heritage of the Chinese nation contains the unique spiritual values, ways of thinking, imagination, embodies the vitality and creativity of the Chinese nation, and is not only the crystallization of the wisdom of the whole nation, but also a treasure of human
civilization. Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is the famous world cultural heritage. The Mogao Grottoes
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murals gain prominence owing to the profound historical value and exquisite image. However, due to influence of the local natural and humanities environment and the painting materials and fabrication process, the Dunhuang murals are faced with the problems, such as flake, Konggu, chip, smoked, mildew, efflorescence and discoloration, etc. The study on the mechanism of mineral pigment discoloration mainly has the following several problems:(1) the currently available instrument can only detect the change of just one element a time, and can not do it simultaneously;(2) the color change of mineral pigment is a long process in real life, which is not suitable for experimental research in short term;(3) the color change of mineral pigment can be affected by multiple factors. All the above reasons make this research difficult. Based on the above research background and difficulties, we put forward a novel method to the study of the mechanism of mineral pigment discoloration. First of all, the mechanism of the color change of Dunhuang mural pigment can be studied by using the X - ray synchrotron radiation. X - ray synchrotron radiation technique has the merits of high flux, high brightness, wide spectrum, continuously adjusted, in the study of mineral pigment surface’s chemical composition, surface structure, surface atomic and electronic states, which other instruments do not have. X - ray synchrotron radiation has the ability to study different components selectively without destroying samples. Secondly, accelerated aging test of mineral pigment can greatly shorten the time needed for the color change of mineral pigment, so a comprehensive study on pigment change process and multiple factors on the color change can be done in a short time. Spectral-based color reproduction of culture heritage can reduce the metamerism problem in the tranditional color reproduction workflow and fulfil the devices-independent, scenes-independent and observers-independent color reproduction. It ultimately achieves the goal of high precision color reproduction of cultural heritage.
Key Words:Cultural heritage; Dunhuang murals; Material foundation; X-ray synchrotron radiation; Aging test; Spectral prediction; Color representation; Pigments used in Dunhuang; Ink jet printing; Metamerism